Just curious about some people who post


It seems to me that there are several individuals that are now posting on the forums with no other intent than to cause disagreement and anger. One poster, basically admitted to this, when responding to a post said, "struck a nerve, which is what I intended to do."
I am curious why it has to be this way? This website has been a great source of information for many years and I have almost reached the point that I don't want to visit here because there will, inevitably, be someone that responds with a rude or uncalled for comment. I just don't understand why it has to be this way.
I think if we followed the old adage, "if we don't have anything good to say, don't say anything."
Or, "God gave use one mouth and two ears" so maybe we should listen more than we talk (post).
At the very least, we should THINK twice about what you are about to say (post) to someone before you do so. Ask yourself if you would give the same response if you were "face to face" with this person.
There are several on here who mostly post bait posts for the response. I just don't read their posts. Why you would want to cause trouble for our hosts I don't understand
Great and thoughtful questions ms. I cant say why people do things, I'm lucky to know why or what I'm doing myslef lol I prefer politeness and professionalism and the "Golden Rule" and try my best to help having been here for yearssssssssssss. The "Serenity Prayer" comes to mind.

God Bless America

John T
Guilty as charged MS .... but if you read that thread it was a bit of banter back and forth between me and one other YT guy, and yes a bit of sarcasm thrown in by both of us. I've read far worse on here with a lot of name calling etc. that happens and nobody seems to worry about it too much. Meanwhile though, if you or anyone else is offended, than accept my apology.

Everybody has an opinion. Not all are in agreement. If someone disagrees, that is okay. To each his own. If a response gets heated or personal, you are in control and can opt out of the thread, just push a button. Some get very humorous in my opinion.
There are a lot of knowledgeable, good and helpful people on here. Just look at my post just below yours (in classic view). I try to help when I can and try to avoid the drama . I dont know why some people act in the way you describe but I wouldnt let it bother you.Just read what you want ,post and answer posts when you can add something positive and ignore stuff that you dont like or find interesting. This is still my favorite website and I enjoy it and have learned A LOT here.
My first post included an evaluation of the value of a Farmall H. (and my email address) I was presented with a obscene Email that nearly kept me from ever logging on again. Then I realized the person had no reason to do that and must have had a very bad attitude. So I just ignored the comments I didn't care for. If I see a name I find to be problematic, I just ignore their Bull ony. Think of this site as a cross section of 10% under 25, 20% under 40 and 30% under 50 and the remainder experienced. Each age group has a small % of rather fight than switch opinionated people. My best suggestion is to ignore them. Jim

Great post... I agree.

I try to treat people well. And if I do razz somebody... I make it clear it is in good fun (and they are typically friends of mine).

I will admit a time or a few, I have given somebody heck - but that is only folks who seem to consistently attack certain posters... or posters who continually throw out rude political commentary.

I see YT as a "neighborhood"... and I hope I am a good neighbor. :)
I have to agree if you can't say something constructive or helpful why comment. Like the poor guy that got beat up just because posted he wasn't going to barrow anything anymore after he had a flat tire. I've been on here well over 20 years and will just usually comment rather than post anything. Seems like everytime I did, back when, I'd get at least one snide remark or rude unconstructive comment. Although on line you don;t know the full intent of the comment like you would sitting in a coffee shop where you could tell if the person was just kidding a little with you. I miss some of the ones that were always helpful on here that got fed up and left because of the comments of just a few. Although there is a few that have left that I don't miss. There are some post when I read them I think here we go, somebody will sure beat this guy up over his post although I think some do just post something that they know will get someone fired up.

