H Oil filter

grandpa Love

Well-known Member
New filter in. Crank tractor, oil pours out around lid. Tighten a bit more. Pours out. Take lid off add gasket goo, let dry , lid doesn't leak, but now oil coming out around the bolt!! Washer and o-ring there. Why is there so much pressure in there? Oil pours out at an alarming rate. How does the filter work anyhow? Oil comes in around the outside, soaks through, and down and out center tube?


hey Grandpa-- the reason they leak is because the lid is not true anymore-- it has been over tightened to many times -- maybe You could add a fiber washer to the bolt-I use fiber washers that are meant for auto oil plugs -- good luck! Roy
It's a heavy lid. I guess it could be out of shape. Press in there ok? Why doesn't it drain when tractor is off?
Check the oil passage back to the crankcase. Might be plugged with crud.
The oil is pumped into the canister, around and through the filter, and then via the center pipe back to the crankcase.
Could be one of a number of problems.
#1 oil pressure relief valve is stuck so you have oil pressure that it to high. Had that happen on a Chevy Vega I had
#2 You did not remove the old o-ring in the lid of the filter housing so you now have 2 there
#3 oil filter housing is warped or has a bad area that need to be machined flat and true again
#4 lid is warped
#5 bolt has been tighten one to many times an is no longs as short as it once was
#6 area on the lid where the bolt and sealing washer is ruff and rusty so you get a leak
IF it was working with the old filter, there may be some kind of packaging in the new filter that was suppose to come out before installation, like a cardboard tube in the middle or something, and the oil just simply isn't getting through the filter.
(quoted from post at 06:48:36 03/07/20) New filter in. Crank tractor, oil pours out around lid. Tighten a bit more. Pours out. Take lid off add gasket goo, let dry , lid doesn't leak, but now oil coming out around the bolt!! Washer and o-ring there. Why is there so much pressure in there? Oil pours out at an alarming rate. How does the filter work anyhow? Oil comes in around the outside, soaks through, and down and out center tube?

<img src="https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/cvphotos/cvphoto7675.jpg">

<img src="https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/cvphotos/cvphoto7676.jpg">

I have a H now, and I ve had 5 in the past. That filter looks nothing like what I ve ever seen. Mine have always been simple paper filters. Not real expensive either. That machine wasn t designed to have a real stiff filter, I think it actually is a bypass filter. I ve never seen much pressure to cause that kind of leak.
This is the continuation of an earlier post right? Well you certainly stuck to your guns about using that filter canister despite a good number of suggestions to go to an original type canister with a paper cartridge. Did you ever tell any of us what that sock-type filter cartridge cost you?
I think he wanted to keep it if possible because that's what was on the tractor. I can understand that. I stick by my earlier suggestion to leave the can on there if he can get it to seal-then just run it without a filter.
Someone specifically familiar with the H engine oil circuitry will know for sure, but generally the old engines used a "bypass filter" system.

That means a small amount of oil was metered through an orifice to the filter canister, passed through the filter, then back into the crankcase.

If the orifice is missing, the flow will be too great, and the oil pressure will be very low, especially at idle. At the same time the canister will be somewhat over pressurized, as it is not designed to contain full oil pressure.

If the return to crankcase is blocked, the canister will over pressurize, lift the lid, and leak. This is especially true if the relief valve is stuck and the cold oil pressure is excessive.

Or it could just be the wrong seal, warped cover, over tightened and cut the seal, bad threads and failed to tighten to the seal.
That wasn't an OEM Farmall h filter assembly. It was a modification peddled to H
owners as "better" But it wasn't and 90 % of those who bought them ended up trashing
them. Don't confuse Grandpa with facts.His mind is made up.
Well if he has oil pressure on the gauge it is probably getting through the system at least. Now I would pull the filter out and try it for a minute to see if it is still the filter that could be the problem or if it is still leaking then the canister has an issue. If put in a clean container the filter could still be reused. Could still be a plug elsewhere due to the old filter element and crude. This would help sort out some of the issue though.

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