
I heard that diesel was $2.75. People in Rio Grande and So. Calif are crossing over. Get this, its refined in the states!
they don't have to keep all the goverment employees in their high paid jobs and welfare cheats getting their checks that screw the rest of us.
for those of us in il we have no good governor that
has to fly to and from chicago every day as he ain't man enough to tell his wife we're moving to springfield.
Mexican gas and diesel is heavily subsidized by the government. They have one oil company, PEMEX. You would have to search far and wide before you could find a more corrupt company than them. A lot of the profits from the high price of oil never make it back to the state coffers, it disappears into "bolsa izquierdas" or left hand pockets! Mexico's infrastructure would be as good, or better than ours if all their oil money went where it was supposed to.

As for price of gas, check out Venezuela. I think it is less than 25 cents a gallon, but heavily subsidized. Every time the government tries to raise the price, bloody riots break out. Thats what happens when people become to dependent on hand outs. Chavez would like to sell this gas to other countries at the current price, but domestic consumption due to low prices won't let him.
When i was in equador, gas translated from Liters to $1.22 a gallon. Diesal was $1.25. Subsizided
Uhhhummmmm, wait a minute. If the Mexican oil company is raking off profits that never make it to their state coffers @ $2.50 a gallon, what does that say about our system at $4.00 a gallon?
I read somewheres like 2 week ago diesel was only 2.25 down there. Maybe they raised the prices some to get back at their northern neighbors. At least our gas is not as high as it is in some other places!
$2.50 a gallon would be really great, but I would not trade my my land on which I fly the flag everyday. I have abundant food which can be grown on my place or bought just about at every corner. I guess what I am saying is that we in this country have so much more to be grateful for that we really do need to stop and see how good we do have it. Cheaper gas is some thing we all would like, but lets not look the gift horse in the mouth. If we continue to cut consumption and make alternative energy sources an honest thought, I think the ol oil price will come down. Heck fo as much as we have here within our grasp. and we cant even tap into them. Then I guess we are gonna be paying high for a while.
If you were watching the nightly news tonight, they showed some market analyst testifying before a Congressional committee that if futures trading were regulated properly that the price of gas would drop by 50%. It was CBS.
Well what you waiting for? Go on down to Mexico and get a job down there making $1/hour and enjoy the cheap gas.If it was such a good down there they'd have the Illegal Immigration problem not us.
Exactly! They export, not import, so all they oil they produce comes from "PEMEX" wells. All they have to pay is production cost which may be as low as $2 a barrel, depending upon the well and area. Everything else is pure profit.
Sounds like a bunch of political grandstanding to me...don't forget, this is an election year. It seems reasonable that market speculation may have some effect on the price, but doubling the price of oil on pure speculation is nonsense.

Don't believe everything you hear on the news (or read on the internet, for that matter)

