What a mess

Walt Davies

Well-known Member
So went out to the farm today to check my hay fields. When i got there I found that 3 had been disked over nothing but dirt showing. and the IH 1066 was setting on it nose out in the field. I went out to see what had happened Boy was i surprised to to see the front axle where the rear axle was and the belly pan was creamed in in the oil all on the ground. BUMMER

I ask the Victor what happened he said Bill my neighbor wanted to borrow the tractor he thought maybe he was just going to fix the road.
the owners ex-wife was there I talked to her and she Bill told he was going to get money out of the hay field that worked last summer to clear of brush and weds.
Well I think Bill might want to find another place to live because i plan on making life real bad for him the summer.
PS good thing one can carry a gun if its in plain site here in Oregon. I got a 30/30 pistol that needs to be checked out.

Pictures to come.
Walt Just don't do anything you will regret. Life is too short to spend in prison. You should have the law on your side.In these days your hidden words could be considered as a terroristic threat. WE don't want you to be the one to go to jail.
Walt, I think you need to re-write and re-post this, so it can be understood. Where was your tractor? Whose land is it? Who loaned the tractor to whom? Why was your fields disked? Whoever loaned your tractor did not call to ask you? Explain who Bill is and who Victor is? How far is the land form your huse? How long had it been since you had been there? What happened to the tractor? A photo would be wonderful.
I am really interested in this post, but having trouble putting the facts together.
OK, I am tring to understand. How in the world did your front axle wind up at your rear axle, Why did your neighbour disk under your hay? From what I got out of your message is that he cleared land for you, and you didn't pay him for his work. If that is the case, he didn't make any money clearing your land, so if he figured if he didn't, You surely wern't going to either. If this is the case, I Really Don't Blame Your Neghbour. I probably would have done the same.
When dealing with a 5 year old, You'll need to be patient. Discover damages and witnesses then talk to an attorney. Being sued will age Bill in a hurry. You'll lose some sleep dwelling on the details but everyone lives.
I'm also confused. My best guess is that Bill and posssibly his ex-wife own the ground. Someone, apparently you, cleared or helped clear it last year and you intended to use it for hay. He borrows your tractor to disk it up and trashes it. Appears he will be paying to fix a tractor, and possibly for any inputs such as seed and fertilizer you used on it last fall. Otherwise it is his territory, and he has the right to tear it up unless you have a signed contract. Obviously he should have told you what he intended to do, but perhaps he was also drunk.
Well I guess my post was a little cryptic, Victor is my friend who rents the farm land that the hay is on. Bill is my neighbor (who thinks the world revolves around him) and has hunting rights on the property. Last summer the Owner Lyman said I could clear the back acreage for hay as it was getting pretty grown over and he didn't want to loose it for farming. Lyman doesn't farm the land anymore just rents it out to people like me and Victor and lets Bill hunt on it, not farm.
Simple thing here is that bill doesn't understand who owns the property and has the right to farm it so he borrowed Victors IH 1066 and large disc and went to work, telling Lymans ex-wife that he was going to recover his hay. Hey I'm still wondering about that one myself.
This could get nasty so I'm just shooting off my big mouth, I wouldn't shoot anyone except for protection for my life and property. You can do that here in Oregon.
One person said that we have a lot of crazy people out here, funny my gt. gt. gt. aunt said the same thing in her writings and she died in 1926.
Well Victor and I are going to the farm today to see what happened and who was doing what he shouldn't have been doing, If bill didn;t have permission which I doubt that he did he is sure going to pay for the loss of hay. I think he might have some repairs to pay for on the IH 1066 that is Victors pride an joy.
Hope this helps to understand what is happening.
Sounds like Bill needs pay for the damage to the 1066, pay for any hay he destroyed, then be handed a restraining order prohibiting him from being on Lymans land.
I would say Bill is in a real "pickle", or what was commonly said many years ago in Central Ohio, in a "peck" of trouble. For you youngsters, a peck is a dry unit of measure equal to 1/4 bushel.
wow, if bill was unhappy with his pay for clearing the hay fields fine. there are things he could have done to remedy that, legally. and waiting for the hay to be baled and sold, -cashflow- is what farming is all about. the hell with him....

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