
Well-known Member
I wanted to post this outside of your
post earlier sir. Do not let them get to
you sir. You should not have to bow down
to them. I enjoy your mechanic pictures
as do others. That is what is the matter
with this world today. It is a me me me
world. If it is not something they post
or something they dont like, they go on
the attack. People do this about numerous
subjects all over this country and it
sometimes pi$$as me off. If you don't
agree that is fine. It takes all kinds of
people to make this world work, but do
not take it out on a person on a chat
forum. We come on here for the
conversation and education. Sometimes we
even get some good laughs. I enjoy it a
lot. I know there are some really bitter
people on here at times. Their life must
really be he77. I am not going to stoop
to their level and attack them. I am who
I am too. I do not agree with what some
post on here but I do not go after them.
Everyone has a right to post what they
want. I have posted some things that
people have hit me about but oh well. Cry
me a river. I know some enjoyed it. I
just wanted to let you know how I felt
about it and my rant is over. May you
have a great evening sir.
I must have missed someone on George.. I like his post if it does not interest me sure is easy to skip over. The poster above has it about right.
Good post good buddy. I may have missed something too but Ill say it now as before- I get a kick from Georges posts. Keep them coming. Wingnut
George, I've never met you and probably never will. But, I really enjoy your posts. Don't stop. There are bullies in every neighborhood, here too. I've never seen you post anything that warrants some of the treatment you get. Just ignore it. Same thing goes for Old. I get a kick out of some of his too. You both know more than a lot here and are always willing to try and help. It seems like the same couple people are always beating you two down. Ignore it. Must of us I'm sure enjoy reading of your exploits! I know I do.
Well said. After a good roasting over my legal use of straps in Alabama, I understand the frustration....... Keep on beating the dead horse if it makes you feel better.
People like George and Old are very valuable contributors to this forum. They have lots of experience to offer us and are in some ways ahead of their time with the innovation they show. I also appreciate the fact that they do not post stupid foolishness themselves and also have the gumption to speak out at times if needed. So, keep it coming George and Old!
Gene Davis Tennille, Ga.
yep I too want you to keep posting, Enjoy all the stuff you share. If I'm not interested in a particular one I just skip to the next.
Very good I agree. My approach to haters and nit pickers (you know the they are always right others always wrong, the fact checkers lol) and those who are constantly angry and have a chip on their shoulder and delight in tearing someone down and attacking almost anything George or Old or some other gentlemen post:

IS TO IGNORE THEM AND DONT GIVE THEM THE ATTENTION THEY MUST BE SEEKING Why care about or argue with some perfect stranger on the internet?? Let them have their opinions or politics or religion or values (even if dead wrong) in peace and don't stoop to their level with hate and fights like some 4th grader.

Lets all be kind and respectful of others and try to help when legitimate questions are asked instead of feuding and bickering with some perfect stranger, why care what they say ????

John T Proud to be a Traditional Christian Conservative yayyyyyyyy USA USA USA God Bless America hopefully all here can surely agree on that but if not let them be in peace
I agree too!

Personally there are some "everyday" type posts that I skip because I'm not interested. Not going to bash the poster because it wastes my time and does no good in the end anyway. To each his own and unless they are intentionally going after someone else, just leave them alone.
[b:654c4848f0][i:654c4848f0]If it is not something they post or something they dont like, they go on the attack.[/i:654c4848f0][/b:654c4848f0]


The ones that I have noticed have never shared a post about their tractors or their dogs.

Very sad.

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