welcome to windows 10

37 chief

Well-known Member
I just got my computer back after windows 10 was installed. So far I hate it. What more can I say. I was without my computer for a few days. The first couple days I was going through computer withdrawal's. Then I was not missing it. I should throw my computer and tv out. I think my life would be much better. I did miss coming here though. Stan
I felt the same way at first. Spent a few days learning how to customize it and delete all the huff-n-fluff I didn't want, now it's awesome.

I don't like Cortana. Microsoft wants you to believe it cannot be deleted from the PC because it is a part of Windows. Well, it [i:c0921bc0d2]used to[/i:c0921bc0d2] be a part of Windows on my PC, but it ain't no more! :lol: :lol: :lol:

If there's ANYTHING that you want to learn how to do, just open your browser, go to your favorite search engine, type in "Windows 10" followed by a coma, then what you want to do. For example:
[color=blue:c0921bc0d2]Windows 10, how to delete Cortana[/color:c0921bc0d2]

There was only one site I found that had the right answer (stopped looking after that), so might have had to search:
[color=blue:c0921bc0d2]Windows 10, how to fully remove Cortana[/color:c0921bc0d2]

When you click on the Start button (bottom left corner), your PC shows you all these different screens of programs that used to be just text. I eliminated all that mess. Made my PC look and act more like XP or Windows 7. You can make it more like Windows 3.1 if you wanted to as well. Just sayin.

Give it a chance. And rather than YOU conforming to IT, take advantage of the fact that IT can conform to YOU!! Just takes a little time and effort on your part, but it's fully customizable.
I don't use Win 10 unless I have to but first thing I do is remove a whole bunch of stuff I don't want. Then I have tiles for This PC, Documents, and Control panel. Short cut to what ever browser I want. Unclick everything I can for Cortana. It is like getting a newer car, you will get used to the improvements. Have fun.
Give yourself some time to get over the "IT'S DIFFERENT! I DON'T LIKE CHANGE!" and I think you'll come to at least accept, if not like, it.

Because, most of it is simply because it's different from what you are used to.

If you don't like something specific about the software, like Cortana for example, just google how to shut it off. There are detailed instructions out there on how to disable or change just about everything about Windows 10.

I have been using Windows 10 for 2 or 3 years now. It is NOT any better than Windows 7, or even Windows Vista. It simply is just different. I am getting along with it, but I still don't like it.
It takes time to get used to change. Like others have said you can tweak things. In a lot of ways I find it similar to xp. I remember getting windows 8.1 at work on a new computer. Talk about a learning curve. I think it took me months to get it all figured out. Just about that time 10 came out and the switch to 10 was seamless. I think you will like it after you get used to it.
I am not an accomplished computer user by any stretch. I have heard/read all the bad vibes about Windows 10, then my wife gifted me a new computer with Windows 10. I just started using it and whenever I hit a snag I went to school on the internet. A year later I seldom hit a snag. My new truck is not like my first truck, but I have learned to like it.
You're lucky you didn't have to deal with it when it was first introduced......it's a lot better now.
My old computer which I still use has XP and I thought (and still think) it is a good system.
XP is no longer "supported" so I guess it's an accident waiting to happen?
I had Windows 10 for a while. Too many 'bugs' it so went with Windows 7.
Now I'm on a used MacBook. Every system takes some getting used to using.
Thinking about getting Ubuntu to replace Windows 7, says every thing will still work with it, such as Opera. DOUG
> Thinking about getting Ubuntu to replace Windows 7, says every thing will still work with it, such as Opera.

Well, if you install Opera FOR LINUX, yes it will work. But don't expect Ubuntu to run native Windows programs. This isn't an issue for Opera, because a version of Opera for exists for Ubuntu Linux. But if you need to run a native Windows program such as QuickBooks, there's no Linux version available.

There is a program called WINE that will allow many native Windows applications to run on Linux. But not all Windows applications will run under WINE.
37 Chief,

Awww! Ya can't just toss yer 'puter! Who else would post pics of rusty dragons out in the desert for us???

You can just ignore ALL the desktop icons... and instead use your Windows File Explorer icon (it is the tan manila folder icon in the Task Bar - it's the bottom strip of your computer.

I'll post a picture of it here (this is on my Windows 7 computer)... BUT at work, I have Windows 10 at two jobs - and I always navigate via the Windows File Explorer Folder, 'cuz I HATE the Win10 icon/app icons for navigating.

ALSO, Google is your friend? much of what I can do on computers, I learned through Googling ?How to _________?. I also googled how-to instructions to learn how to use: smart phone, iPod, Excel spreadsheets, features in my car, etc.

You can do Windows 10... iffen I can learn it, ANYBODY can.
It's just a new challenge - take it on and beat it. :)

(quoted from post at 19:32:13 02/04/20) 37 Chief,

Awww! Ya can't just toss yer 'puter! Who else would post pics of rusty dragons out in the desert for us???

You can just ignore ALL the desktop icons... and instead use your Windows File Explorer icon (it is the tan manila folder icon in the Task Bar - it's the bottom strip of your computer.

I'll post a picture of it here (this is on my Windows 7 computer)... BUT at work, I have Windows 10 at two jobs - and I always navigate via the Windows File Explorer Folder, 'cuz I HATE the Win10 icon/app icons for navigating.

ALSO, Google is your friend? much of what I can do on computers, I learned through Googling ?How to _________?. I also googled how-to instructions to learn how to use: smart phone, iPod, Excel spreadsheets, features in my car, etc.

