The Illinois Roundup Signup


Well-known Member
Well, Super 99 and the glennster kept talking about how they wanted to have another cIllinois Get-to-Gether and maybe meet up with some of the Iowageans on the YT board. We are kicking around the idea of meeting in the Quad Cities on January 25 to "dine", rehash old stories and maybe explore some of the John Deere facilities.
Please let us know if you would be interested and if the date doesn't work out, please suggest another date. As always, we will have the small "white elephant" door prize drawing, so if you have something you would like to donate - bring it along !!!

You just never know who might show up !!!



Feb 1 and 2 is the Midwest Oliver Collectors Winter Get together. Kruser, Big Jim, Central Ill. Baler and I will all be busy that weekend. The other option would be Feb 8. Chris
Glennster keep me in the loop on this as I would like to go but my parents have really started to fail in the past few days both started in hospital then nursing home bound. Dad finished running the combine on the 27th of last month and had a stroke on January 1 mom had a stroke on Friday morning wrecked her Lincoln truck
jan 25 sounds good to me. could I bring my girl friend girl Sue B I do not do well driving in large towns. I would try to get Tall Kid but I do not think he would like the idea

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