I will say I've yet to meet anyone on here in person at one of our lunches or a tractor show that I didn't like or didn't enjoy talking to.
I suppose...
You'll accuse me of being one of those who do the "baiting".
But I often wonder why everyone has to be sugar and spice and everything nice here.
I, like many here, am kind of a grumpy old man. I wonder about all the nanny staters and Chicken Littles and nay sayers and fraidy cats. I've never suffered fools well and sometimes think we have more fools than regular guys. I speak my mind. Have for 67 years of life and 19 years on these boards.
I don't expect to find a magic pill that makes me mr nice. If I did find such a pill I wouldn't take it.
I don't like the virtue signaling I see everywhere. I'm tired of the sissification, the snow flakes, the thin skinned sensitivity I see in men today.
Did I say something you didn't like?
Oh well. You'll get over it.
I come here for conversation with men and information about machines.
I don't come here because Dear Abby died and I'm looking for someone to settle differences.
I don't care to couch my language because someone might get triggered.
It's a rough and tumble world.
Get used to that. I did.
And quit complaining about everything all the time.
I don't like complainers either.
If you leave, it's your loss.
If I say something and get kicked out by Miss Kim, well, that's your loss too.
Meanwhile, speak your mind. Take me down a notch - if you can.
I can handle it. And you should too.
I don't consider you a bait poster. You have opinions, some I agree with some I don't. I like that. Bait posts are done simply for the reaction and/or to make fun or ridicule certain members or groups of members.
I must admit, I enjoy the squabbles. I you dive in put your big boy pants on. If you post, expect your welds to be examined, the gloss of your paint to be explored, and your wiring to be labeled sloppy. But if you're really in trouble see how fast we circle the wagons to help.
Sadly, it's out there. Compared to most sites, especially the non monitored ones, this is quite tame.

Just have to read around it, don't let it get to you, and for sure don't react to it!

I have to remember, I can only change me and my response.

There is something called "mindful speech". It works exceptionally well when I don't really know the personality of everyone in the room, don't see facial expression, don't know what someone might be going through, the list goes on...

But it involves "Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?"

If I run what I'm about to say through the filter, and it passes, then I can somewhat be assured I will not be at fault should someone take offense.

But, I do have my moments! I've been known to post incorrect answers, say something offensive. It happens to all of us eventually.

I do try to make it right though, and not be one to escalate a misunderstanding.

Proverbs 17:24 The discerning sets his face toward wisdom, but the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth.
Please don’t take this post as I’m back. Just happened to look the last week. I’ve thrown a stinger when I don’t agree but there are some that can run others off and yet get praised for a post. Forums are open conversation that can go good or bad by the touch of a keyboard. Thick skin is a must. Posts are created at times when the paster knows ahead of time they may create a *+•~ storm of comments. In the future I will choose or not to respond. Lot of good souls here, negativity needs to quit, I’ve been guilty.

Ultradog MN and I have gone a few rounds over tractor wiring methods. He prefers connections and I prefer insulated bullet connectors for individual wires and terminal blocks with bolts, nuts and eyelets for multiple wire connections. Neither way is wrong if the wiring functions as it should, and each has their own reasons for using the connections they use. I like the insulated bullets as they do not corrode, are simple to disconnect, and are also Ford's choice since they are used all over the tractor for auxiliary wiring. The crimp on eyelet connections are similar to the spade and blade connections used on the ignition switches, again from the factory. I go a little step forward to make these connections water and corrosion proof by sealing them with hot glue. A marine mechanic told me this was common practice in their business, and it seems to work well. I have had to rewire the NAA 4 times over the years and the 4000 is on its second rewire due to critters chewing on the wiring and shorting it out. I wish they would stop the use of soybean oil in the manufacture of wire insulation jackets. It is nothing but a critter magnet. As long as soybeans are cheaper than oil, that won't happen. The mechanical connections are easy to replace and are very timesaving for me, so they are my choice. The other reason is that since my Weller 500 watt soldering iron died after 40 years, I cannot find a suitable replacement that is affordable. The biggest Weller I could find was 250 watt and it died after 2 years, $80 bucks wasted. I have tried every way I can think of to lessen the critter problem, except installing a cat under each tractor hood. Chipmunks seem to be the biggest problem now, and I am too slow with the BB gun to be effective.

X2 what jonf said..Ya might be opinionated... but you're NOT a troll.

