Dumb neighbor?

Gun guru

Well-known Member
Where I live a neighbor about a 1/4 mile down the road drives back into the woods to my house and says, "my dog is loose, here is my biz card call me if you see it" Now I see this guy driving around a lot looking for his dog, mostly driving up my next door neighbors driveway. I told him, Oh yeah is it a Rotweiler, he says no it is a German Sheppard/Lab Mix. Then I said I saw your dog last week walking through my yard and it scared the crap out of my son (7 years old) and I almost shot your dog. The guy gave me a "Oh Schitt" look. I then looked him right in the eye and said, You need to keep your dog in a fenced yard. This guy is one of those Yuppie looking guys that couldnt change the oil on a car/truck or tractor if the filter was right in full view of his face.
I hope this moron got the message.
All this happened on Sunday afternoon.
I dont pay high taxes to let his dog run around loose on my land.
I would like to get a paintball gun for the dog, or rub grease and oil all over the dog the next time I see it and have the dog go back home and mess up the carpet and furniture.
He didn't learn you can bet money on that !!!!

Next thing you know you will be writing here how his dog got hit on the road and he was over crying to you about it.
Only good thing in your letter was the idea to coat the stray dog with grease and ick.
Your neighbour might be a harmless fellow who can count above 10 wihtout taking his shoes off. He may even be a skilled and respected expert in an area most of us can"t even spell.
He may even be one of those kind generous types that would help anybody out. He might even personally support missionaries with 10,20,30 thousand a year of his yuppie income.How much do you put in the offering plate?
Trust me, he is a nicer neighbor than I am. I don't allow large dogs to run free around my home where my grandchildren spend a lot of time. If your dog were to hurt one of my grandchildren, it wouldn't be just the dog I would shoot.
$20 every week. Of course $20 dont buy much these days. I support one mission church by me sending money to have the gospel preached to the ends of the earth.
But I still dont like dogs running loose on my land, and....Jesus said in Luke 22:36 "If you dont have a sword sell your cloak and buy one". I take that as protect your family.
Have a nice day.
I ain't telling you and I ain't telling the IRS what I put in the offering plate, my Bible says that's between me and the Lord.
just go to walmart or some cheap department store chain and get a paint ball... that will sure bruise the dog up... and you should rub the dog in grease and then as it runs off i would maybe pop a paintball on its hindend so when it goes in his house to sit down he gets paint and grease on the carpet..... hahaha probably to mean but it will get your point across....
Hmmm, around here we look out for each other, livestock, pets, equipment etc. You know, the golden rule. I am not saying your take on the bible is wrong, you really just need to do a little more reading in it maybe?
It sure is obvious who the dog lovers are and arent on this thread.

I will ask the dog lovers some questions: Are you insured if your dog bites someone? What would you do if a neighbor delivered dog droppings with a shovel onto your porch? (would you get the message then)?
What about dead grass from dog urine? Why do people let their dogs run loose?---maybe cause They dont want to be responsible for their own pets. Please dont give me that "my dog doesnt bite" crap....Did you yank the dog's teeth out?
I had to deal with the dog problem(s) at my old house.....real bad too, dog *oop all over, barking/growling at me on my property, running after my truck. No body wanted to lock their dog up. Another neighbor called animal control and some hillbillys got a ticket, solved the problem for a while until they got another dog a year later.
I really should not have to be deal with dogs that are not mine. Right!
I am glad you agree.
now you boys aint playing nice, the problem with these yuppies is while the're probably mechanical idiots and only good for entertainment value in the country, they also tend to know lawyers, judges ect,in the city, NOW take it from me THIS is how you handel yuppies mutts, first go down to your local sporting goods/huntin store, get you a bottle of "skunk essence" uhh... dont get this crap on you! next time poochie comes to visit, pet him while gently dribbling the skunk stuff all over him, pooch isnt hurt this way, the yuppies house stinks really bad, yuppie also stinks bad while trying to give poochie a bath or several, you get a real good joke on him, and its all attributed to natural causes ! works good, [ 3 times and counting]
You need to sit down and take a serious look at your life and your morals buddy.I seem to remember a fellow that had lost a couple of dogs and was looking for them.Found one dead by the road the next day.Was'nt that you sir? My memory may not be correct about that but,anyway the fellow was really saddend when he found his dog.We may be hillbillies here in the south but we look out for our neighbors and vice versa.And we would never harm someones pet just because it came onto our property.And if it chase a cow or bark at a child all we would have to do is let it be known and the problem would be taken care of.We had some people who think like you that moved in here once.No sooner than they got moved in they started trying to get everyone in the community to fence their pets,keep kids in the house and try to run their business.They were from the city and had not a clue about how to get along with people.They did not last long here.My neighbors are important to me and me to them.There is no doubt if i'm in need they will be there.I would never for any reason take a paint ball or grease or anything and put it on an animal.People who treat other folks like that are not welcome here.We do not judge people here according to the way they look.I hope for your sake and the people who live around you that you change your attitude about things.Asking the man to keep his dog at home is fine but,harming any animal is not.
A couple of notes on dogs and neighbors:
1) the last "strays" that came onto our place didn't belong to yuppies, the belonged to a longtime hunter/ local who, when we called him after they slept in my barn for 3 days, said he had "let 'em out for some exercise".
2) When my neighbor's mutt came over and howled at my two little corgis, they tore the $h!t out of it. In order to keep the peace, I paid a $900 vet bill for a damn dog that you could replace at the pound for nothing. You'd think I had gone in his house and raped his wife- but his damn dog came on to MY property is what started it.
I put my back pasture in feild wire and turn my dogs out there- but his damn mutt has free rein of the entire area. By the way, i bought my place from him for top damn dollar.

