Less cold than expected

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Only got to -8 here last night, was predicted to be-15. Only going to -17 tonight, although my thermometer usually get a couple degrees colder that the weather channel says. But looks like nearly two weeks of chilly weather ahead. Highs below zero this weekend and some days next week. These temps are more common for us in late December and January.


So far the barn water hasn't frozen yet, if the wind don't blow too hard I may miss out on that this year. Be glad when this cold spell is past.
Good luck farmers. I don't miss climbing up into the silo and knocking silage off the walls with a pickaxe. Or cleaning the barn cleaner paddles that froze outside. That was 50+ years ago when I was in high school and worked on the neighbor's dairy farm.

P.S. We really ate good back then.😀
Minus 8 degrees at 8:40 p.m. Friday here in south-central Minnesota, with low of minus 18 forecast by the National Weather Service, and below zero every night for a week or longer. And we were having such a mild winter! I don't have livestock to worry about, but I'm running multiple heat lamps and heat mats in garage and shed for outside cats (including strays), and heated water bowls for cats and one at the bird feeders. I put out enough mixed sunflower, corn and other grain to have some left over for multiple deer that arrive to clean up what the birds and squirrels miss. Although the snow isn't really too deep, I saw half a dozen or so deer feeding at a grass pile I had stacked to use for mulch in next spring's gardens. They're welcome to it.

(P.S. I appreciate everyone who defines "here" either in their messages or in their user names with weather stories and such. "Here" often has little value without a location. Many readers don't know where other posters live, and 18 below zero "here" in southern MN is not surprising, but if "here" is southern Texas, shocking!)

I grew up in those 50-60 below windchills milking cows in South Dakota.....loving the lows in the 30's and high in 60's today in southern Utah!

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