And by the by, just because I try to treat people well... does not make me a snowflake.
Was raised by the Golden Rule waaaayyyy back before snowflakes, PC, or participation ribbons even existed. :)
I came to this site to learn. So I keep my mouth shut and read what others have to say. I try to help when I can. But most of the time.I just read and learn.

After 51 years of working on generators. I know a few things. The problem I have found is be careful. With the information you give out. I have been to court a few times over it. So I sometimes do not tell all I know. Hard habit to break. I am very thankful for the help around here.
What do you expect from a bunch of grumpy old men? Myself included.

Most of the men on this forum are over 60. Each one has their own opinions and attitudes based on their life's experience. Life experience varies from location to location and environment to environment. We do get somewhat set in our ways. We also each have our own pet peeves and preferences. This is what life is all about.

When one asks for help or information, it appears almost instantly. You can find informed assistance in almost any subject related to tractors, farming, trucks, automobiles, construction, plumbing, and most certainly electrical!

As with anything that involve opinions, there will be some conflict. That's life.

One thing that annoys me is these mournful "good byes" that go on about how this is such an unfriendly place et al. Then they try to shame the rest of us because it is all our fault. BAH!! Then, a couple of weeks later, that same poster is back on posting again with all of the "welcome back" fanfare in some cases.

Well, I see it this way. If your skin is so thin that you feel unwelcome here or somebody hurts your feelings and you want to leave, JUST GO. No need for the farewell speech or the shaming. And, when you do return for whatever reason, don't expect a big welcome back either. If you leave, it is your loss. I've been on this forum for more than a few years. Sometimes I get flamed. Oh, well. I get over it. Some of the flamers I just avoid. Overall, there aren't many that rub my fur the wrong way. It isn't worth leaving over a couple of differences of opinions.

My two cents worth.
yup, i dont get it. some people are just plain weenies. i met a lot of good people on this board. i ask questions if i dont know or are not quite sure about something, i offer advice i subjects i know about. not everyone is an expert on everything ( altho a couple here think they are). sorry i got no use for people like that. if you need to bash people go to the bash board where a bunch of the old yt trolls moved to. remember, this is kims house, act respectable .

There is one poster here who "takes me out back to the wood shed" about every other week. Even though my backside may sting a little I just come back in through the side door and keep posting, LOL.
If it weren’t for people ridiculing me or stirring the pot I’d have very few conversations anywhere in life. I don’t agree with being down right nasty but it’s just words and usually from people miles and miles away. I’ve never heard of anyone knocking on someone’s door and thumping their head over something said on a forum. I don’t think it’s that bad but i also work in public service on the street and utilities side. I get a lot worse from people face to face for things that I usually have no control over or was their own fault such as not paying a utility bill.
Today's society is about a bunch of internet tough guys. It is easy to insult people and make fun of them when you don't have to see them face to face. But, this has been going on for years. I very seldom post because I get tired of people telling me how wrong I am, I get plenty of that from home and work. People just seem to enjoy causing others grief. Most that complain about sensitive, or not manly enough are just someone you can laugh at. I remember years ago being taught that being polite and taking other people feelings into account is what a REAL man does. It will not stop, and is being promoted by many. What is the golden rule from the bible? Oh yeah, treat others as you want to be treated. Just let them go, and look for the good ones.
I posted several weeks ago that there are some individuals here that I simply choose not to interact with. Does that make me weenie? A snowflake? OK I'm a weenie, a snowflake. I'm good with that.

you have not met my other half. Still catching it for a second tractor I bought over a year ago. I am not sure grumpy is an adequate description, but the cleanest I can print.
(quoted from post at 16:20:40 06/10/20) And by the by, just because I try to treat people well... does not make me a snowflake.
Was raised by the Golden Rule waaaayyyy back before snowflakes, PC, or participation ribbons even existed. :)

I wasn't going to reply to this thread, but decided to add a bit to Sweetfeet's post.