before everybody jumps on the cheap mexican diesel heres a thought,a good friend of mine bought a 07 dodge diesel pickup, he spent the winter down in old mexico enjoying the various things mexico has to offer, but, the dodge quite running! since it was under warranty, and he can afford to,he had it shipped back to the dealer he bought it from, [ and im sure his opinion on dodges accompanied the truck] anyway to make a long story short, the injector pump was damaged, they said by the low grade diesel in mexico, dodge wasnt responsible, deemed ' owner abuse' and the new pump ect cost him almost 6 grand! now go fill 'er up, your luck may be better
If I remember right, the oil company in Mexico is government owned.I think it Pemex) They are also drilling offshore. Cuba is now drilling offshore in the Gulf and the technicians are Chinese. Tehy will be slant drilling towards Florida pretty soon getting the oil from underneath us. Nuff said Henry
We are refining their oil. Why are we refining their stuff? What kind of crooked deals do the feds and oil companies have with Mexico? Seems to me that a cost of a product ranging from 12 cents to $12 a gallon reakes of a ton of rats in the wood pile. An $11 spike in the cost of a barrel a few days back. Did I miss out on a war starting? Or was there a hurricane in the gulf? Did the oil companies loose half of their refining capacity from an earthquake I didnt hear about? Did OPEC cut their production? What happened there? Duh! If Mexican oil is so crooked and I know they are, you have to wonder how crooked our country is and how crooked other countries must be at $12 a gallon.
Speculators are responsible for the price of oil.In 2006 the law was changed to where they can call a future stock the real thing,since a future oil barrel has not been pumped yet,they(speculators)claim thats a shortage and run the price up.Now other crooks invest in this crooked market companies 401K money,and hope everybody doesnt find out and the stocks go up.Just like always before,these stocks are going to fall,and because thats what is causing the dollar to be inflated,its really going to devastate the economy,again.
I am fairly sure there will be a few that attack what I just posted.Its true.I am too tired to argue this time.I dont care what they say,they know its true or they wouldnt attack me.Mexico doesnt play future trading games.They are plenty crooked,but not as crooked as this bunch obviously.
I just returned from Mexico and yes gasoline is about $2.50 a gallon. I was told that the reason that Mexico fuel is cheaper is because they have lots of crude oil, as we all know. BUT,, they don"t have the refining capacity to turn the crude into gasoline and diesel. So, guess where they send the oil to get it refined. As Scott said,,, right here in the USA. Makes one wonder what kind of a deal they"re getting on the refining.
If anyone can find this information on the net,, please publish it so we can all see what"s going on.
With the amount of cars, buses and trucks I witnessed in Mexico City,, they must use an awful lot of fuel.
I was curios what everybody kept referring to in 2006. Sounds like the Enron thing 10 fold. So who changed it to this, wasn't our congress was it? roll-eyes
The oil nations pointed out just last week that the oil price thing is due the speculator. The hedge fund guy's have to be reeling in billions on our backs at the gas pump. The EPA for the most part has stopped the building of more refineries is the USA. So only the same amount of fuel is mades as in the past. Now the summer blend for large cities is a pain and I gets less mileage on the summer blend so I use more gas. When I am 50 miles out in the country BP gas is up to 25 cents less. Citco near me is asking 5.19 for diesel no line.
I looked for that article for a while in hopes that I could find the exact law and see if I could find who voted for it.So far no luck,Ill look some more.Seems like it was in July of 2006,but not sure.Anyway,some would want us to believe that speculation has nothing to do with high gas prices.I watched the news on channel 4 in Kansas City this morning and it was as if the newspeople on that channel,while reporting it,tried to make it sound like it was not a big deal.Starting to look like the usual method of operation,also I think that particular station is from Kansas.Real biased towards the nnalert side,Kansas is.Adding 2 and 2 together and my opinion just as good as theirs,I think it says real rich people decided to do this,and have enough money to make it hard to find out just who did it.Lots of rich people play with stock markets,especially futures for some reason,must be the return.Anyway,this answer is starting to get far too complicated.I doubt that anything is going to get done about it.All politicians create problems,then offer a cure when it looks like they can suck up the glory.I think this one is thought up by nnalert,and after things go their way,if they do,they will pass a law that says there wont be any more trading like this,and the"nnalert"will save the day by lowering gas prices.Suddenly the news media will have an epiphany and the clouds will clear,the sun will shine down,and the nnalert will be the ones that"figured out"that speculators were causing the high prices.They will get it lowered about 50 cents and you will say,"wow now thats cheap gas prices",and the World will continue turning.This just being my opinion,until I find whats really behind it,if I do,may or may not be worth much.It could also be the closest thing to the truth you are going to hear.I think its rich people,nnalert,or rich people using nnalert,and even crooked nnalert to cause a big problem with oil prices.Next they are already hinting(nnalert are)that if external_link is elected there will be all kinds of things happen that will make fuel even go higher.A war with Iran on the top of the list,but they could come up with lots of stuff.According to their methods they usually use,they will use these high prices to crash the stock market.Not sure when,but its like its a real good chance of it happening.It could be if they win the election though that its set up to crash.I think there is a real good chance that a nnalert will be the next President,and it might not even be McCain.
After saying all of that,I think that the price of oil is going to fall some time,when most of the market least expects it,then only the real rich people,the ones who routinely inside trade,will profit big on it.They also have like a hidden stock market that you cant get into unless you have lots of money,and whatever it says on the news that the stock market does,it wont even affect the big money people.They will make lots of money either way.They play both sides against the middle.Even the crooks in Mexico will make lots of money by selling us oil at inflated prices per barrel.Somewhere there is a story by George Carlin that explains it far better than I can,all about how there is a big organization that you dont belong to,that runs everything.Politicians are in it to make you think you have a choice,but somebody has already chosen for you.Something like that.It kind of makes you mad,but deep down you know old George Carlin was right.RIP George Carlin.

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