General Goat Raising Practice


Hello, for instance when a goat gets it's head stuck in the fence. In an attempt to let them learn how to get themselves out, how long do you leave them? I've got a neighbor who leaves them in, sometimes they get out on there own, sometimes they stay stuck for several hours. I have a recurring situation next door with my neighbors sheep. Due to past dealings we are not on speaking terms. If I feel it has been too long I'll go free them from the fence. The principal in Mathew 12:11 guides me to do what is right, but I do not have any experience with goats. Don't want to over react. We never let cattle stay in known destress. Are goats different in regards to learing how to free themselves? Can they stand like a horse? I would hate for one of them to stand so long they are too tired to stand, lay down and let the fence choke them. Talking to the owners isn't an option.
(quoted from post at 11:56:30 09/26/22) They should not be left like that for very long at all. BACK WHEN WE STILL HAD GOATS WE HAD ONE THAT GOT STUCK IN THE FENCER AND SOMETHING CAME UP AND ATE HER HEAD OFF FOR THE MOST PART
hat is what I am afraid of. The back fence is shootty at best and ferrel dogs come and go. I've cought 6 so far. Right now I am waiting to see if animal control will respond to my text in a timely manner. They are very over worked in this area.
They won't die in a couple hours as a rule. If they have there head high and fall Yes they will choke. If you want to stop it with out
talking to the neighbor, Run 1 electric wire on your side and problem will be solved.
(quoted from post at 13:18:22 09/26/22) They won't die in a couple hours as a rule. If they have there head high and fall Yes they will choke. If you want to stop it with out
talking to the neighbor, Run 1 electric wire on your side and problem will be solved.
rue, but I didn't say what fence they get stuck in. Too bad it isn't that simple.
Let your conscience decide. Just, if you have to trespass in order to free an animal, or if the fence is not along your property line, then MAKE SURE TO VIDEO EVERY DETAIL OF YOUR ACTIONS, AND EXPLAIN WHY!
I wouldn't leave them for a minute or two. Goats are about the same as sheep, not too bright. Leaving them for an hour or so
is way too long. If you want to see what it feels like, park your car or truck out in the open and roll down a window and
stick your head in and have somebody roll up the window just far enough to choke you and then slam the door. That is what an
animal feels like.
We raise sheep and have a couple goats, who make trouble as all goats will. Here is my suggestion:
offer to buy the trouble goats. Then you get to free your own goats. You get to be friends again and
understand the other guys frustration. Win win.
Better yet. Buy a goat and leave your car window open. Youll learn to leave them in the fence!
Usally they have grazed the pasture down to far ,so as long as that situation exist ,it will continue. Besides the health issue with parasites by
gazing to low .

Cant say what your solution is.
(quoted from post at 05:01:00 09/27/22) Usally they have grazed the pasture down to far ,so as long as that situation exist ,it will continue. Besides the health issue with parasites by
gazing to low .

Cant say what your solution is.
t is desert out here in NM. I haven't messed with cattle (Central Texas) since I was 19. That was XX years ago. Seems the rule of thumb in my part of the world was 3 acres for every head of cattle would do. Grandpa kept coastal mixed with rye grass. Fill the troths in the morning and store some hay for February. That is what I remember.

EDITED in locations

This post was edited by 8NChris on 09/27/2022 at 12:34 pm.
(quoted from post at 22:49:24 09/26/22) Better yet. Buy a goat and leave your car window open. Youll learn to leave them in the fence!
he shop goat was a pick pocket. He liked to slip leather wallets out of your pocket
(quoted from post at 18:45:28 09/26/22) We raise sheep and have a couple goats, who make trouble as all goats will. Here is my suggestion:
offer to buy the trouble goats. Then you get to free your own goats. You get to be friends again and
understand the other guys frustration. Win win.
deally yes. In his own words he's lived 36 out of his 43 years in the same spot. When we did speak he confided in me the handful of other neighbors and coworkers he has had problems with. I knew my turn was coming someday. It did. I figure most 40+ year old fellows have had his fill of fighting unless pushed. I think he will be an old hold out.
For what it is worth I just go and release them when I noticed one stuck. Let them call the sheriff if they want. I figure animal neglect will be stickier than simple trespassing.
You quote from the Bibie. There is a reason it mentions sheep and goats. I have been assured (no personal experience) that sheep are
basically dumb. Goats, on the other hand, are both dumb and defiant. They will actually lie down and defy you to take them somewhere there
is water and good grass. (Been there, done that. Almost danced when the last one finally died.)

My experience is that if goats are stuck in a fence, they will stay there until someone gets them out and will usually fight you if you try
to help them.

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