listening to a radio while working

37 chief

Well-known Member
I have used radio head sets while mowing for a lot of years. Probably another reason for my bad hearing. It has been a couple years without the radio. It gets kind of boring searing at the front tire hour after hour. I just purchased another radio head set going to try it out in a couple days, on a mowing job. Even with the radio on, I can still hear what is going on, listening to the tractor motor year after year, it doesn't take much of a drop in rpm's to notice. Any of you listen to a radio while working? Stan
I don't wear them to much on a tractor but I do wear these while running the lawnmower. They're called isotunes. They are hearing protection and bluetooth. When not in use they have magnets that clip the ends together like a necklace. They're pretty handy and not as hot as ear muffs.
The radio is on most of the time, but it's music from my collection. Haven't listened to the programming in a long time.

Headphones while operating tractors didn't last. Just don't like it when I can't hear the machine. It was ok while cutting lawn until my ears would get too sweaty from the ear cups. Wasn't interested in ear buds for cutting, so I listen to the equipment sing to me the songs of it's people.

I wear the Worktunes ear muffs listening to albums on my phone via Bluetooth if I'm on a tractor or mower. If I'm working around the house its a radio.

I never listened to the radio. I never had one on Dad's tractors. I think it would be too distracting for me. When I am on a tractor I need to hear everything that's going on. I wish I had used hearing protection and still think that's a good idea. You can still hear what's going on only it's not as loud. A radio might not let you hear what's going on.
I listen to Top 40 rock in the pickup and cab tractors, but I took the fender mount radios right off the open tractors several years ago. My hearing is still fine as far as volume, but anything out on those open tractors just sounded like loud squealing anymore. Listening to any kind of talking, even in the cabs, I have to have it so loud to really understand what they're saying that the loud sound bothers me, so I try to stick to stations with the fewest commercials. One tractor has a CD player, but when you're out there all day, they tend to cycle through songs pretty quick and I have to change them out too often.

Even watching television, I have the volume so low that the wife has to keep telling me to turn it up. If I leave the room and come back in, I can't hear it myself until I get settled back in to my recliner.
I used to listen to radio when working in the shop, but I gave up on that at least a decade ago when broadcast stations crashed and burned and were 75%+ scam ads and dj babble.

When I moved about 8 years ago I never bothered setting up any sort of radio / music player. Today I find myself moving away from music as a whole after coming to the realization that it's pretty much all whiney emo junkies that I don't need to waste my time on.
About the only thing I don't listen to a radio in is the combines. I need to be on the alert if something doesn't sound right before it self destructs. I'll wear foam ear plugs even in the quiet cab machines and I can still hear the radio ok while the ear plugs decrease the tractor noise. I'll wear them all day long with no problem. And they do make a difference. Just try going with only one ear plug in and you will "hear" the difference when removing the other ear plug.
The change in creature comfort in my lifetime is amazing. The first I enjoyed was the canvas winter front on the AC WD45. Now I have four tractors, and a combine with climate controlled cabs and AM/FM/weather band radios. I couldn't continue if I didn't have the cabs.
Mainly listen to the radio while driving. Occasionally turn on at home. At work there's somebody that blares the radio so damn loud I get sick of listening to a radio in general sometimes. Depending on what I'm doing I don't always like to have the radio on while running equipment. You hear a noise and start to question if it came from the radio or equipment.....
I listen to Sportstalk radio generally with ear buds and my phone. If on a tractor running an implement, I will have one ear bud out so I can hear the machine.
Listen to KASM Radio on the way home and in the evening. 3:45 sports update, polka, 4-5:00 Agriculture Of America, polka, 6:00 Fatima Rosary, polka. Whoopee John, Babe Wagner, Fez Fritsche will get your spirits up after a tough day.
I dont ,My hearing is still good , because I dont have strait pipes on my tractor and a fender radio sqauking ,, I like hearing the engine and whirl whirl clip and curl and thrash it thru noise behind me ,,. that racket is like music to my ears that brings a song to my heart ,when all is going well . I DO Love GOOD Music. Even Classical and Opera if its Good Art. My true interest is Southern Country Rock Gospel and Western Music . I dispise the noise of rap . consequently ,and Rarely is there anything decent to listen to , I dont care for talk radio ,, I get pizt off to easily about some of them that trash my values.
The whole music industry has gotten perverted since every D J radio station was put out of business and the record companies got bigger. Used to be a kid could get a spot on the radio and sing , Then a poor boy record shop would pick him up . And If The PEOPLE LIKED it , Then He would hit the Big Time ,.. Now The record Companies tell the artist what to write. when or If it will get produced ,and how it gets marketed.. And Worse they try to tell US what We like ... B-S to that noise ! ,
I love to listen to a radio. When I'm in my shop, I have it on the local PBS station.
Don't always listen to it, but the background noise in comforting for some reason.
Ran a beet defoliator for the neighbor the last 4 years or so. 4440 Deere, but the radio was
scratchy and hard to tune. Have Siris radio on my cell phone, linked to my hearing aids.
I could hear the machinery good over the radio and when the boss called me on the phone,
the program went on hold until I finished the call, so I didn't miss anything.
My fav channel is Radio Classics. Great old time programs. Chan. 148 I think.
(quoted from post at 15:00:27 11/29/23) ... Now The record Companies tell the artist what to write. when or If it will get produced ,and how it gets marketed.. And Worse they try to tell US what We like ... B-S to that noise ! ,

Actually, the Big Data tells the "artist" what they will lip-sync and what another computer will generate as the "music". This has been the case for around 20 years now.

Big Data analysis determined what music patterns sold best and what lyrics sold best and since then this is increasingly all that is being "produced".

You'll note the "girl" this and "she" that because females buy far more music than males. The "music" is sort of "bouncy" because that's what the Big Data determined sold best. You'll note on the other side of the aisle the lyrics all support "victim mentality" to sell to the smaller number of males that buy music.
Gave up radio when they quit playing anything decent on them. Rush died so nothing there and the rest were not worth listening to. When I ws in the truck I used to listen to it some but mostly listened to the truck telling me how it was doing and if anything was wrong or it was working to hard. Saved a lot of money on parts and turbos that way. First and only turbo I ever changed was just over a million miles on the old Cat.
I don't listen to the radio like I used to. When I haul silage all day for the neighbors I usually have classic rock from the 80s on because that's what I grew up with. Sometimes I'll turn on modern hard rock, I might be in my mid 50s but still like to rock. I refuse to listen to any talk radio. I don't care if it's politics, sports, or religion. I guess I just can't stand people who think they know everything and can't shut up.

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