Third times the charm hopefully

caterpillar guy

Well-known Member
Thanks for all the help. I need to know if old hot patches can be used as COLD patches with the glues used today. If so how well does it work?
If the patch is on a rear tire tube, I wouldn't chance it. Take a chance on the front tires. A box of new round patches doesn't cost much. Stan

I say no, they will not. They are bonded to the tube with heat causing the reaction for adhesion. The new patches use a cold chemical bond. The composition of the old patches is not the same as the new ones, so may or may not react properly if applied cold with a new glue. If they are the type where the patch is bonded to the tin pan holding the fuel, how would you free them without heating or damaging the the patch? Tire repair has too many risks (safety wise, damage due to failure, and the rework if it doesn't work out) to experiment with. Use materials as the manufacturer intended/designed. JMHO

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