Economy - Where do we go from here?


Well-known Member
After watching oil go up $10+ in one day, jobless numbers go up, the dow and the dollar go down, is there any light at the end of the tunnel? Does our economy completely collapse?
Who honestly knows?

Living the present is unstable enough.

Matt 6:34 "tomorrow will worry about itself."
I guess ill just keep working harder( just to make the same living )My little morgage is well within my means at least for now.Havent started the pickup in allmost 2 weeks. The little four cylinder chevy is gettin alot of miles on it, The good news is they make those $1500 cars every day. Im startin to think it might get interesting
It's going to be much worse than the gov't stats would have you believe and it won't get better until everyone comes clean.That will take time. Your standard of living will be cut by 50%.
I am very concerned about what is happening in this country of ours.I see very little positives with our economy.I feel the power of the unions have broke our work force.Look at GM.Look at the price of everything going up because of oil.What have we or our goverment done?Look at medical cost?I believe if there is a vote who our worse president has ever been leading this country,I will be the first to vote for Bush and his empire.We need a desperate change in our direction this country is heading. I hope waiting till November will not be to late.Just my feelings and thoughts...
Our parents and grandparents made it through much harder times. We all just need to accept that we need to change our lifestyles and do with out. Some people make it just fine on $12,000 a year, yet we see all the time on the news how people with NET incomes of $100,000 are struggling. We're spoiled, and many of us are weak, this will be a lesson. We
Throw some brats on the grill, enjoy the weekend. Everyone seems to have enough money for cell phones, lots of cars on the road yet, don't see anyone canceling their cable or satelite & putting up an antennea.... You seem to be on the internet yet.

Must be doing allright yet.

Most of our retirement funds are invested in the things going up, so it ain't all bad. :)

Ed McMahn (Johny Carson's sidekick) can't make the payments on his house.

Broke his neck so he can't work (he's in his mid 80's), and the current ecconomy is the problems he says.

Perhaps, just maybe, a fella that has had as nuch success as he's had, should have a paid for house by the time he hits 75 or 80????

Maybe some of us need to look at ourselves if we are seeing hard times.

Not just our country, the world economy as a whole. Oil is driving world price of food up skyhigh, not to mention other things too. We could be like the people in Haiti making mud cakes and eating off the ground as canned food that we buy is now too expensive to buy. For the futures market skyrocketed today on speculation- one mans comment for 150 dollar oil, war by israel with iran, and dropping dollar. What a crooked market- get rid of it and boost ours and worlds economy.
I dunno where you go, but I go on vacation for three weeks. Got a family reunion to go to, and while I'm in the area, I'm hoping to take in the L.A. Roadster Show in Pomona. See you in late June.
I've lived through much worse economic times than these. I remember 18 percent, or more, interest on about any loan. You could only buy a house on a contract for deed. Could not sell a house either, no one could get a loan to buy it! No one would lend mortgage money at all. Home values dropped by half in a few years. Land values dropped by two thirds. Gas prices at least tripled. I remember gas station lines that were blocks long. Gas purchases being limited to 10 gallons, if you made it to the pumps before they ran out. Bread and milk tripling in cost in 18 months or so. Rampant inflation all around. Layoffs by the hundreds of thousands. Long lists of personal bankruptcies in every days newspaper. This economy is GREAT compared to those days!
Not that I agree with everything Bush has done, but he can't do much of ANYTHING if Congress doesn't back him up.
Spook====I know what you mean. I just try not to worry about things that I cannot control. I think the biggest problem we face is the inability or the desire to change. One good example is that while driving the speed limit, nearly EVERY vehicle passes me, and when we stop for a traffic light, nearly every car takes off like a jack rabbit. Have you noticed a difference in the way people drive, or is it because I am from the South. The oil companies are priming us for $5.00++ gallon fuel. It will continue to increase and nothing we are able to do about it. Most Politicians are oil stock holders including "you know who" I don't think they will do anything to stop or lower the price of fuel! Would You?? Just the times we live in.
Was I daydreaming in Econ 101, or did they say recessions/ slowdowns have a psychological component? Is there a way we can "think" ourselves out of this recession?
I suspect that maybe one bit of really good news might be the thin end of the wedge that could turn the U.S. economy around. I try to just take one day at a time. Mark SW Wis.
Things sure arent looking good but theres not much that we can do about it except go along for the ride.

