4 wheeler scrap yards

There is a sizeable motorcycle salvage yard on 60 highway, west of Neosho Mo and east of Seneca Mo. They had quite a few 4 wheelers in there the last time I was there. https://www.west60cycle.com/

Have you looked at the Can Am Bombardier Traxter? They are the same 4 wheelers. They made them for JD. Maybe have better luck finding the part.
Found this site but the parts still a thousand dollars
My cousin has a Traxter and I have a Buck. Except for green paint and some jd stickers they are essentially the same machine.
Been a LONG time since I was here, but another place to check. In fact when I was there I think they only or at least mostly dealt with snowmobiles. Now there website lists Snowmobiles, Motorcycles, ATV, Boats, Lawnmowers & more.

Something else for you to check once you get it running.

I replaced an ECM on a quad that would no start for a neighbor.

Fired it up and noticed none of the lights were working, checked further to find all the bulbs were burnt out.

Checked charging voltage and it was off the chart high.

Installed a new voltage regulator and all was good, I would imagine the new ECM would have fried up as well with the high voltage the machine was putting out had we not caught it.
Check with a dealer. Sometimes they take units in on a trade and just part them out or sell "as is" for a parts machine.

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