What i need,want, you tell me.


New User
Hi all. Newby to this site. I live in Northern Nevada and here is what i do. Weed and brush cutting, harrowing, over seeding. light dirt work. These are the things i need, want in a tractor. Shift on the go, Live pto and 3 point. 25 hp+ I dont need a loader. want to run 5-6ft brushhog, 5 ft tiller, broadccast seeder. I do have a budget of about 5k +- a little. Im friging tired of playing the serial number game and i know from watching this site there are people here that know this info rigth off the top of there head.
In closing i just want to thank all the members of this site for all the info you post. A lot of us depend on this
Thanks again, Jim

You want well over 25 HP for a 5 ft. tiller. I had a Case David Brown 1490 with a four speed power shift. It was, I believe, an '84.
(quoted from post at 15:19:14 12/05/23)

You want well over 25 HP for a 5 ft. tiller. I had a Case David Brown 1490 with a four speed power shift. It was, I believe, an '84.
nd for a tiller, a very slow forward speed.
You will not find anything dependable with those 3 pieces of equipment for $5000. Maybe something worn out that you will be working
on and buying parts for all the time.
Massey Ferguson 135, 230, 235, 245 all 2 wheel drive and very dependable.
Ford 2000, 3000, 3600. 3610 All great tractors.
People can throw "serial?" numbers at you all day long, but if there are none for sale in your area, or none in your price range, how does it help?

What you should do is look at what's for sale in your area and in your price range, then do a quick check to see if the tractor will suit your needs. Both Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace allow you to filter by price.
Case 430 or Case 530 .....very versatile....try to get newer 1964 ? to 1969 with late style power steering.....added bonus if you can find with Triple
Range trans which may give you lots more options to run stuff like tiller. Pretty decent parts availability .....easy to work on....gas engine would be my choice just like the two that I have since I am not a diesel guy. Good luck.

"Shift-on-the-go" to me means he needs power shift. I am not seeing that in these suggestions. It is better to read the whole original post.
Yes I did read the whole post, but figured PowerShift was totally out of question for $5000. Is there something in that price category with power shift ?
The old hydros from IH would be just the ticket for a tiller and on the go speed control. Just not going to be in the price range he wants I do believe. A 826 will be in the 7-10000 probably and is 45-50 years old now. Good serviceable tractors but old. Probably some parts are not going to be real easy to get now too. Also much more than 25HP more in the line of 75-100HP. You might as well bit the bullet if you are going to do custom work and get something newer with a power shift or one of those fancy transmissions that work like a power shift and a hydro at the same time .Not sure of the name of them. Mostly you will want a dealer that is somewhat close to you with reputable service and parts for when you need it. I say somewhat close because distance is a different thing out there compared to back east. Some here would think 15 miles is a long way and out there 15 miles might not even get you to a cross roads with a house.
Based on things I see for sale around here, your budget compared to your wants and needs for the equipment package you listed don't fit together, especially if you are doing work for hire where you need dependable low maintenance equipment. Being broke down and delaying jobs will damage your business.

As BarnyardEngineering posted, check out what is available in your area and if it looks like something you can work with, see if it meets your budget limits.
Just make sure your Shift on the Go
is working properly and has been serviced
your $ 5000 tractor will turn into alot more if tranny is out .
they are very expensive to repair .
Ford 3000 with PS, Live PTO, and 8 speed tranny is a winner. Have one and it is a good do most everything for its size. It didn't
have rear hydraulics for controlling an implement but after market kits are cheap and functional. The tranny is said to not be
synchronized but if up shifting, piece of cake, if down shifting, either rev the engine to get the input shaft turning fast enough to
engage the lower gear gears, or drop the RPMs to idle, put mild pressure on the stick and it will engage in short order.

For fence building, the Live PTO is perfect for post hole digging. If you don't have PS, there are after market kits out there which i
have one. Otherwise steering is manual and acts like manual steering. These tractors are usually priced right, easy to work on, and
parts are everywhere.
I have a 6' tiller I bought from TSC and my 3000 8 speed handles it just fine. I had an SOS and yes it has 10 gears and goes really
slow but as I said, the 8 speed does just fine in my heavy clay soil.
Morning all. Thank you for your replies they are much appericated. This is not my first tractor rodeo. I had a AC5030 years ago and did this work. Lost the tractor to hard times. Tractors are at a premium here.
There is a ford 3000 For $3200 in the next town over. It needs rear tires pretty bad and from what i can find new tires are the better part of 1k. I`ll give her a call and maybe get some numbers and see what she has.maybe set a time to see it since i have to go that way for hay in the next couple of days.
If i have to go import what brands should i stay away from?
thank you for your replies they are much apprreciated, Jim
I've never heard anything good about Mahindra or Kioti, never heard anything bad about Kubota (except the price). But the most important thing about any tractor is dealer support as was mentioned earlier.
I wouldn't expect to have dealer support on a late 60's early 70's Ford 3000. Internet parts are/were all I need for my yesterday's
In your price, Ford 800, 900, 801, 901 series. The issue is, finding one that hasn't been neglected. You can buy 800 series for $3k or less all the time, but plan to spend another $800-1200 to make it work out for you.

As for 'no need a loader' that may be true, but having a loader on an older Ford with power steering will make a LOT of jobs easier.

I traveled from N TX all the way to mid-MO for an 860 that was in great shape, and only $4200 with a back blade incl. You could get away with a 600 series, but the 800/901 would be your bread and butter.

Now, if you are lying on the $5k budget, move up to a 3000/4000 series Ford. I'm using my 860 right now to fill a side yard, and smooth it down. I brush hog the airport, blade the roads, and do all kinds of stuff with the loading including picking up my big mower and set in the truck.

It's not the best, fastest, smartest, smoothest, but for $5k, it's a ton of workhorse tractor. Has all the options you asked about.

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