How Cold is it?

My display had the outside temp at -25 degrees this morning. Local weather website said -20. Central Nebraska. Way too Cold !!!



TDC... too datn cold.

-21 here this a.m.

New said Ely, MN (waaayyy Up Nort), had an actual temp of -50 this morning.
Here it was 35 degrees this morning, in my bedroom. The electric company was only leaving the power on about 20 minutes an hour all night. Our heat just couldn't catch up. Don't know what temperature it is outdoors, the thermometer only goes as far as zero.
14° land between the lakes TN. All the way to 19° today, same tomorrow. 4" to 7" of snow and some freezing rain on top.
It’s “I’m glad I’m not on the farm” COLD. At -25* we’re in hour 2 of trying to get equipment running. We got the heater to refire, the skid steer running, but have jumpers on the lift and one truck that says “NOPE”! Once the hydraulics warm up we should get about 4-5 hours of work in. 2-3 if you subtract blowing on your hands.
I'm about an hour NW of you. Calling for 8-12" today with below 0 wind chill. More snow coming Wed. (ps- ride LBL often, stay at Wranglers.)
National Weather Service for south-central MN said -21 at 7 a.m. but my deck thermometer said -24. Last (Sunday) evening my son-in-law got off work at 6 p.m. after a 12-hour shift. His car had already just grunted when he went out to warm it up at 10:30 a.m., so I was waiting for him when he got off at 6. At first we tried a jump pack he carries in his car, but after sitting in the sub-zero car all day, the plastic handle on the positive clamp snapped off before I could even hook it up. So we got out his medium-grade jumper cables and the plastic on the positive clamp broke off in several chunks when I squeezed it to hook up. Being too lazy and cold to get some good cables out of my trunk (I had three sets along), I carefully attached the now-bare plus side, etc., and got him started after just a few grunts. He only drives a few miles three days a week, and I suspect these extreme cold nights didn't let his battery get a good charge on short trips. I told him to go home and get it on a slow charger until he needs it again. He's getting rid of the car in the spring and really doesn't want to spend $100 or more on a new battery. Time will tell how that works out.
When I was little, I remember one time the snow being waist deep and the wind was so strong it be me over.

Some how it did not bother the grown man who was laughing at me.
Ya know.... It's bad enough for us Southerns to deal with the extreme cold weather, but a great many of us are retired with plenty of time on our hands. Just a matter of us prepping our homes and plants and dogs/cats. But you guys and gals way north of us are actual rachers and farmers (and those with regular jobs) that have to get up early in this cold temperatur weather to feed or tend to livestock or horses or machinery. I have a hard time just thinking how you mentally and physically do this day after day. Best wishes. Wingnut
About 6-10 this morning in Owosso MI. My brother called from MN this morning said it was 40 below there this morning. That is near Park Rapids or Walker.
You grow up on it you don’t know a whole lot more. We just deal with it like you do with the blistering heat in the summer.

(quoted from post at 10:48:49 02/15/21)
Record setting early this AM 6F with wind chill -18F N Central Texas :roll:
exas is having rolling blackouts due to high electricity demands....and this is just a cold spell! Just wait until all vehicles are electric!!!! :roll:
Up here in the "Great White North" of Southwestern Ontario it is around 17 F. There are promises of snow but since I bought my Ford 9N last summer to clear snow it has done an amazing job of keeping the snow away.

The weather has really changed over the years. In the 1930's you could drive from shore to Pelee Island in the middle of Lake Erie and we used to drive across the Detroit River to smuggle booze.

Not much ice on the lake this year.

Ruby, the deer with the broken leg has not been here since the cold weather started. I hope that she is off in a more protected area and that she returns when it warms up.

All three of my doors have been frozen shut for the last week. I use a heat gun to thaw them out enough to get out side.
I think temp made zero today.
hand on hydrant froze open Tall Kid had to pour water over it so he could water off.

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