hay field crop so far 2021

I'm uploading a short video of what is growing in one of my fields right now. I'll put a link up in an hour when it is ready if you want to watch.
North Wisconsin had a very early spring. The temps rose and the snow melted way sooner than normal. I think it was Feb when that started. Then, when actual spring dates arrived, it got cool and very wet. There was one good dry enough short window (early May, was it?) for farmers to plant, then it got wet again. Recently, it finally dried out to a good level, and I started baling. I have 40 acres and rotate cutting it all to stay on top of it. Can't let it all grow and all mature at the same time because then things will get out of hand. Last year some parts got so mature and so thick, that my small baler could barely handle the huge windrows. So right now, I am doing some early growth cuts to start that rotation plan. Did some all-grass bales, two different cuts. And now doing some diary quality early alfalfa cuts. Got rained on today though. Was supposed to bale that today. Weather forecasts have not been so good the past two years. Wasn't supposed to rain at all. So now this round of alfalfa will lose some quality, and I'm just hoping it will be good enough to make into any kind of decent bales. Protein should still be pretty high (unless lots of leaves fall of the alfalfa), but nutrients will suffer. At least it will lose some sugar content, so if used for horses, that's always a good thing. Low in the 40s again tonight, so should keep any mold away that could start forming from wet windrows. I seeded the property 2 or 3 years ago. I have timothy, orchard, bluegrass, chicory, trefoil, and alfalfa. Some clover grows all by itself. Had some oats, but only for the first year. Hay season is here! The time of year where I make all of my plans based on the weather. Only go out for food and supplies when it is raining. Otherwise, I'm in the field making hay, or somewhere fixing hay-making machines. It's a great job. How is your early summer crop doing?
Central Alabama, this time last year we had cut and baled 3 fields. This year is gonna be several more weeks until any is ready to cut. Several folks have baled around us but yield was down. Cool wet spring. Heck it was 46 this morning. What?????
grandpa Love, You had the same cool wet spring. Yes, makes things not ideal. You are also in the 40s way down there? Wow!
Most years I have at least started doing hay but not this year. I haven't even fired up any of the tractor I use to do hay. I use at least 4 tractor to do hay and there all still in the sheds waiting for it to warm up and dry up. I do need to fix a flat on my baler tractor and fix a part on the hay rake but have what I need to do both
So far this weekend has been one of the coolest I can remember in the almost 41 years of living here. As for repairs well common place for me and I know I have needed to do them for a while now just not motivated to get them done yet. Hate to move tractors around just to fix them and then have to wait to use them
My year here in South zEastern Illinois is
going about the same as yours. Bale about
the same or more. Mowed 5 acres of very
good Orchard grass (had a few turnips in
it but had sprayed them twice with 2-4-D.
But turnips went ahead and made anyway.
Got a.few in the bales) Weather
underground showed wouldn't rain till
tuesday. Baled monday had over 250 small
bales baled, and it got dark and the wind
blew hard and rained .6 in 3 minutes. Also
blew a big pecan tree down in our yard.
But missed the house, but leaves and limbs
everywhere. So our year of hay baling
isn't starting out so good either. But
corn is up looking good and beans are
planted except.just a few. Alfalfa is
blooming but calling for rain on Tuesday.
I'll not bore you-all with any more LOl
VicS, Oh no! Darned weather! Weather predictions have gotten so bad, I might just make up my own forecast and bale off that! And you lost a pecan tree? Ugh.
Any more my forecast bird is as good or better then what the weather man does. Peabody my peacock if the weather is going to be good as in no rain roast on my porch but if it is going to be bad he does so in the horse barn
Here's my quick video link
Well, old, I'll have to get a weather forecast bird!
Peabody just showed up one day. I had gone out side for some reason and heard this God awful noise and don't know what it was. When I went out to put up the chicken he was in the chicken pen. So I came back in the house for help and we made him go in with the chickens. He has hung out here ever since and that was 5 plus years ago.
Same here, cold, wet Memorial Day weekend. I got 1 small field done and up without any rain on it, now I'm waiting on the weather to give me an opening so I can get started with the first cutting again this year. WSAZ tv weather guessers were saying we were going into a drought. If we are, I sure hope we don't drown from all the liquid sunshine. Have a Great day Old
my friend
As soon as the weather changes from rain every couple days I'm going to drop it all. Roll it up and put in. We had a frost the 30th when I got up. Got all the beans in so now the hay. I guess I should have cut hay and waited for the rain to plant beans. Would have both done now. Only have about 20 acres of hay to do so not bad when I start. 3 fields 2 about 5 acres each and then one of about 10 acres. Will have another 10-15 next year with the 2 -5 acre fields going away .
I also like your enthusiasm for getting it done. I would not want to bale onto the ground then put up on a wagon. I would fix a low trailer that they could slide onto that I could haul them on then stop to arrange them so I could get at least 20 on it then go to the barn to unload If I had to work by myself . Or go to an accumulator and grapple with a loader to load and unload. It's pricey though for a small amount of hay.
I work alone and do as you do. I too am having the same problem with the weather and I put out a lot of fertilizer so the fields are just thick matts of grass 2-3' tall. I did buy a new tedder this year, drag type rather than 3 pt. It WILL get a workout...glad it seems to be heavy duty. I'm thinking about damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead. (Patrick Henry???)....cutting a small field just to do it. Have some neighbors needing hay...may bale a bale at a time and run it over for immediate consumption.
We have had a crazy year so far in central KY 80s then frost and cool for weeks. Just shot up to 92 and 5% humidity week ago so did
hay. First time round bailing, Got 42 4x5 rounds and 44 square bales. First time ever cut one day bale the next. Couldn't bale the
third day hay was to dry had to wait for dew.
jacksun65, Sounds like many of us had the same odd weather. You got 5% humidity, wow, that's crazy. I've never heard about hay being too dry around here. What happens if you bale hay that is too dry? Is it just because higher moisture is just better for the animals that will eat the hay, or does something bad happen to the bales?

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