We soon may all have to change the way that we live.

I don't know where you live, but where I live gas/oil costs too much but everyone who wants to work has a job, farmers are getting record prices for products (prices finally went up faster than input costs), and my retirement investments are going up as well.

If you want to blame someone for oil costing too much blame those who refuse to allow us to produce our own in this country. They're the same bunch who won't let us build nuclear so we end up burning natural gas for electrical generation, and they won't let us burn coal now either.

Someone has to stand up to these extreme environmentalists who are, at the end of the day, anti-human.

By the way - I am no Bush fan now myself but you cannot blame him for these oil prices plus it has been over 2,500 days without the jihadists getting to us and that is job one. My daughter is serving proudly in Iraq (2nd tour) but my advice when she comes home in November will be to get out of the military. Any country that would vote in favor of that Hussein Osama character does not deserve to be protected by a military staffed by people of her calibre. The American people no longer deserve their safety, I'm sorry to say.
Ed McMahon made his own mess he was worth $200,000,000 just a while ago an spend it like there no tomorrow. he even admitted to that today on TV.

The economy started its downward spiral when the nnalert. took over the House and the Senate. Gee I wonder why they blame Bush. Name one bill that they passed that wasn't loaded with Pork.
The private credit crisis is far from being over,the US
Gov't is going in debt at the rate of $2,000,000
an hour.
Inflation is coming back just like in the 70's.The added cost of energy is going to effect everything.
So to me its not looking real rosey
. "Name one bill that they passed that wasn't loaded with Pork."
Walt, how many of those pork laden bills has he vetoed.
I agree with you b&d. Do you realize, that every one of those mentioned is almost impossible to do without violating some kind of governmental regulation?
I would like to add that this is the first economic slowdown/recession that I remember where the gas/fuel has almost quadrupled in price. I do believe it would be prudent to double check your security around your home and farm,because interesting times are ahead!
My pop always said that when things go south, build relationships- help who you can without them asking, and others will help you in the same way. True in business as well- if you are in business, it's time to partner up with other businessmen of like mind and keep each other afloat- metally if not financially.
Sad to say, when the going gets tough- the "entitled" get sh*tty. Look for more demands for handouts, more demands for discounts, more demands for service and in short less effort from those that made a pitiful damn effort to start with when things were solid. The decline in the economy will lead to a major decline in morality and ethics- its coming.
WannaCase... I wonder what your retirement investments are? My Edward Jones consultant advised some re-investing a year or so ago. Yesterday our statement came, the bottom line had lost about $8,000. (not counting the dollar's loss in value) And not everyone around here in N.W. Ohio has jobs that wants one. We have factories closing.
Paul ---- you sure got that right --- IF people would ever get smart --- and just quite all that HIGH CLASS living --- like cell phones -- cable T.V. -- Eating Out --- Vacations -- Living in Big houses -- driving new cars -- Driving Fast -- driving when you don't have to -- Drinking booze -- going to movies ---buying new clothes --- having parties --- AND THE LIST GOES ON AND ON ---

IF Folks would only give up that FANCY living -- just watch the prices come down and down -- but they won't -- and so costs keep climbing --
what else can I say ??? Stupidity is all around us !!!!!!!!!

As for our Fuel going up -- We have to rebel against our Government for not letting any Alaska Oil drilling -- also the North Pole has More Oil then All Arabian Country has --

ALL we have to do is Stand United and Rebel --- but that won't happen cause people are too Stupid...
Better enjoy the current gas/diesel prices, because the Chinese are predicted to increase the number of cars by 30 times over the next 10 years, thats 3000 percent. They can outbid us for OPEC oil, because we buy all the China junk in Wally Worlds. We have lost our manufacturing base. Most of our high-tech stuff is now farmed out to India, who has over 1/6 of the worlds population and growing like crazy. Borders are uncontrolled, crinimal aliens costing us Billions each year and going up and up. Over 30 percent of every dollar you pay in taxes is going just to finance the debt. We have gone to war, without financing it, did it all on increases to national debt. Now military has to be rebuilt, all equipment wore out in the desert. Will cost over a Trillion to fix military now.

