That looks better....


Well-known Member
Finished up the 504 today. Paint looks better outside, maybe it was the lighting that made it look dull. It is still a 20 foot ..or more... paint job. Runs fine and everything works as it should. Ready for a new owner, I'm on to the next project!



Looks good. At least you're making progress. I've been fooling with the Super 55 off and on. It was sitting in the shop yesterday. I needed to move it to get the 1365 in. I flooded it and broke the spring in the starter Bendix and had to tow it out. Two steps forward and one step back with this darned stuff.
But just think in three months it will be time for you to come to Tennessee (Gods country) Been telling you for years working on OLIVERS is a loosing profession. LOL
Hope you are doing well this winter.
I'm staying alive despite the weather. If it gets too cold,all I have to do is think about Tennessee in August and the perspiration starts beading up. LOL

We were sitting on the porch of a barbeque place in Clark Range one day waiting for Lee and Karen. Some old guy came stumbling up and mistook me for a local. He was as red in the face as he could be and said "I don't know how you people can take this!". I just laughed and didn't tell him I wasn't liking it much either.
Was not bad this summer and have had a mild winter so makes one like this place. I think the guys 504 looks more like they looked from the factory. Pretty good paint job in my opinion, wonder what he has it listed for. Narrow front end gas tractors are dime a dozen around here.
Around here it would sell or leave a dealers lot faster $2200 painted than $1200 not painted but at auction just the other way $1200 might get sold but not painted at 2200. Both figures are right on the edge of being too high but as nice as it looks someone might buy but the narrow front turns so many folks off. The market for that tractor is the guy who can not afford anything else and he just has so many tractors to pick from. That tractor has a lot of positives the pto set up and the steering is good along with decent ride. Good luck hope you get it sold.
Fine looking tractor. If it runs as good as it looks I'd give you $2200 for it in a minute if it were pulled into one of my sheds. Problem is the sheds are in western Pa. Great work.

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