Cowgirl memories


Well-known Member
Continued from previous posting saturday;
Hey guys, I want to thank each and everyone of you for your kind words about the loss of Cowgirl this past Saturday. I am missing her terribly but I know she is still with me in my heart. I honestly didn't think that she had got so deep in my heart but she did. I am really lost without her out here right now.
I hope yall don't get tired of me writing about her, she was just about all I had as far as family goes. Having her come running up to the back door every morning and running to the truck to get in to go for a ride, man I miss that so much.
The pain of her being gone is still there but not as bad as the time is taking that part away. now its just the loneliness around here without her.
I've been thinking about things she did andd how she acted and the memories are bringing smiles and laughter. She did some neat things. I'm going to make a list of her stunts nad memories so I will never forget. She was really that special too me. Hard to believe a 44 year old man can fall so deeply for a sweet little dog.
I can't get over the amount of love she showed towards me, every day without execption. She rode with me just about everywhere, she always got her truck rides every day. I made sure of that cause I know how much she loved it.
I know you all have shared stories about your dogs and I appreciate so much all of your kind words. I'm going to get another border collie in here as quick as I can and I hope and pray I can get as close to Cowgirl as I can, I know the new one will not be the same but I'm sure she will be fine. I'll tell her stories of Cowgirl and maybe by some way she will understand what I say to her and be a Cowgirl for me too.
Thanks to all again and may God Bless you all.
I have had a border named Molybdenum (molly) and a Australian Shepherd named Beryllium (beryl) they are so dear that I could not answer your first post. I believe that getting a Pup to raise is the next step.
There is nothing like the fine thinking and dedication of an intelligent dog. May the future bring you an opportunity to begin again. JimN
man i know just how you feel! my oldest dog daisy got hit today. she was geting old, she has been a great dog and is missed already! :`( she was 16 and was begining to go downhill...just not the way i wanted her to go out of this world

sorry to hear about cowgirl, i share my sorrow
DF in WI
Good Luck. I believe that everything happens for a reason, but sometimes that reason is hard to see. I had to have our 12 year old Rottweiller put down because he was getting a little absent minded and growling at the wrong people (wife and I). We made it as comfortable as possible and the vet came to the house (he didn't like it indoors). But I had to hold him til it was over. You can't replace them, if you try, you both loose. Just remember what you had and enjoy what you have.

Take Care,

I have went through the same greiving Gary. Get your self a puppy that could grow to look like cowgirl and start training it. Let the puppy into your heart like you did cowgirl.
Get yourself another pup that's what we did 3 years ago when we had to put our Keeshond Smoky Bear to sleep. Here's Boot's the Keeshond and Taz the Chow. Taz seemed to be heart broken like we were and kept looking for Bear. Hal
Gary you will be fine. I went through the same thing 5 years ago. Get yourself a puppy and enjoy the new companion. My dog Sarge has been the best ever, after we had to put our dear friend Max, to sleep 5 years ago. Having the time to raise a puppy every day makes a huge difference in the life long bond.
I don't take Kricket for rides in the truck. He calls to me when I drive in the drive or when he sees me come out the back door. If I have a tractor running he wants to be where I am. When I mow around the pasture he walks beside me. I can't leave him alone out of the pasture as he will wonder off. He still is a joy. We just lost his mate Hanna when her foal was to large for her birth canal Memorial weekend on Sunday. She was also a joy. I just bought Hannas mother Babydoll.







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