Stuck clutch


Case d c clutch stuck drug a back blade for hour still stuck backed into tree no luck - any other ideas? How can a wet clutch stick like that !
I do not know if plates in a wet clutch as described can become so compressed that they create a solid. If overheated they could become bonded by decomposed oil making carbon or other oil decomposition compounds. (possible) It could be that the mechanical components that align the discs have seized. Jim
I recently had the same problem on a Ford 8N and some good ideas were given.

With the idea given by member Doug-Iowa to create a spray hole, tap it and spray brake cleaner all over the clutch and flywheel. I tried that and after a few minutes I started the tractor and the clutch was still stuck. So I got another can of brake cleaner and sprayed the whole can in there. Then I got a long chain, hooked it to the rear of the 8N and hooked it onto another tractor (Cockshutt 540). After clamping the clutch on the 8N down with a large clamp, engine off and gear shift in Reverse, I got on the Cockshutt and with a fair throttle I gave a big jerk on that chain. That did it!! The big jerk with the spray did the job for me.
Hope that helps.
Is there a reason you disregarded the answers in your other post? See link. Maybe you could not find it. I thought the answer by Ron Sa had some merit. And those who suggest the lining may be coming apart and stacking also sounds legitimate. How long since you last used it prior to you found it stuck?
Previous post
You MIGHT get it working again by backing off the tension adjustment, might be the facings have swelled up and clutch has lost it's release clearance since clutch runs in engine oil.
i did have trouble with mine when it sat for a long time , ... could not get it to stop turning to get it into gear. i also thought that was weird for an oil clutch.
Was the clutch pedal tied down or held down during the hour that you ran it? Did you try to do a few hard braking applications while the pedal was clutch pedal was down?

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