breeding and other issues


Anybody else having issues with getting stock to breed or health issues that seem to be worse than before.
My wife and I had our cows and bull checked out yesterday, open cows short bred cows that shouldn't have been, bull that checked out fine 5 months now had issues getting an erection and basically had no semen. Pinkeye earlier this year for the first time in 30 years,
The lady we get feeder pigs from had no end of trouble getting her sows bred and not aborting. Coworkers also had pinkeye like they had never seen before.
My wife works at TSC and the run on medication for pinkeye was insane.
To keep this tractor related I use an Oliver to cut and bale hay for the cows.
I am not a Vet, but did u feed a trace Mineral all summer, with a Vitamin A,D and E, maybe the grass this year was low in that !!! I know if you feed like a range cubes 60 days before calving and 30 days after,you'r going to have some strong healthy calves!
Cheapest pinkeye medication is a drop of combiotic in the eye. Old vet told us that. He forgot more than most vets ever knew. They had a herd of Jerseys they milked and filled a barn at the county fair each year.
Ran everthing pretty much same as the last 30 years. Just been having conspiracy theories maybe, but wondering if this nnalert crap is affecting animals as well. I know if I was to create something like that I'd want to mess up the food chain as well.
I know, tin foil hat time.
What do you think is filtering down from the atmosphere from those Chemtrails that those jets have been spraying us with for the last thirty years? And No, they are not NORMAL jet contrails as many people think. I have noticed a change in grass and trees over the years. Whatever is in the stuff has an oily texture and is not for our benefit. Haven't noticed any fertility problems yet with the cows but I am sure noticing an increase in cancer among my friends. The government and military are no longer our friends as many people think. Big Brother is slowly taking over and you don't need a tinfoil hat to see it.
I think every year someone has problems somewhere. I work with a lot of cattle producers- some have great conception rates one year, while the next year may be a disappointment.

On our own farm this year, we had one pasture with a terrible outbreak of pinkeye, while other pastures had none. There are so many variables with raising livestock... it is frustrating to try to explain why something seemed to work one year but didn't the next.

I do believe 100% that every success or failure of animals to perform has a cause that can be explained by science. I don't believe in conspiracy theories or anecdotal mumbo-jumbo. If we can't explain a problem, it is because we don't understand the problem. In the case of breeding failures, it mostly comes down to changes in: nutrition, weather, disease, mineral deficiencies, breeding soundness, and animal behavior.

Dealing with losses and successes is all part of raising livestock.

My cows have been coming into heat when they should be having calves. I blame it on crummy feed I had for them last winter and it has taken the summer pasture for them to get back in condition so they are now coming in heat.
Yepper, livestock can be frustrating at times. Been doing this for near 50 years, at home with Dad as a kid and some 30 plus on my own. Just a vent.

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