Three things I know of that will turn neighbor against neighbor: Surveyors, equipment and dogs
what does being a dog lover have anything to do with it, I tend to at least try to get along with the people i live near, and I dont assume they cant change their oil based on how they are dressed. Im gonna assume however you are the type of neighbor someone else pointed out you were
Don't get yourself involved in a civil case by actually doing what you said in your last sentence.
around here if your dog goes to neighbors to chase cattle or bark at kids its a dead dog .If it just comes for a short visit on its way by its ok . A good dog stays home .if it don't stay home its not a good dog . This all depends on how close your neighbor lives I have a neighbor 1/4 mile away I have seen his dogs in my pasture and that is fine its rite at the end of his driveway. But if they chase cattle or eat out of my dog dish more then once there dead and the neighbor agrees. In my 50 years I have only shot 1 dog but have had to warn people a few times .once they were going into a farrowing house and carring out live pigs .
It's not the dogs fault. If you tried to harm the dog and it bit you, you'd deserve it. One of our neighbors had a white dog get in his yard and chase some cattle. He told us about it because we had a white dog. He wasn't real mad. He was just informing us. We always kept are dogs on a chain unless we were outside with them. Turns out it was another neighbors dog that is also usually tied up but got away. I'm sure glad the neighbor with cattle didn't shoot our dog. He wouldn't hurt a fly. He didn't even care if a magpie was between his front paws, while he layed down, and ate his food. We wouldn't have a mean dog. I had a neighbors dog come and keep me company a few weeks ago. Two dogs came running over to me with their tails wagging. One went back and the other one just followed me around and kept me company for a couple hours. She was really friendly and I even gave her a bite of my sandwich. Really nice golden lab. She finally heard them calling her and decided to go home. I enjoyed the company and thought it was kind of funny. Dave
I don't think letting your dog stray off your property is a good idea. I'm sure you've all heard of cases where a bunch of "good" dogs got together in a pack at night and started chasing or killing livestock. The owners never believe their pets could be responsible, not until Rover is shot dead in a field next to a mutilated calf.
I've run stray dogs off, taken them home when I knew where they lived, never shot a neighbor's dog. I have had dogs that would run off, but they weren't mean dogs, but it was a pretty rare occurence. And your neighbor was looking for his dog, sounds like he is trying to be responsible. I can say that I have great neighbors, never seem to have a problem.
Hey Gun Guru, sounds like you're a little trigger happy to me.Why would you harm or destroy a neighbors dog just for running across "your" land. That's not right and probably against the law. You don't sound like country folks when you talk like this, you sound like one of those yuppies..........rw
From the sounds of it his dog got loose and he is trying to find it. Shame on him for going thru the effort.

I am sure you have never had an animal get loose, and would completely understand if your yuppie neighbor shot your cow in his front yard because he was worried it might hurt one of his kids.
One dog can be really nice. Two dogs can get into trouble. Three plus dogs can do a lot of harm.

Now, if I know the dog, or at least know it belongs in the neighborhood, I'll chase it off if I think that is necessary. Some other dogs from a little further away will wander this way once every year or so. A couple of shots from a .22 usually sends them scurrying home without problem.

What happens every couple of years is a rash of dogs being dropped off on the side of a quiet country road (ie: just down the road from our property). I know these dogs don't belong. It's not their fault that there loser owners can't face the responsibilities they accepted. These dogs also get chased off, but if they don't stay gone, sometimes other actions are necessary. I don't really like killing things. I like life and have a respect for the Creator of life. I will kill, but I prefer to take other actions.

