OT cleaning the shop

Went down to try to clean up my woodshop a little bit tonight, my 6 year old daughter decided she would help. I think it is a bigger mess than when we started but we sure did have fun. Oh well maybe tommorrow night, or if I have "help" again it'll be the next night. After the fun tonight a clean shop doesn't seem as urgent as it did yesterday when I couldn't find a tool I was looking for because of the mess. Good night to you all. Mike
Always missing thing where did I put it always ends up cleaning up after your self!

What I did is hang every small thing on wall always easy to see what looking for no matter where you put on wall, just hang things up! You would be happy you did it! And save your time from going nuts looking for it, ha.

I hear ya Mike,They are so wonderful.My youngest is 28 now.We live in the country and she use to love going with me on nights such as tonight to hunt bullfrogs.I have a creek that runs as a boundary to the farm.We would walk the creekbed and when i heard the frog she would hold the light while i harvested him.She has 2 girls that age now.They can't beleive she used to do that.Enjoy while you can Mike,they grow up much too quick.
I can not mow the yard without my 2 year old boy climbing up on the mower with me...he loves it, it makes my day, and he usually ends up asleep in my lap.

my 26 year old son is in South America now on an extended adventure- been down about a month and will probably be down a month longer... miss him a pile and hope he's OK. Passed through FARC held territory this week- not sure what those people stand for, but he says they are bad dudes.

Ya gotta love your kids- don't understand those who don't.
the Colombian military, using a loan from the US, launched a napalm attack against the independent republic of Marquetalia. The attack prompted the survivors to declare war against Colombia and founded the Southern Bloc.

Two years later, at an annual conference of guerrilla leaders, the Southern Bloc expanded their military agenda into a nation-wide "Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia," with revolutionary left-wing "focos" throughout Colombia. Marulanda remained the commander-in-chief of the militia.
Man, does that bring back memories, "help" washing my car - I got rinsed more than the car, standing on a step ladder installing an 8' florecent light fixture,she didn't talk yet but knew colors - had her hand me my pliers becuse they had "black" handles - all I did was point and say black. Hang on to them before you know it they are 33, married and about to have my first grandkid.
Uh, Why are you mowing with a child on your lap? It may seem cute, but I've seen WAY to many tragic endings. Think about it.
It's not too bad to give him a ride around, just don't run the blades. And if you got one of those wagons, you could put some straw in it and give him a mini hay ride, bet he'd love that!

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