
When do you quit pickin' asparagus? I've only had about 4 good crops off it this year. That's like a week's worth other years!
Here in eastern Iowa we generally quit picking and let it go to seed in mid June.

The patch has survived for 15-20 years doing it that way.

wife says from mothers day to fathers day is asparagus season

this has been a bad year for it i think - great for rhubarb though
We pick "til we get distracted by the starwberries coming in and forget about the asparagus!(grin)
We quit picking when most of the spears are no larger than the size of a pencil.

We grow three acres in NW Ohio. At one time we had over 15 acres. We normally pick the month of May. But this year we started about a week later than normal due to the cool weather and looks like we will pick for another week or so.
But roundup and 2-4D will kill asparagus right? What is Karmex? I have heard of using salt to keep weeds down... won't kill asparagus.
roundup can be used before the spears emerge in the spring.

2-4d is a broadleaf herbicide and asparagus is in the grass family, so it won't kill it.

Karmex is a selective herbicide.

Check your state extension office for other products. If they don't have any information check Ohio State Extension or Michigan State Extension.

Be sure to read the label before applying.

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