That being said, I don't like wandering dogs. In northeastern MN where we came from, there were no wandering dogs. Wolves and coyotes made fairly short work of them. Around here we only occasionally have problems with wandering dogs. It is amazing the kind of trouble that a group of dogs can get into.

of course not, lanse, if we all got along, the only ones left to agrevate would be our wives, and they get mean! and if we start up with them, they'd make us live in the barn with the animals
I'd have to say if a neighbors dog actually latched onto my son, that particular dogs future would look fairly grim..........

However, if all that actaully happened was the dog barked at junior, ran away after a few choice words were shouted in its direction, and the owner actually came looking for it.........I'd have to say water under the bridge, $hit happens,.............even to those who cant change oil...........

If the dog stopping by for unscheduled visits became a regular occurance, despite several polite comments made to the owner regarding those visits, the grease/oil trick couldn't hurt................
there is a difference between doglovers an being neighbors.
hope you never need anything or any help from a neighbor.
here in our neighborhood i dont thing there is any dogs fenced or tided up. if they chase the cattle or other critters they are dealted with, all others come to visit an then go home. you just need a old farm cat, we have one here that will put any dog in its place.
I respect dogs and animals.I also respect people and neighbors.If my dog gives you problems call and tell me and i will take care of the problem.If it trys to harm you or yours protect yourself as you see fit.But do not mistreat it in the ways you stated in your post.And don't shoot it just because you don't like it.You may think that you are ten feet tall and bullet proof but one day you may need your neighbor from down the road.I sure hope if he stops to help if he were to find you pinned under your tractor or something.Being good and decent will reward you time and time again.Good or bad your reputation will always precede you.Where i live some neighbors are smarter than others but none are dumb.I'm sorry for coming down on you like i have but,several things you stated just did not sit well with me.
I respect all of the above too but I can't imagine a perfect fence - or never making a mistake with a gate. Have you never had livestock get out - ever? And as far as whether he is as mechanically inclined as others? (someone mentioned the guy didn't look like he could change oil) - my cardiologist doesn't look like he changes oil either - but I'm sure glad he manipulated those stainless steel stents to the right place in my arteries! We all have different skills and talents - and we shouldn't hold the lack of any particular talent against someone.

I agree with some of what you said but I must add to your comments here. First of all I have a problem with a neighbor who allows his doberman to run around. This dog is not in my yard but is at the front of my driveway which is 900 ft. from my house. I sent him a letter saying in short that I dont like seeing his dog running loose and IF his dog bites me or my kid I will sue the *ell out of him. I WILL shoot that dog if it corners me or my kid or my wife, No Questions Asked....period. Second of all why do people think that they can allow their dogs to run loose, the liabilty is outrageous if the dog bites someone. And if I have to pick up dog *rap that belongs to my neigbors dog then that is unacceptable and the guy doesnt deserve to have the dog in the first place.
New year same old dog crap from the Midwestredneck.What you would feel like a man shooting the neibors dog.Remember the golden rule?Go talk to him and work it out.Mark
After reading these posts I have a personal experiance on this subject. About 5 years ago my 2 dogs got out of their 20 X 30ft kennel somehow, think a build up of snow made it so they could jump over the 6ft high sides. Now one dog was some kind of collie mix, the other a Golden Lab collie mix. Both great dogs, friendly with strangers comming into yard, wouldn"t hurt a flea. Both fixed, I got them from the humane Society to save them.
While me and my daughter were out looking for them yelling away I heard a couple of shots and I knew the direction they came from. I thought to myself oh no. Well when they got out they went to see a neighbour who has sheep. I guess they started chasing the sheep around. When I got to the neighbours house one dog was laying by the barn dead, the other dog made it home somehow but had the vet put him down, hole in the chest was too bad.
I pull into the yard and first thing he says is I already called the police and they are on their way. Your dogs attacked my sheep. Well I never said much, was afraid if I did things would have got bad fast, no doubt I would have got locked up. Got the one dogs body and carried it to the truck and threw it in the back. Police show up, takes the statements and thats it they go on their way. One sheep had a cut on it side so I told him I would pay for the sheep if he shot it or pay for the vet to fix it was up to him. He chose the vet.
Now this is the part that gets me, both dogs with collie breeding in them would be herding sheep not attacking them. But then again 2 dogs together you never know what they may do. Also he knew whos dogs they were, why not call me and say my dogs were around his sheep, I could have been there in under a minute easy. jerk never even called me after he shot the dogs. Did my dogs deserve to get shot, well if attacking sheep yes, if just around them a call would have been better then if need to shoot them before I got there fine. But 2 dogs, one sheep with a cut on it doesn"t sound like an attack, sounds like the sheep ran into something, still up to me to pay for it.
I grew up on a farm and know all about dogs and livestock, why I liked collies.
Anyways there is now one neighbour I never want to meet in a bar and he better never need ask anything from me. Even a call after he shot the dogs would have helped how I feel now.
He might have been in the right or might just be an jerk that need the need to shoot. He is always out on his 4 wheeler hunting wolfs or something. I guess I just don"t beleive the dogs were attacking, no blood or wool in their mouths or paws. If had time to get gun had 30 seconds to call me.
I do know I would call a neighbor if a problem with a dog or I would shoot one if going after a member of my family. I can see both sides of why the dogs were shot and reasons why I don"t think they should have been.
Sorry for the long vent but I see both sides of the fence and its a hard call to make sometimes when it comes to dogs.
Have read some interesting posts on here, does sound to me more like the yuppie did complaining. Just because you where scared intially doesnt mean you have a reason to be scared, maybe your just easily scared by dogs..? My dogs are not tied and I dont intend to tie them, however, if one of them seriously threatens you OFF OF OUR PROPERTY you wont have the chance do anything to the dog, I will take care of it. If it defends its own (my) property, and you get upset, well, go away.
Dont really know what greasing/oiling a dog will do, hell we used to dip the danged things in the brine water from our oil well for fleas and ticks. But you want to take the effort to help me, go ahead.
If my dog is chasing your livestock, you won"t here me complaining if you shoot it, but appologizing because YOU had to shoot it to protect you lively hood. I won"t shoot someone elses dog either, unless FORCED to ON MY PROPERTY. I also dont complain to the neighbors about dogs on our property unless they are being destructive/agressive. Heck, I"m more likly to say something about a neighbor leaving a dog tied all the time than complaing about it going trough the yard.
Dogs are animals, they dont really care about property lines. Now kids, thats another story, they should be taught to respect property lines. Sounds like if we worried about our kids as much as we do the neighbors dogs, well our kids outta turn out ok and we will be to busy to be so whiney (read Bit*%y) about the little things.


