Right hip surgery update

Keith Molden

Well-known Member
Well, today makes 2 weeks and 1 day and I'm officially off my cane as long as it's not slippery outside when I go out. I still have a little pain from the surgery but I haven't had any stabbing pain since the surgery. I had to get a bale of hay for the horses yesterday and it didn't bother me any at all climbing up into the tractor, I did however use my left foot to release the brakes (just didn't trust pushing with my right quite yet). Looks like as long as my eyes heal from the cataract surgery next month, I'll be ready for the hay fields. Keith
I was out and about on the third day after my right hip replacement three years ago. The left one was scheduled for last month [December] but didn't happen. It's doubtful I can get it done in time for spring now.
I had my right replaced for the second time back in June. Home the next day. Four days later I had to pull the well pump. Did OK on one crutch but didn't tell the doc. Still giving me pain, though.
The cataract surgery is nothing. The usually don't do both eyes at the same time. Have to practice on the first one. Better vision instantly and then go back to your usual routine. Had both of them done a few years ago.
I get the right one done Feb. 9th then they will schedule the left. I have very limited vision in it so it doesn't make a lot of difference when they do it. The wife had hers done last year by the same Dr. and she has very good vision now.
I promise I'm following the orders of the physical therapist. He told me this morning I could go without the cane even after I told him I was on the Kubota and hauling hay for the horses.
Keith, glad to hear the hip surgery went well. As far as cataract surgery I just had mine done in Nov/Dec one eye each time a month apart. Its was a great improvement no more distance glasses just readers. I wasn't able to drive at night for about two years, now I can. Actually I Didn't drive for the last year between cataracts and Macular degeneration in my right eye made any shady areas on the side of the road too dark.
So the point is I hope you cataract surgery goes really well like mine, like other have said the difference is like night and day! Good luck Chuck
When I am saying I am allergic to Morphine I found out when they gave me a shoot of it for pain and then they had to do other things to keep it from killing me. Pretty bad that it took them 8 hours to operate on me as it was

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