I, too, was raised on the Golden Rule. Likewise, I accept that YT is home to [b:41b5eaea73]Kim & Chris[/b:41b5eaea73], and [b:41b5eaea73]WE[/b:41b5eaea73] are the visitors. Kim & Chris make the rules. We either choose to follow them or to break them.

It's also about respect; not only to Kim & Chris, but to the other members and visitors. There's a lot of folks who visit here but are not members. It might be more inviting for them to join if we tried not to be such grumps on here.

I was raised to be respectful, as I know a lot of you were. Are we somehow supposed to just throw that mindset away as we grow older??

I've said these same things.....seems like countless times before. Too bad it always falls on deaf ears.....or [i:41b5eaea73]eyes[/i:41b5eaea73] as the case may be. *lol* I've already informed Kim & Chris that I'm not gonna try to play peacemaker anymore. So again, just wanting to add a little to Sweetfeet's (and others) post.
"[i:654c4848f0]I was raised to be respectful, as I
know a lot of you were. Are we somehow
supposed to just throw that mindset away
as we grow older??"[/i:654c4848f0]

But it's the modern definition of being
'respectful' of others that has gotten us
a 72% unwed pregnancy rate in some
communities. It's what has gotten us
riots and looting and the making into a
hero of a lout who had multiple felony
convictions. It's the virtue signaling of
tolerance for aberrant behavior as a
lifestyle. It's having a lot of tolerance
for turning our cities into human sewers
and drug infested wastelands for the
denizens from hell.
Tolerance and respect has been taken way
too far, has been crammed down our
throats, has been fed into the minds of
our children.
I am not respectful of those things. I'm
not going to be tolerant of those things
and I have no inclination to be kind to
the people who are.
I'm going to be a grouch and speak my
mind and call a fool a fool - in big
things and small things.
I'm going to scorn effeminating ideas and
scoff at using feelings over thinking as
a means of making decisions.
And I'm going to be Dis respectful of
those who try to foist this foolishness
upon me as if I'm supposed to be kind to
those with dumb ideas and behavior.
I lived by the golden rule as a kid and
haven't forgotten that sometimes the
golden rule was used to rap my knuckles
for bad behavior.
UD I think you are exactly right,some of the best advice I have received over the years has been advice I hated to hear when it was given.That is what is wrong with a lot of kids these days parents want to be their best buddy rather then set them straight on things.Apparently some people just can't handle someone giving a different opinion or take on things than they have.
(quoted from post at 03:09:36 06/11/20) "[i:cbb6b9279e]I was raised to be respectful, as I
know a lot of you were. Are we somehow
supposed to just throw that mindset away
as we grow older??"[/i:cbb6b9279e]

But it's the modern definition of being
'respectful' of others that has gotten us
a 72% unwed pregnancy rate in some
communities. It's what has gotten us
riots and looting and the making into a
hero of a lout who had multiple felony
convictions. It's the virtue signaling of
tolerance for aberrant behavior as a
lifestyle. It's having a lot of tolerance
for turning our cities into human sewers
and drug infested wastelands for the
denizens from hell.
Tolerance and respect has been taken way
too far, has been crammed down our
throats, has been fed into the minds of
our children.
I am not respectful of those things. I'm
not going to be tolerant of those things
and I have no inclination to be kind to
the people who are.
I'm going to be a grouch and speak my
mind and call a fool a fool - in big
things and small things.
I'm going to scorn effeminating ideas and
scoff at using feelings over thinking as
a means of making decisions.
And I'm going to be Dis respectful of
those who try to foist this foolishness
upon me as if I'm supposed to be kind to
those with dumb ideas and behavior.
I lived by the golden rule as a kid and
haven't forgotten that sometimes the
golden rule was used to rap my knuckles
for bad behavior.

UD, Very well said!!
You are a good neighbor as far as I am concerned, even though you are halfway across the country from me. A couple more observations on this topic, some people are a bit on edge due to the current situations , and different people have different sense of humor. Sometimes someone might post something they meant to be funny or kidding around but it might offend or annoy someone else. All things considered this is still a great website and has a lot of good people here.
My observation has been that when the weather gets ugly so do some of the comments posted on here.

