Northerners Blessing

For any of us who live up north the 60-70 degree temp swing has been a blessing. Drinking cups and water tanks are thawing. Cattle are no longer humping up. The knee to waist deep snow is vanishing. What a blessing warm weather can be. Thank you Lord for giving us a break. Maybe my gelled up skid steer will now start. Al
I did a couple assembly jobs in the shop today and Friday. So nice with the warmer temp and the sun shining. Had to walk out to the back fields, decided it was so pretty I would leave the 4 wheeler in the shed. I noticed water running on the field next to the lane. This grew into a torrent and was pretty much a creek by the time I got halfway back. I had some wet feet before I was done, but it was nice to have a walk in the milder air.
Only trouble now is,it's too warm. All the ruts were filled with snow and it was pretty easy getting around. Now they're full of slush and it's back to bouncing around and risking breaking something again. A warm up to about 33-34 would have worked better. I hauled some hay yesterday before it warmed up too much.
It?s 15F here this afternoon and little wind,feels like a spring day compared to the cold we?ve had.
No to brag but its 64 in southern Indiana! That's a 70+ degree temp swing in a few days. The bad thing is it's a muddy mess on top 2 inches then froze.
It flirted above freezing on Saturday and I am thankful for that. We got that bit of a chance to catch up on things.

Fog rolled in and it remained hazy in mid afternoon.

Today is a miserable terrible day. It is 20 degrees and very very foggy, ice is growing on trees and iron and stuff. It feels very chilly with the dampness below freezing.

Very hard on the cattle still.

But it is what it is, it?s minnesota. We know what we get here.

I have a hydrant that froze, that likely won?t thaw out for a couple months. It should be 5 feet deep, it was installed by experienced well guy.

I'm in Great Falls, MT and it's about 4 below zero right now; I'm not looking forward to5 A.M. tomorrow when I have to go out and go to dialysis. However, I can remember Dec 24, 1983 when it was 43 below so I guess I can't complain too much.
(quoted from post at 13:25:20 02/03/19) For any of us who live up north the 60-70 degree temp swing has been a blessing.l
No blessing this far North. It has been -10 to -15F most of the day with light snow and blowing from the North. I just spent a few minutes outside checking the cattle giving them some grain and water. They can stand the cold a lot better than I can. Looked quite comfortable as they headed back to the hay feeder. Sounds like more of the same for the next few days.
Al don't know where you are, but description fits here in central Michigan. Except it was my diesel pickup/snowplow which I stalled in a snowbank. had run the batteries down with the electric/hydraulic plow controls. Had it on 150' extension cord with motor heater and battery charger for a day and a half. Got it started and back in the garage this morning. Going to add a bunch of kerosene before I run it again. already added anti-gel. Was really worried about outside animals, Shetland sheep, an angora goat, and three scottish highland cattle. They all hunkered down in that terrible weather, and survived. Don't ever remember a session like that. What snowbanks left that I need to move may be fair game for backhoe after it freezes in a couple days.
Dad always said you could sleep 'ok' in an unheated tent at -50?F as long as you had 2 sleeping bags and kept your face covered. He was sent to Alaska and spent 4 years there in the Army instead of being sent to Vietnam in 1969. Did a lot of search and rescues and helped the coast guard when they weren't training. He really loved it there. He was there in 1971 to experience the record cold temps set in the US, which was around -80? F. I hate the cold.

The problem with a thaw after a few weeks of hard freeze is that all that snow you plowed melts and has to go someplace. Right now it appears most of it is trying to get into my garage! :roll:

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