Loose Shifter, hydraulic lever knobs


Well-known Member
I have a loose trans shifter knob on one tractor and a loose hydraulic lever knob on another tractor. What is best to fix these?...soap? some kind of glue? The hydraulic lever knob had threads, the gear shift knob is tall.
New knobs. If you do the cheap and dirty fix with epoxy or some other kind of glue
you will regret it next time you need to take it apart.
I had Case 730 with metal steering wheel center that would fall out. I used a liquid gasket glue type product successfully on that.
How about some tape on the shafts, or a little solder? Had an oldtime plumber friend that showed me the solder on threads trick (he had the old leaded solder). When a threaded pipe joint wouldn't seal he would clean the threads and coat with a little solder, let cool, thread back on. Worked every time I saw him do it, me not so much! Guess I don't have all the experience he did, but I eventually am successful. Paul

Ya, almost forgot, he didn't have to contend with plastic pipe, all metal/copper!

I've put a piece of cloth over the threads then screwed the knob back on. In one extreme case, I used JB Weld.
Use Locktite thread repair kit. Follow the directions and the knobs will still come off, but be tite when screwed on. Jim
Plus one! The 3 point hitch lever nob on my 4020 was missing so I used a golf ball on it worked great. I was using a neighbor's 4020 with the same affliction, I fixed it. He thanked me for it. I had plenty of golf balls. A friend farmed around a golf course on land that houses were slowly being built. We were always picking up balls. Open the tool box looking for a wrench, it was full of golf balls. Get in the tractor cab I would almost break my neck! Golfs balls rolling all over the floor!

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