Guns Can Shoot People

[b:56491478bf]people shoot people,[/b:56491478bf]

There's still some human involvement there, someone's got to pull the trigger, sadly it was a little girl who didn't know any better as a result of her grandmothers irresponsibility for her weapon.
GUN CAN NOT AND DO NOT SHOOT PEOPLE. A gun is a tool just like any other tool it can not do a thing with out a person using it. PEOPLE SHOOT PEOPLE the gun is just the tool they use to do so
I agree with Old and KM.. guns don't walk over and shoot somebody any more than a wrench flies out of your tool box and hits you ont he head.

My father told me that "if you live by the gun, you might die by the gun" Now I do not want to start a firestorm but that statment made sense to me ,I should add that I have no problem with those who feel the need to have a gun nearby, but im just as happy not having to worry about a gun around my place for someone to get ahold of.

Forget all that! She's a gun-totin' grandma with a 4-year-old grand-daughter. Is her daughter married? If so, does she have sisters?

That's the kind of woman I've been lookin' for! :)
Old, You are 100% correct. I might add that an adult who is careless with where they put a gun is the same as one who micht leave an electric saw plugged in where children can get at it, or someone who leaves a kid in the car with the keys in the ignition. No better; no worse. Many things can be deadly if they fall into the wrong hands. There are no lifeforms on earth that I scorn, despise, loath, etc. anymore than I do those who seek to take away the responsible, law abiding, citizen's right to own a gun.
Mr. Bob, LONGTIME NRA Member
Well you know before Hitler took over Germany he had all the guns registered and then when it came time for him to take control he had his goons go in and and take the gun. If we keep it up here in the U.S it will end up the same as it did in Germany and then we will be in trouble. Of course you also know why Hitler never did invade Switzerland well that simple also all the males over 16 are given a rifle and they are told they have to shot X amount of ammo each year so as to get good with them. So Hitler knew he would be in for a battle he did not want
Hobby farm
AMEN! That's pure gospel on the subject. That's why I detest ANYONE or ANY organization that that tries to further any cause detremental to the 2nd Amendment. This is why I will not be a member of AARP or today's nnalert Party.
Guns do NOT shoot people! They are merely a tool used to launch a projectile in a specific direction. Guns cannot shoot people on their own, there must be a person pulling the trigger to make them fire.

I've already boycotted McDonald's because they reportedly are taking great interest in promoting the "Gay", (I say QUEER) rights and promotion agenda. As I find, usually gungrabbers and queer lovers can be found on the "same shelf". I loathe them both.
Mr. Bob
(quoted from post at 12:21:14 06/10/08) I've already boycotted McDonald's because they reportedly are taking great interest in promoting the "Gay", (I say QUEER) rights and promotion agenda. As I find, usually gungrabbers and queer lovers can be found on the "same shelf". I loathe them both.
Mr. Bob
ave you ever heard of the Pink Pistols? Gun Toting Gays.

Oh, the humanity!
I always heard "If you live by the gun - you live".

As for not having a gun in your place for someone to get ahold of - that works until someone brings their own.
To quote Archie Bunker, "Would it make you feel any better, little girl, if they was pushed out the window?" (responding to his daughter about gun control)

There are many, many ways for people to meet their end. Guns are the least of the problem - have you seen the way people drive their vehicles these days? Talk about a dangerous weapon!
One of my grandfather's favorite sayings is "All the fools ain't dead yet." and I guess he's about right. Tragedies happen every day because people are careless, and this is just another example. The problem is that any bad incident involving a firearm is used as "ammunition" by the anti-gun lobby. A quick search of the true statistics of firearm accidents will show that gun related accidents fall far, far behind just about any other serious source of injury. Cars, industrial equipment, sports, etc... just aren't political enough to make it into the abundant media's spin on news coverage.
If I did, the Liberals in the Northeast and the Fags in California would likely hire a hit on me.

The Ol' Stars an' Bars would fly right beside "Old Glory". over the Capitol if I were Prez. No Muzzies, no queers, no spicks, no language recognised except English.
Mr. Bob
In Akihabara, Tokyo, this past weekend an idiot (I won't call him a
man) crashed a truck into a crowd, then got out and stabbed 17
people, killing 7 of them. His reason? He was upset that he might
lose his job.

Japan has very strict gun control laws so that the people will be
Daily Yomiuri
A couple or fews years back, Australia went total "legal" gun free. Some months or maybe a year ago the mayor of Chicago whom is a total gun ban nut hosted a huge gun ban pow wow in Chicago for the mayors of big cities like NY and LA. One of the major stories in that days Chicago papers was that since Australia enacted its gun ban, volient crimes such as murder, robbery, and rape had increased 300%. When I heard that on the radio that morning, I envisioned those visiting mayors choking on their complimentry continental breakfast rolls and coffee as they opened their complimentry news papers to that story before they headed off to their pow wow. By the way, Chicago has had a total hand gun ban for years or even decades, and the murder by shootings are as high as they've ever been, and the guys doing the shootings aint using longarms or crossbows.

Guns aint going away in this country, by at least the bad guys. And the day they get banned, I become a bad guy...legally because this veteran that served my country to protect and preserve such rights aint giving mine up while I'm alive.

be careful there is a move to try & put ID #'s on each round of ammo...if they take our ammo our guns are nothimg but pieces of wood & steel...take care ....Kent...[LIFE member NRA]
I remember a couple of years ago OSHA tried to sneak through classifying ammo as an occupational hazard for employees and stuff...trying to back door a gun ban without a gun ban, by making it impossible to ship or handle ammo. When they got caught, said "Ohh, was just a mistake, an oversight that we wrote that in there like that". Mmm hmm, and the moon is made of blue cheese too.


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