Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday


Well-known Member
Merry Christmas to all and Happy Birthday to any that are like me, born on Christmas 72 years ago. I'm slow getting around today, Alta came home last Tuesday with the flu and finally passed it on to me on Thursday. In marriage you share everything, good and bad. Worst is over but minimum exersize equals maximum exhaustion so I have spent most of the day in the recliner. Still having coughing fits that feel like my ribs are broken. We had planned to go to our daughters for Christmas but postponed it until next week. Ivermectin works!! Merry Christmas to all!!
i can relate to cold n flu.started sneezing saturday. yesterday i had to miss christmas with my daughter.
anyhow MERRY CHRISTMAS n happy birthday JESUS he is the reason
for the season
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to you 99 from north of the 49th. When you grew up as a young feller in the 50's, were your presents on the 25th 'dual purpose' or were they separated into the two categories? I always wondered how that was handled. Rest up, there are countless people up here suffering from a variety of respiratory infections.
Mom and Dad usually had my birthday party on Christmas Eve with separate presents unless it was something expensive , then it was a combined gift. I guess as a kid I thought I got the short end of the stick.

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