Shoulder Pain


Well-known Member
I was good until I got my flue shot. The next day everything was good. Sunday some pain, Monday more pain, Tuesday a lot of pain. Could not sleep last night. Today I am very grouchy, stay away. I can't raise my arm, above my belly. I was reading about the injection. If it isn't put in the right place. it does damage to the shoulder. Every thing I read about the shot I have. It can last for days, weeks or longer. Anyone experienced something like this. I have power steering on my JD so I can still mow weeds if necessary. I am going to the doctor to be sure the pain isn't from something else. If I knew this would happen I would take my chances with the flu, and forget about the shot. Stan
Six years ago a got my shot through Employee Health as the wife worked at the hospital. The nurse was older, administrative, probably hadn?t given injections in years. She literally stabbed my in the upper right shoulder, hit a nerve, instant pain, and I let her know about it...called me a baby and to walk it off. Couldn?t raise my arm over my shoulder for 10 months. We filed a complaint, but nothing happened, she was pretty high up the food chain. Would exercise the arm while watching TV, luckily didn?t have to do much raising of it at work. Still feel it now and then playing catch with the Grandsons. Hopefully yours will clear up a lot quicker, Good Luck!
My uncle had one a few years back. He thinks they gave him the wrong shot and darn near killed him.
I have heard horror stories of shot reactions from others. But also some get them and do not have any issues. Myself I'm taking my chances with the flu. I think I had a bout of intestinal flu not long ago. But earlier this year I think I got some bad ham salad that did a number on me !
I haven't had a flu shot since I left the Marine Corps.

There, it wasn't optional. Every year, we were given a flu shot, period. And every hear immediately after I spent a week flat on my back with the flu.

I'll take my chances with the flu.
Way back I'd have a little fever the evening after getting the shot but haven't in several years. Same with the new shingles shot. heard all the stories but neither was a problem. Remember the old tetanus shots? Now that was a SHOT!
I think most people take the flu seriously, and it might surprise you how many flu deaths are tallied up each year. A web search tells me this for Canada ..... About 3500 deaths and four times that number of hospitalizations. So multiply that probably by ten for the USA, scary stuff. I think I have experienced some side effects before, nothing too heavy duty though. I have been told that the shoulder pain can be from a bad needle placement or the recipient tensing up during the shot or a combination of both.

I wasn't, and still am not, tough enough to be a Marine, so I joined the Navy in 1962. I, too, had bad reactions to the annual flu shots that they made me take. After I got out of the Navy I started getting flu shots at the local pharmacy. I haven't had any bad reactions to the shots since then. I think the military must use some different formula for their shots.

Tom in TN
I haven't had a flu shot in 50 years. I don't leave the house and farm much and the most exposure to people with flu symptoms is in the waiting room at the doctors office or hospital waiting room. It is very rare that I get the usual fall/winter colds etc.
I am allergic to tetanus also, but I seam to have a very good immune system in place.
Same here....after the second time taking the shot, I refused the last 6....Even though it was "mandatory", you could still refuse it.
Haven't had the shot - or the flu - since....The shot? Never again.....
Mom used to get one then have the flu every time. I have never had one and will not get one. I don't get sick from flu and don't go places that interact with a lot of people. I also wash my hands as soon as I get home when I go seems to help as much as anything.
I got a shot a few weeks ago, No pain.
My other shoulder and neck has been a constant source of arthritis pain for years, until I discovered zRxCBD roll on. Pain is gone.
We get all the recomended shots, had a slightly sore arm from the shingles shot, but no problem with with anything else. If we have a lot of folks not getting the shots because they're afraid of the side effects then the flue will spread that much faster!
Back in the sixtys they used live virus in the flu shots. Put me sick in bed every time I had that flu shot in the Army. Now a days they don't use live virus anymore, and I get the shot every fall at VA. No problem.
Just had the flu shot , pneumonia shot and shingles shots an hour ago. First 54 years of my life , no shots and no flu. Christmas , 2016 got the flu. Then pneumonia , 103 degree fever and sepsis infection. I nearly bought it about three times. Then the antibiotics gave me a Clostridium Difficile infection that lasted 16 months and cost me 45 pounds I did not have to lose. All vaccinations have risks. The flu shot however is tricking your body into thinking you have influenza. Flu symptoms mean it is working - not that you caught the flu from it.
Strange here they will NOT give the shingles shot at the same time as any of the others. I have been taking the pneumonia shot for years and have never had a reaction. Just got mine this morning .
Never had 1 dont see any in my future,wife takes em. She gets sick lot more than me.i think it kills your natural immunity.
By the way how does the C.D.C. Know what strain is gointo be here in mid summer? I think they are creating flu

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