JDEM, JD 4000 powershift

greg oliver

Well-known Member
John, Thought I would let you know it went to Pennsylvania
and is being rebuilt. John and Jim decided to sell it and I
remember you had worked on it many years ago. Saw Jim the
other day and they are still milking and trying to get crops in.
Raining again today.
I have not seen Jim in quite awhile. I saw John last time I was in New York two summers ago. A friend of mine still owns a 120 acres of mountaintop hayfields in Worcester. Tauzels had been haying it every summer. Not so sure anymore. My friend who owns the land was a Worcester dairy farmer and his dad had a John Deere dealership there. When he moved from Worcester near 20 years ago - some of the original Deere dealership leftover tractors were still there. 420, 530, and a 2520. I am talking about Don Wilsey. Last I heard, Paul Neujack had his 2520 over in Milford. Someone else local has the 530 and brings it to the antique-tractor show in Roseboom every year (if it still exists). Don is very eager to sell that ag land in Worcester and be done with NY. Last I heard, several solar energy companies showed interest. But it seems rural land is getting hard to sell in the state of NY. I consider myself very lucky I got out when I did. Local realtor would not even take my listing when I wanted to sell my two houses and 80 acres. So I did it myself. It was an awful process, but it is done and I finally got paid in full after some fighting over it.
John, We just help pave Gohan road last week with the town of Maryland. Thinking that?s the road your talking about. Roseboom is still doing the show according to his brother Ron. Neighbor up the road just put his farm up for sale last week. His brother has the nice farm in East Worcester next to I 88. He has an offer al ready but hoping for more. About every tree has been cut by Dan Stanard for logs or firewood. Don the farmer doesn?t make enough milk with his Jersey herd and trucking costs more than he makes. A farmer from Pennsylvania did move onto the old Hank Burton farm on Middlefield road. Still some dairy hanging on in the area.
Big tee, I don?t think you want to pay the taxes we have to pay. I have a 28x44 modular on 3 acres taxes are close to 5000 a year. That is in Delaware County I live in Otsego County is a 1000 square ft house on 3 acres and taxes are around 2000 a year. If no ag exemption they hammer you on taxes. Back in 1995 my mom was offered 150,000 for 250 acre farm and jumped on it. My dad had already simple sub divided it so the real estate company almost made their money back with the sale of house barn and 10 acres. I was angry for awhile but her health wasn?t good and she died in 1998.
My guess is higher and higher taxes and over-regulation and over liberalization? That is why I left. My friend's last chunk in farmland is in Worcester in Otsego County. Mountain-top pasture and woodland and right next to a beautiful spring-fed lake (Caryl's Lake). He had realtors pestering him for 30 years to sell that land. Now that he is ready to sell - not doing so well. Been on the market now for 2 years. Here is a photo of my wife and kid at the top of Wilsey's hayfield a few years ago. Pretty spot. Lots of pretty spots in central New York. It is a shame the state is so screwed up.

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