Flywheelers South Haven this weekend?


Anybody going to it? If you are, stop by and say hi to Mark. Heck have him on a bit if you like and insist he's Jimmydog. It'd be a hoot if you did. I've mentioned this forum to him before but with a little prodding I think we could finally get him to join. He'll be easy to spot, he's a bit of a wide track, wears bib coveralls and a train conductor's hat, and has a jolly look about him, and has a beard that used to be blond but is mostly grey these days. Nice chatty fellow who likes (and owns) John Deere tractors and Pontiac muscle cars. He mans a booth in the flea market area, it's on the north end between Lansing Lane & Jaegar Junct. Anyway, say hi to him even if you don't prank him, if there isn't any customers around he'll talk your ears off. I plan on going but haven't any idea when yet.

With a description that accurate, I might end up talking to 65% of the show goers.

Busy today, have to work Saturday morning, then we're heading out of Saugatuck on a sunset cruise. Back to work Sunday, I'll miss the show again this year.
Thanks for the shout out, looks like it ain't going to be today for me. Like your handle though, took me awhile to figure it out: a force to be reckoned with! If I got that right? So your zodiac symbol is delta? SW MI is too small we'll bump into each other one've been warned.

Plans starting to gel up. 10-ish or so till who knows when. Stop by and harass only cost seven bucks to get in.


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