Spotted a cub today and a what?


Well-known Member
Saw this cub today,,owner wanted to know whats it worth?



and this little yellow tractor,

what is it?

What value?



The yellow tractor is a Jacques Tractor. Google it, some info. there. A Cub with cult. here in SE Michigan go 1200 to 2000 $ depending on tires, paint, hyd.,engine cond. and if you have a use for it.
The cub looks pretty good except I am no fan of the spring type cultivators. but then I live in NC where the soil has a lot of red clay in it. (Makes good bricks) I bought my uncle's cub when he went to the rest home. It had those cultivators on it, but I have since converted it to the spring-trip shovels because the spring type just wouldn't penetrate the soil around here.
Im no longer doing the big gardens,,just small plots here in NJ,,My big garden days are only a memory now,,wish I had a cub back then,,always dreamed of one,,never got one
On second look Warbaby is correct. The yellow one is a County Squire tractor. A Jacques looks similar and has a Frazer 2cyc.engine.
The yellow tractor could be either a Country Squire or an Economy real way to know is look at the data the seat spring has been added originally the seat mounted in the 2 posts and had a valve spring in each one for cushioning the 2 post seated ended in early 1959, and the factory never cut the hood and had a stater/gen mounted there, the starter/gen were mounted on top of the bellhousing adapter, they are nice fun tractors I have a 1958 Country Squire
GB in MN
And FYI, the Country Squire was not a fancier version of the Economy, it was a mail order tractor no dealers many ads in Popular Mechanics and mags of that in the early 50's until 1962. But the Country Squires were generally a bit fancier as they came standard with hood and fenders but electrical (starter/gen) and lights were options. The one pictured is a 58 or 59 by the seat mounting and the steering gearbox mount

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