OT Roofing Steel Opinions.....


Well-known Member
Would like to replace the 25 yr old (lookin' bad)shingles on my shop roof with colored steel. (2' center trusses w/osb) I have been hearing about some of this being supplied by our little friends in Asia. Steel may be ok but paint all gone in a few yrs?? I was under the impression that paint with lead in it held up better than without? I am reasonably sure since they use lead in everything else that their paint would still have it. Since I am a little "suspicious" now , I am open to any advise on where to get the best value for the buck on this steel. It's $2.00 a running ft. for colors around here. (central MI) I'm really thinking about shingles again but I'm 57 and don't want to do this again in 20 yrs! Can't picture myself up there at 77. Hate paying someone else. No one does quite as good a job for yourself as yourself. Thanks in advance. Randy.
Stay with the shingles. Metal roofs no matter how carefully they are installed and due to expansion and contraction are always prone to leaks.
I agree - the metal roof isn't a cure-all. Most of the better asphalt shingles have a 30 year warranty on them now. Get some Landmark brand slab-type shingles and borrow someone's air nailer if you don't have one. These shingles are easy to work with and won't have problems with the wind flipping them over like the 3-tab shingles do.
I just had a new metal roof put on the house, the guys who did it talked me into using Gal-va-lume. They have been redoing my barn roofs with it for the last decade, 1/2 a roof at a time. House wouldnt wait. The metal was 64.00 per square with colored metal 10.00 higher. 30 squares, the 1x6 poplar strips to screw them to, screws and labor was 4200 even, all in all I thought they did good.

I"m begging to differ with the other posts on asphault shingles. While its true they have a 20-30 year warranty most people dont read the fine print. In most cases the warranty is voided before the shingles leave the store, if they are stacked the they arent covered.
Dont know much about MI roofs but everyone around here is converting to Metal. I did about 9 years ago. It is quieter in the rain and I have not had a bit of trouble from it. Takes a lot less labor than shingles and goes right over the old shingles giving an extra layer of protection. Mine are brown, I have a neighbor with green and one with red. All are about the same age and no paint loss yet. The neighbor with the green roof has had it on for at least 15 years on his garage and when they added to it there was a good match. Nuff said Henry
The roof on my barn and both tool sheds are metal, not a problem with them. Used to live in a town in Illinois called Romeoville, and the oldest homes there were built in the mid to late 50's with galvanized steel, and when I last visted some friends a few months ago, several still had them. Those roofs are 50 years old. I think the biggest reason folks changed them were noise because they were sealed pretty well. When I did my barn and tool sheds, used painted galvanized got from a lumber mill. Don't recall what cost, but wasn't cheap. I kind of remember was around $60 per square. Rumor has it that my biggest problem will be leaks around the rubber seals on the sheet metal screws. My roofs are 5 or 6 years old, and ok sar far and my brother's going to steel on his barn as well.

Good luck.

skip the shingles, steel is a vast improvement and goes up quicker. just did our 3 rd roof in 10 yrs replacing shingles that expired long before their warranty
Got most of the farm buildings roofed with metal, just pole shed metal on the out buildings, just make sure you screw the steel down and not nail it, and just put some new metal shingles on the house. We had a hail storm come through last summer that totalled the shingles on the house, and we had replacement cost so we put on the new metal shingles. The cost was a bit more than 30 yrs. shingles but in the long run will be a much better value. The new asphalt shingles are not what the old ones were 30 yrs ago by a long shot. I am going to leave the asphalt shingles on the porches as I can does those myself.

Check out the metal shingles site below
Steel Shingles


We used cream-colored steel roofing on our barn here in Tx about 15 yrs ago. Paint is fine. If that paint can hold up to 15 yrs of Tx. sun, it can take whatever you have. I would not recommed a dark color as it might fade. Used lots and lots of screws. This barn has been through 60 mph winds and no damage. Sheet metal next to the ground is rusting a little, but no rust on the roof. It does have about 3 screws that are leaking, but nothing serious. There is no insulation on the roof and the biggest problem was at night condensation would form on the underside, run down until it hit a purlin, pool, then drip. I attached strips of terry cloth to the purlins over the the hay storage area to absorb the condensation that ran down the underside of the roof and that stopped the dripping from condensation.
I would tend to agree with the shingles - especially if you go with white ones. Everyone likes the dark roof but the heat from the dark color takes years off the life of the shingle. Biggest issue is making sure they get put down by a crew that knows what they are doing and doesn't chew them up during the install. If they are flapping in the wind a week after the install you're looking at a short term situation.

My mom's house was shingled back in 1970 and 38 years later they look good and are still sealed and they've been through a few tornados and hail storms that ruined the metal roofs on the machine sheds share the farmstead.
I installed steel about 15 yrs ago on a 45' shallow sloped shed,where 2 sheets overlap in the lenght the screws in the joint caused a 3/4" slot in the joint due to expansion and contracting. i should have left the screws out on that joint,leaks bad now on all.
how to fix that now. taking them out makes bigger hole.
Thanks to all for your opinions and experiences.Was surprised to hear the positives on shingles! I guess even if the paint did wear off the metal , it would still be weatherproof , just wouldn't look too good. Decisions...decisions. Thanks again. "B" (Randy).

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