Corn pickin time full swing


Well-known Member
Its ok. Need rain.soybeans need water badly. Tall heavy pods not full

Neighbor harvested beans first. Yesterday a field of corn. Another neighbor is irrigation his beans. The spring rain screwed up planting.
Yes it did,we got couple guys here that planted corn late,ears look so so id say chop it but not our corn.
Beans range from waist tall to boot top tall,in same fields too.
1 thing about this year it treated us all the same in the midwest
You aren?t from around here, corn and beans are both pretty green here. Some chopped end rows of silage in anticipation of starting soon on silage. If it dries out ever.

It?s rare to pick corn before beans here, did last year but it?s rare. Beans dry down before corn this far north.

One of the farm radio guys said he had one report of shelling in Shelby County MO(North East) 20% moisture and yield was 80% below last year. Beans are starting to turn,it has been a heck of a year.
Southwest missouri.
We sprayed but we were so wet some fields spraying worked,some like that 1 didnt.been a severe challange this year
I saw a field of beans with the outside pulled and windrowed yesterday.Probably kidney beans. No silo filling yet,soys are just yellowing, Some early planted corn looks good. (Early for this year mid to late for a normal year.) Late planted mudded in corn is short and still pale green colour. Thorndale Ontario near London.

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