
Well-known Member
I just put a metal roof on my house. I have them on a few sheds and a 3 stall car port. I never worried much about the sheds and car port but I am wondering if the one on
the house should be grounded? Does anyone ground their metal roof? and what is the best way? I would think several wires would be better than one attachment point as the
metal is thin and might just melt a one point attachment with a good lightening strike.
I don"t see any need for grounding. I have 7 buildings with metal roofs, including the house. Some are from the 70s. Had plenty of lightning over the years, no strikes or damage. Did have a strike, maybe on a nearby elec pole, back in 97, took out a microwave, bulk milk tank control, electric fencer.
What"s going on with this site? Just answered the post and I get adv pop up re steel roofing! Just like some words are hi-lited, and if you click on them, it"s advertising.
I had metal put on my barn last year by Amish. The grounded the metal on the roof in addition to the existing ground. Haven't had any problems.
(quoted from post at 11:50:29 08/08/19) What"s going on with this site? Just answered the post and I get adv pop up re steel roofing! Just like some words are hi-lited, and if you click on them, it"s advertising.

It is not the fault of the site, it is the way the computers are all linked in the background. Last week I started getting popups about a type of product I have never looked at on any web site. I made a purchase in a store. The point of sale in the store had to have reported my purchase to google so google could start tossing me ads, all based on my identity as known by my email address, which the store has on record for warranty purposes.
Just be glad the topic wasn?t colonoscopy! I?ve noticed that trend as well. It?s like they?re watching! I?ll see you at Forest City next week.
I don't get popups, guess the ad blocker gets them.

But I do get little windows on the bottom of my home page, sometimes related to something that was on here or I had viewed earlier. I don't think it's YT doing it, just the way everything is linked together now.

Better be careful what you look at! I can be looking at some tractor, or machine, parts... My wife's Ipad will start getting the same ads!

I don't know how we are linked other than the same provider, but somehow we are.
When I started responding to your msg, I got another full page pop up. Yeah, FCTA is coming up then- hope to stop by the sawmill and say Hi!. BTW, my middle son has been working the sawmill at Rose City for some years- got to be the "sawyer" this year, after doing some last year. At FCTA I usually do the south gate on Saturday.
Plant some trees around your house. Lighting always takes the easiest path to ground. It doesn't kill the whole tree but it will kill a branch.
Sounds reasonable to ground it but the only experience I have is lightning struck about 50 yards into the woods instead of a metal building I have.
Thanks for the replies. I have a lot of trees around most a lot taller than the house. I am in the woods.
Neighbor with a metal roof had a lightening strike a tree, not the house, adjacent to the house. The tree caught the house on fire and it burned to the ground, not the lightening per se. Agree you don't ground it... let it "float".

Old wives tales about putting lightening rods on your house, back in the turn of the century 2 story T houses. Their purpose wasn't to catch the lightening and ground it. It was to bleed the charge off the oncoming clouds so that they couldn't build up a static charge strong enough to cause a lightenting bolt. That's why they had sharp tips.

lightening bolts are thousands of amps. The the old, spiraling, square grounding wires and rod are good for maybe 500 amps if that before they melt.
I like the looks of metal roofs on houses, but I must say I'm not all that fussy about a lot of the colors. They seem a bit garish and could be more subtle (ha, lots of descriptive words). Maybe there are newer colors that I might like.
Have had a metal roof on house for 10 years no ground no problem. electric pole 50 ft from house struck three times in one year. They just come out and reset the fuse good to go.
(quoted from post at 08:50:29 08/08/19) What"s going on with this site? Just answered the post and I get adv pop up re steel roofing! Just like some words are hi-lited, and if you click on them, it"s advertising.
Blame your browser. Do you use Chrome or Firefox? I had one of those, can t remember which. It simply downloads a little program to your computer and it will detect some subjects you have showed an interest in and make some words in any text you are reading clickable. When you click on any of these it will make an ad with reference to your interest pop up. I can t remember the name of that darn little program but I found it on my PC among all the other programs and deleted it. A few days later it was back again. So I deleted the browser and use Avast Secure Browser and Internet Explorer now. Haven t seen it since.

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