When you get 37.64" of rain a little over 24 hours.......





The reason I don't knowingly buy equipment from ares that can be flooded like that. Not interested in tractors that went swimming.
I have insurance on the baler and two Case tractors. Fortunately all my other tractors were at another farm were it only got up to the wheels.

I feel so sorry for you & I'll keep you in my prayers. Keep your head up things will get better. In '15 I experienced 12'' of rain in one night BUT I can't imagine getting over 3 times as much in a short period of time.
As others said I can't imagine. Friend of mine had two large payloaders get flooded, one of them was never right after, dealer worked on it a number of times until they gave up.
We think 3 feet of snow is bad, but that is devastating. Imagine grain in bins or cattle in barns! Praying all recover ok.

Going to be a while before the windrows dry out......

I know not a time to make fun of, but what can a person do but shrug, laugh, and push on.... feel for you that is tough to look at.

I-29 is closed north of Council Bluffs, Iowa for the third time this year due to flooding on the Missouri River.
Those are some terrible scenes in those pictures. Hope you don?t incur too much of a loss. Any time insurance is in the picture it never comes out 100%.
Hope you stay safe. Here in Schulenburg had 1/2 in yesterday, right now is raining so hard I can?t see more than 20 yds. But we are up on a hill so would have to see Noah to flood.
I remember scenes like that in that area in the late 1970s while ferrying a couple of Hueys down to Corpus Christi. Entire country down SE of Houston was water to the horizon. We looked down and could see nearly new houses completely submerged. When we got to Corpus Christi Army Depot we went into town and stayed overnight at a big hotel that had been all but wiped out in a hurricane of some years before. They told us the windows had all blown out and heavy rain going horizontally went right through the building. They rebuilt but the hotel still had a musty smell.
Been there done I worked up until 20 years ago would flood from spring rains every 2 or 3 years.i remember going over barbed wire fences by boat checking to make sure the cows had made it to higher ground


My neighbor and I trying to save some bee hives in Fannett texas yesterday.41 inches of rain total. Local TV weatherman reported a rate of over 8 inches in one hour. Three hundred people stranded in their cars on IH-10 for over thirty hours . Sad part of this whole ordeal is people recovering from Huricane Harvey were just moving back into their homes are flooded again.
(quoted from post at 11:58:52 09/20/19) I-29 is closed north of Council Bluffs, Iowa for the third time this year due to flooding on the Missouri River.

I kept a close eye on the storms last night as they were hitting us pretty hard....well, hard for being this far north. Our storms are nothing compared to the whoppers like that one in Texas!

Anyway, I was amazed at the number of Flash Flood Warning boxes that kept popping up on the screen. Some areas in North Dakota were getting over 4" per hour, often with hail. We got a little bit of penny-size hail, but didn't do any damage to the remaining tomato and pepper plants.

Lost power yesterday for several hours. Didn't feel like messing with backup power. Temp inside and outside was comfortable, and was actually nice to have the house totally quiet for a change. Finally decided I'd best get the generator going before dark. Just about that time, the power came back on. Was so noisy in the house that I kinda wished it'd go out again. *lol*

This is one time I wish we had a rain gauge, but still, nothing like what SETX posted. That's just insane! ...And yet another reason I moved away from there! :wink:

[b:b673ab7c00]SETX --[/b:b673ab7c00] Ya'll take care down there. Here's hoping no water infiltrated any of those engines!

Oh, one more thing...was watching Youtube videos about the flooding. I love it when they show pics of Clearance signs and then say how deep the water is. It's a HOLE people. Sheesh! All my life been seeing the media try to make a big deal about how deep the water is in holes and low spots, as if water isn't supposed to run downhill. ...What, the water was 16' deep? Well heck, let's dig down a couple more feet. Next time we'll break that long-standing record for sure! :roll: :roll:

Sorry -- pet peeve of mine


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