Had a Ford 8700 and added a turbo. Gives more power but you need to shift down a gear or 2 keep exhaust temps down. This was mid 80s. Had Ford dealer install it. I questioned no pyrometer in his quote. He said Fords don't run hot. I went with his plan. BAD PLAN. 3 hrs after I put it to work pulling 5 14s it had very loud knocking. Shortened story, next time I saw it, it was split in 3 sections. Hot exhaust gases took out turbo oil seals and dumped oil into number 3 cylinder. Melted the piston. Dealer repaired for free and I paid his cost for pyrometer. No problems thereafter.
7710 already has a turbo.

The dealer did more than install a turbo. He put it on the dyno and tweaked the injection pump to get more power.

That's what would need to happen for the OP's 7710. To do it "right" he needs to take it to someone who knows what they're doing, and has a dyno to set the power.

Otherwise you are just guessing. It's not like, "one turn of the smoke screw gives you 10HP." Every tractor reacts differently, and of course, if you're not careful you can end up with a melted piston as you did.

Which 7710 do you have, blue stripe model with Sims inline pump or black strip series II with rotary pump
Inline pump has a screw at the top you can adjust but its best done on a dyno
Rotary pump I dont know but the ones that came in to our local dealer dynod 99-110 hp right off the truck
I have a Ford 7710 Series II. (BLACK STRIPE)
Amazing tractor. Keep on mind, it is only a 4 cylinder. The turbocharger is making a good part of your horsepower. When working hard, keep it wound up, above 1800rpm. If you need more power, maybe you need more tractor, think 6 cylinder.

There is a dairy farmer way at the end of PEI Canada who used to post here a lot. He was very well respected here in his knowledge of tractors and farm equipment and especially Fords. He had, probably still has, one or two 7710s that he had been running at over 100 HP for many years. He was always very insistent that They were good for significantly more than 100 HP. Maybe one of the longer term posters will here will remember his handle.

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