Dec-Feb typically has some of the crustiest conversations.

Weather improves and so does the attitude of most on here.

Right now I am guessing the impact of the corona has created the mood for a lot of the less than stellar replies being posted.

I figure I can make some popcorn and follow the show or I can shut off my computer and go work on a tractor.

Nobody forcing me or anybody else to stay here and read.

To all those that say can't we all just be nice to each other try reading the news about half of what is happening on this messed up planet right now and you will realize YT is a pretty tame place to be while you sip your morning coffee.
The best use of this site its to ask a question and I have had a lot of good help form some very knowledgeable members for which I'm grateful. But when you ask a question, you're already admitting you're not as smart as they are so you're no threat. However, if you post an opinion or some particular way of doing a certain thing, some people just have to let you know how much smarter they are than you.

In general, Americans don't appreciate how good we have it in America. Patriotism and respect are fast disappearing. Not like it was when I was growing up.
On your comment, there are 4 states in the life a country and the lifeline is 200 years or something to that effect....source forgotten......too long ago.

The 4th is "APATHY". WE are well past the 200 year mark and due to our Constitution, and hard work, we have survived by nook and crook. Only time will tell just how much longer this (once) great Republic will survive. Between the Apathetic and those bent on destroying it, it's hard to say.
"[i:c7d76fee3f]But it's the modern definition of being
'respectful' of others that has gotten us
a 72% unwed pregnancy rate in some

I promise I won't try to get you pregnant. *lol*

.....I thought we were talking about YT; not the entire country or the world or all of mankind.
Just want to say,when I was sick and bald headed,,,,, 30 hats came in my mailbox from all over
,,,,,this site is great and when the chips are down,everyone tries to help out.I am very greatful to
be a part of the Y/t site,and hope it stays going for a long time
Until we have gov controlled media like China and N Korea I guess it will always be that way. Three or four opinions to every topic, maybe more. Kind of like bullying. I don't think its right but it will always be there so people better get used to it. I think it would be very boring if we all had the same, positive fluffy opinions as everyone else. Kind of like the Cinderella ending in movies. I prefer realistic movies myself, they don't always end positive.
(quoted from post at 19:56:08 06/10/20) People are getting addicted to negativity and conflict.

Yes Yes Yes - A thousand times YES. Not just here but everywhere in the world peoples' skins have grown so thin as to be unmanageable.

I have coffee buddies that I see pretty much daily, and we offend one another regularly. I just never figured there was a "right" to not be offended so I take, and give, with abandon. But my friends developed thick skins working the streets the same as I did.
(quoted from post at 16:54:55 06/11/20) "[i:ac4238722d]But it's the modern definition of being
'respectful' of others that has gotten us
a 72% unwed pregnancy rate in some

I promise I won't try to get you pregnant. *lol*

.....I thought we were talking about YT; not the entire country or the world or all of mankind.

kcm:MN, it looks like SOMEBODY did not read the fine print when he signed up as a member of YT. As a member of YT you are responsible for helping to solve the problems of not just your town and county but also your country and Bangladesh!
685 views and counting. Ok, I'll jump into the fray. Must be something to all this. I don't think I'm one of the ppl the OP is talking about but I've mouthed off here in the past. Not a good idea. Now I limit my comments to what I'd say if I were talking to that person. Might still get me a black eye, but it's what I would say.

Mostly I ignore the negativity. If someone responds to my post with "you're cheap, or stupid, or whatever" I am guessing they are projecting whatever issues they have with themselves onto others. Chances are I'd like them in real life if I were to meet them.

I think healthy debate is good, however--and I've actually learned from seeing others interact here how to deal with an issue without making it personal--however that's even possible since most people here are just names on a computer screen with some notable exceptions.

Years back I bought an old Massey loader tractor, signed up on YT. Really didn't bargain for all this but it's been fun.

Gerrit in Maryland

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