2021.11.29 Tractor Pic


Well-known Member
NW Minnesota
Puzzle: https://jigex.com/E1xQ6

Circa 1950's Newman. The design changed hands a number of times. The
original was called the Kendal and the company was set up to build a cheap
tractor and a motor car, at the end of WW2 by a member of Parliament. The
tractor design was taken over by Newman Industries but few tractors were

We had one of these at my first place of work as new unsold stock, the
diesel engine had been removed as it was so poor starting and a Ford 10hp
engine and gearbox replaced it. This was fitted in front of the original
gearbox and the tractor then had a speed range from, in double reverse,
glacial slow, to double top which was so fast (around 40 mph) that we
young mechanics were banned from using it. Of course, we did when no one
was about but it was quite frightening on three wheels.

We mounted a saw bench on her and used her to cut up wood for the steam
engine boiler that ran the garage central heating system. This was back in
the 1950's and the tractor and its bench are still around locally.

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