You can do Windows 10... iffen I can learn it, ANYBODY can.
It's just a new challenge - take it on and beat it. :)

<img src="https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/cvphotos/cvphoto4208.jpg">

Ya, and if ya type "control panel" in that bottom left search box you get the old control panel.
I also got a computer with windows 10. I still feel like we went backwards. I used to be able to do pictures. I took some pictures of a project I made on the lathe. I imported the pictures & the computer swallowed them never to be seen again. I have no idea where they went.
I am about as resistant to change as anybody. I was happy with windows XP and 7 but when I got this new laptop last summer it came with windows 10 of course. Yes, its got a few different ways of doing things but I soon got used to it and have no complaints. I still go back to the old desktop with XP for certain things but 99% of the time I'm working with windows 10. Its no big deal. Just different.
I said it before, I?ll say it again, I used to say I HATE COMPUTERS everyday until I bought a Mac. There upgrades are gradual to nearly transparent. Last time I used a pc with Windows OS, it locked up and asked "Do you want to continue?" What a stupid question. I didn?t want to stop! Especially in the middle of my work. I think Macs do crash but start back up automatically instead of asking a stupid question.
I?ve been told Macs cost too much but IMHO there are worth every dime especially when it helps to keep my blood pressure down. There is a bit of a leaning curve to switch but in less than a day or 2 you?ll be happy you switched.
Every time they re-invent windows it gets worse so I made the decision seven would be the end of the line for me. I just had to replace a computer so I had them put seven on it.
(quoted from post at 12:37:32 02/04/20) I just got my computer back after windows 10 was installed. So far I hate it. What more can I say. I was without my computer for a few days. The first couple days I was going through computer withdrawal's. Then I was not missing it. I should throw my computer and tv out. I think my life would be much better. I did miss coming here though. Stan
Well I upgraded my laptop last week after a lot of resistance on my part to changing. I can say is MS did go backwards with windows 10. For my desktop PC i did try to upgrade but only got an error message for all of my effort. So it will stay as a windows 7 machine. My opinion in Win 10 will be replaced in a few years. But I have no use for cortana or any of the other crapware packaged with win 10.
I would have no problem "updating" to Windows 10 if not for a few things. First is the radically different interface. They had a good solid and usable interface going back to Windows 95. We all got used to that, and it worked well for most of us. Then came the flood of "upgrades."

Well, Windows 95 was full of bugs and was not as stable as it could have been. Windows 98 was an improvement by the time they got to the second edition. Then came XP. This merged the home user and commercial versions of Windows into a single product. OK for that. XP was good and solid and reliable. Windows 7 added more capabilities and stability. But, the change to Windows 10 is a big jump in having to start all over with learning the interface and all.

I suppose that before long most of us will be forced to move to Windows 10, but it will be reluctantly for many of us - myself included.
(quoted from post at 06:53:42 02/05/20)First is the radically different interface. They had a good solid and usable interface going back to Windows 95. We all got used to that, and it worked well for most of us. Then came the flood of "upgrades."

That was the purpose of my post Jim. Windows 10 can be made to operate like pretty much any other version of Windows out there.

One thing I liked better about Win 7 was that there weren't the squared corners on window tabs. That's the one thing I haven't found a way to change. But after a while, I simply forgot about the rounded corners.

Windows 10 has been a good, stable OS and for me, operates faster than Windows 7 -- although I also have to admit that the Windows 10 machine is faster than my Windows 7 unit. Point is, Windows 10 is so customizable that you can make it look/act like pretty much any prior version of Windows.

When MS made the massive changes to Win 8.0 and 8.1, I saw all the differences and knew that wasn't for me! And when I got Windows 10, it had that same mess on it. Within an hour I had figured out how to remove that mess. Now my machine works much like Windows 7 with a little lot of XP thrown in for good measure. What's nice is, I can change the look in ways that Windows 7/XP would never let me do.
(quoted from post at 09:57:02 02/05/20)
(quoted from post at 06:53:42 02/05/20)First is the radically different interface. They had a good solid and usable interface going back to Windows 95. We all got used to that, and it worked well for most of us. Then came the flood of "upgrades."

That was the purpose of my post Jim. Windows 10 can be made to operate like pretty much any other version of Windows out there.

One thing I liked better about Win 7 was that there weren't the squared corners on window tabs. That's the one thing I haven't found a way to change. But after a while, I simply forgot about the rounded corners.

Windows 10 has been a good, stable OS and for me, operates faster than Windows 7 -- although I also have to admit that the Windows 10 machine is faster than my Windows 7 unit. Point is, Windows 10 is so customizable that you can make it look/act like pretty much any prior version of Windows.

When MS made the massive changes to Win 8.0 and 8.1, I saw all the differences and knew that wasn't for me! And when I got Windows 10, it had that same mess on it. Within an hour I had figured out how to remove that mess. Now my machine works much like Windows 7 with a little lot of XP thrown in for good measure. What's nice is, I can change the look in ways that Windows 7/XP would never let me do.
For the time I had it installed i never noticed a difference in speed win 7 to win 10. I got really annoyed when settings would revert to the original and some stupid stuff MS had done. MS should not consider me a performing seal to be trained. The millennial is strong in win10 and,to me at least, it is not an advantage. MS is all about making money so I wonder sometimes. :)

I hear ya!

I was all ready to install a version of Linux, but still have not done so. Wasn't expecting '10' to be worth having, but it's working for me.

Thanks for adding your experience concerning speed.

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