Whens it going to freeze in Northwest Ohio??


Seems this winter has been more rain then anything. We just had our first full day below freezing 2 days ago. Anyone else thinking its going to be similar to the past 2 years and be a extremely wet spring planting season?
The weather forecaster out of Rochester, NY said last night might already be the coldest night (15 degrees F) for this winter and hinted at a warmer than normal February and March. I don't like the sub-zero temps but it does help break the life cycle of insects harmful to crops and for fall tilled fields break the clods down. Better to spread manure on frozen ground this time of year if you have to do it. I don't miss the snowmobiles that have no regards for fall planted wheat with very minimal snow cover and go nosing around farmsteads. Back to weather predicting I know they work off of models that show what is taking place in the far north but it seems too early to say that the worst weather temperature wise is already behind us.
No snow out here in California where I live. No snow mobiles worry about. The problem here, is motorcycles, and hotrod pickup trucks. The pickups will get into a flat field, and do donuts, making large ruts in soft ground. Then I come along in the spring and bounce over the ruts mowing weeds in the tall grass. When My brother was raising cattle, motorcycle riders would get into the fenced cattle area, by cutting the fence going in, and coming out. Horse back riders did the same thing. Then he would get a call from the police. Your cattle are out again. Hot air balloon rides would land in his area also, and cut the fence. Stan
Thankfully, all that nonsense is quite isolated here. Just like anything else it takes just a few bad apples to mess everything up. Years ago there were more older people riding and that set the example to everyone else that some forms of behavior are unacceptable. Now all those people are gone or are too old to ride but the hotheads and problem children still ride. They also have a generally bad attitude in regards to functioning in society. Riding within inches of a siding of a house 100's of feet away from a trail is unacceptable. A couple of years ago someone was riding within inches of nearly house on my road along with garages, barns, and other outbuildings. I don't care if somebody has a personal grudge it still does not excuse that kind of behavior. Whoever it was had to be casing places to see what they could steal. I wish it was possible to have law enforcement like they do in the north country such as the Adirondack's. One cop on a sled doing DWI checks just off of the grounds of a bar would pretty much stop that. No troublemaker wants their faced burned into the memory of a cop when a major episode happens.
They have been ice fishing on the lakes and even rivers here for several weeks. Its child enough around here....

I forget Ive been on this site so long I figure everyone knows, Im way over and up in Minnesota! Sorry for moving off tangent on you!

It was minus 18 a couple nights ago....

What seems to be "normal" for winter now in Western New York is a couple weeks of bitter cold in mid-January but mostly temps in the 20's to low 30's with a smattering of colder and warmer days here and there.

We're coming up on mid-January.

I didn't put chains on any tractors until New Years Day, which is extremely late for around here. Mid November is more typical.
I hear ya, the state park still has 2 boat ramps in, people have been using them, reports of good fishing the walleye and perch are up close come on ice, in s.e. mi.
It's -49F in Fort Yukon right now. That cold weather will drift off to someplace soon. It might be northwest Ohio or it might be Isreal. We'll see. But, rest assured, they will be spearing sturgeon through 2 feet of ice on Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin in February. I've been waiting for over 50 years to see the day I could plant anything more than 100 day corn. I hope I live to see that day. But it hasn't happened yet.
A farmer friend is dealing with wet fields and cannot get soybeans out. Here it is January. He was asked this morning if he was cutting beans this weekend. No, going to the lake. Better chance of cutting beans there than his field. LOL
Well I think it will be freezing this week and you will not like the temperature when it does. We are supposed to be in the single digits later this week with wind and snow tomorrow. It is starting to freeze again tonight as the snow we have has kept it from freezing this weekend so far. Looking at accuweather tonight they show the cold coming clear down into MO and snow in the south again.
Yes, as others haver pointed out. Just wait. It will be 12F on Thur and 6F on Monday. So, you don't have long to wait.
When I was at Ft Yukon (64) It got to -70!!! I poured a cup of coffee on the ground and it froze so fast, the ice was still warm.............................................................gtm
I was at Yuma Proving Ground in Southwest Arizona in '64. Just the opposite there. You could fry eggs on the sidewalks. (;>))
I am in northwest Ohio just a few miles from J. Yesterdat doors on truck setting outside froze, had to pry them open.

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