OT I guess the older one got all the brains...

Dave H (MI)

Well-known Member
So my youngest is working at the clinic last night and a patient had just left whose owner smelled pretty strongly of cannabis. In an attempt to clear the smell from the room she decided to light a candle...but the wick had been buried in wax so she lit a tongue depressor to melt the wax and push it away from the wick. Then she blew out the tongue depressor and watched as a cloud of smoke rose to the ceiling...directly into the smoke detector. Frantically waving her arm to disperse the smoke she completely forgot she was holding the smoking stick in her hand...so the smoke detector went off. She jumps up on the exam table and hits the button on the detector and exits the room to tell her coworkers all is well. The doctor came out of another room, took one look and said..."I knew it was you."

Oh boy. Takes after her mom...no really. :)
You can't make stuff like that up!

My daughter is a medical lab tech. She works overnights so often has to go draw blood in the ER. She was tell us that they have stickers for small children in the hopes they will keep them calm while they are getting poked with a needle. She said they never work, till last night. 4 year old boy throwing a fit after the ER Doc had told him they were going to take a blood sample. Daughter said she walked in the room and like always showed off the stickers (that according to her never work), Cars stickers. She said the kid was like just cut my arm off and give me those stickers!! She said no even one little peep out of him.

I was manager of a garbage hauling co. years ago and driver came back from route and said he hit a car in a parking lot. Ok, how did it happen? I need to fill out insurance form? He said- you know how sometimes when you're taking the cigarette out of your mouth and it sticks to your lips? Yes- how did you hit the car? Well when it stuck to my lips my fingers slipped off the end and burned my fingers. Ok, how did you hit the car? When my fingers burned I opened my mouth and cigarette fell to floor. Yes- and how did you hit car? When I bent down to get cigarette, that's when I hit the car. That's what you want me to put on this form? That's what happened!!
A fellow on a tractor pulling a mixer wagon went through a stop sign and my daughter T boned the tractor, snapped the back wheel off a 125 hp tractor. Totaled the car, but she was not hurt. His excuse? I got new teeth last week and they fell out of my mouth and I picked them up from the cab floor and was trying to get them back in.....cop just laughed....

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