here in south carolina it is still legal to deer hunt with dogs, and people just dont tie up there dogs. so anyway there are a lot of strays and they are mean as can be.... so i dont mess around with them here but of course it is still legal to shoot anything that is harrasing you or whatever... dang my memorie but it is legal to shoot a dog if you feel threatened by its presence. thats it haha man i am getting old...
Used to deliver for FedEx Home Delivery on a rural route. HAD to respect the dogs. I was coming onto their property, and if they were going to protect it, fine-I just needed to know before I left the truck. Usually would honk real long, make sure EVERYONE knew I was there. First thing, throw a treat to the dog. If it bends over and eats-not nervous. If it would stop and look, but not eat-caution. If it never even noticed the treat-drop the package and RUN. Most trouble I got in with dogs was the ones I startled. Oh, by the way, Chows do not eat treats-don't know why, but they would never take them from me. Greg
You have a good memory. My compliments to you. By the way the dog you are mentioning belongs to another guy, up the road the other way.
Just hope you don't live in Iowa City or some such place where you'd have to depend on your neighbors sometime.
Hi, Mark.

From what I've been told (haven't researched it, though), Michigan has a state law that all dogs must be on leashes or in enclosed areas -- with certain exceptions such as when they're used for hunting. If this is the case, a call or two to Animal Control may make Mr. Mutt go away for good.

My experience is that it usually does no good to talk -- no matter how nicely -- to owners who let their dogs roam. They just seem to lack the capacity to understand why you (1) keep your own dogs under control, and (2) don't appreciate their dogs crapping on your porch and eating your dogs' food. This attitude is especially common among former city folk who ruin two acres by plopping down a cracker-box house and then think they're living "in the country" so anything goes.

Some control methods I've heard of (but haven't tried, of course) include:

1 - Capturing the dog and anonymously tying it to the door of the Animal Control office so it's the first thing the employees see when they show up for work Monday morning. Good deal for them; they can write their first ticket before 8:30!

2 - Discreetly stimulating the dog's private parts with high-velocity BBs. Start low, and increase the power until Fido understands. (Pellets would be good too, but they retain more rifling marks.) Then the conversation would go something like this:

Dumb Neighbor:

"Somebody shot my dog in the [your choice of location] with a BB gun!"


"Holy cow! You mean, somebody went on your property and shot your dog?!"

Dumb Neighbor:

"Well, no; he was out running around."


"Oh, well."

Personally, I've never found it necessary to try to kill a dog, as with a rifle or shotgun. But if a dog (or anything else) were directly threatening my family -- well, let's just say that's a foregone conclusion.

Mark W. in MI

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