T. Boone Pickens recently said in an interview:
World currently uses 87 million barrels per day.
World currently produces 85 mill barrels per day.
USA refineries are only at 82 percent capacity.
Ethanol is a joke.
Need to cut off all natural gas being comsumed for electric; divert to transportation fuel. Produce electric with coal, nuclear, and wind.

Now your only choice is to put in McCain and watch him enact the largest amnesty deal in history, continue to be mired in the desert for generations, continue to honor NAFTA, etc. Or, watch Hussein external_link increase welfare at record deficit spending until the dollar is worthless, leave the military gutted and ill-prepared to protect us, forgive all college loans made with your tax dollars, etc.

USA is rapidly becoming a THIRD WORLD NATION. You will continue to see your standard of living go down, and energy prices soar. Get ready.
Obliterate the environmentalists who have kept us from drilling for oil and producing our own energy. Barring that, get a President who isn't afraid of PC and take them on!! Tell them to go chase themselves. Unfortunately, McCain isn't the guy. I think Condi might make a great prez. but she's way too smart to get involved.
Stop producing food for those idiot oil countries and keep it all here. Stop importing and exporting anything with them and stop protecting them now. Produce it all back here again and kick neuter any beaurocrat or politician that gets in the way! USA has to have control again and NAFTA and companies moving off shore ruined that. Beaurocrats drove them away though too. >:)
Thats the most depressing post I've seen in a long time. Made all the more so because he's right. . .
.Somewhere there JC brings Lazarus back to life after he laying in the cave deceased for 3 days and ,according to Martha,emitting an odour,Expertise like that could be in great demand.
I asked my late mom about the Depression years. She said they never knew it happened. They raised everything and canned everything. Had chickens, geese, ducks and hogs. Shipped milk and had a little money from that. Made their own butter had flour and cornmeal made at the grist mill by the barrel. She said things started to change when WW2 broke out. She went to work making 20mm ammo. We were all in school
by then. We probably had an 1/2 acre in garden
and grew everything. Still had the same garden
when I got drafted in 1953. Hal
A lot of stars get into that mess. I always wonder why they didn"t take care of their home first.
You're out there if you don't think that idiot Bush isn't the aurthor of a lot of problems.
Worst one up until the present one,his record has been broken.George W. make Jimmy look like Einstein.
It doesn't matter who is President if everyone in power doesn't want change and the people don't DEMAND CHANGE. President Bush didn't come into power and try to work with congress so it all went to H***. I don't see it changing till we the people demand it. We the people are as bad as the leaders in wanting "our share" instead of "sharing with all". Till that mind set changes nothing changes. "We the people" will suffer some hard times before we will understand what we need to do to bring this great country back to the good times like this country saw in the 50's. "We" had it bad during WWII but "worked together" and came together to make sure "everyone" got a piece of the good times. Sure a lot of people were'nt part of the process and had no voice, but as a country it did get better. Stop giving everything away and let everyone earn their share and stop whining about poor me. The people that have learned from the past are the ones that are going to get through this one in good shape too. They saw it coming and are doing something about their own place in the hard times to come. Tighten the belt now for the chance to live the good life when it does come back and be appreciative of the good times you have enjoyed. Get off your as*** and make a difference. I'm tired of the nay sayers and doom and gloom, GIMME GIMME people....James
"deficit spending" and "National debt" are more likely to CONTINUE under Mccain than under Hussein external_link, but other than that one point , I whould agree with your statments
Everyone WONT do it! Only the survivors with survivor mentality will do it. You can't afford to make everyone elses living for them any more. Seems like nobody wants to do anything , fix anything,grow anything, build anything or even entertain themselves anymore. Listen-up people! You can't afford the luxury of this mentality anymore! WHY would you pay someone else to do something when you can do it yourself??? Them days are over. We have been getting FAT for too long. Time to get slim , healthy , happy and quit your damn whining. You really want to see the "fat cats" fall!! THEN QUIT BUYING THEIR PRODUCTS!!!!! The power is YOURS if you are not too lazy to use it! Buick&Deere and I don't agree on everything but when it comes to this topic he's spot on. The truth hurts but it is what it is.
Idiot Bush! Idiot Bush! Grow up. You sound like a second grader.

Your buddy Nancy Pelosi promised to brng down the gasoline prices once she got in, they've almost doubled since then, but that doesn't bother you at all.

Notice I didn't call her an "idiot" or any other name. We can disagree without being childish.

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