Mice invasion in Australia


Well-known Member
Saw a segment on the news last night about a mice invasion in eastern Australia. Millions of mice overrunning the country. Wonder if the mice plague has made it to where Charles lives? Also wonder if they came from Wuhan or maybe Charles forgot to clean out his barn last year and they multiplied?
I saw a clip a few weeks ago about it. Grain stored in a building and had thousands of them running everywhere. I can't get my small little mind to comprehend how it gets that bad and nobody realizes it.?????
Seems like 10or 12 years ago they had the
same problem. Remember seeing something on
60 minutes.
Here's a perfect place for one of those scientist to do there job and modify the gene's so that the mouse can't reproduce. Is there anything the mouse is good for? Maybe feed the fox?
Ive seen a terrier catching mice. The terrier is a lot faster than a mouse. We were picking up bales and the terrier was following us. That night ma was saying that the dog hadnt eaten his supper. We had to tell her he wasnt hungry cause he had been eating mice all day

Situation is we have had a severe drought for three years then a great year for rain in 2020 and the mice took off. Some of our winter crops lodged and heavy pastures means that the mice had cover and were not being predated upon. So mice population explosion. It started in the Western areas
and progressed South and East. We have been battling then here for a few months. Big thing is keep grass areas cut and don't leave grain or other food around. Have been using greased wine bottles with peanut butter in the neck over a drum of water. Wife generously supplied the empty bottles.
Some people were getting over a hundred a day. Best count we got was sixty in a day. Have now had frosts which has reduced the numbers. A lot of cropping paddocks had stubble burnt or were cultivated which reduces the numbers. Then have to be careful they don't move in from non crop
areas. Grain bags have been hammered and some haystacks even of big square cereal hay destroyed which we don't normally see. The media have only just got onto this, it started late last year. I was 100 km North west of home and there were dropping bait with an air tractor.

Thanks for the information Matt. That said, are we sure that Charles didn't start raising them in his farm lab with grants from our forked tongued doctor from the NIH and then some of them escaped and multiplied? :D :D

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