OT: 10 Years Ago


Well-known Member
Folks, 100 years ago, the great Spanish Flu pandemic was raging, resulting in the deaths of, perhaps, five times as many as all military and civilian deaths of The Great War.

It is estimated that the Spanish Flu killed as many people in 24 weeks than AIDS killed in 24 years and more in a year than the Black Death killed in a century.

Count your blessings.

Spanish Flu
Now the world has roughly 4 times the 1918 population, if something similar happened, say with some of the superbugs or other basically unknown diseaeses of the third world it will be beyond catastrophic, its all exponential. This epidemic is not taught in schools or is glossed over very lightly, probably because if the truth were told the average joe may be less inclined to allow millions of foreigners who may be carrying God knows what into the country.
Superbugs and 3rd world diseases now travel via airliners and will be around the world in hours.

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