Interesting article


Well-known Member
An interesting article I was reading in the Lancaster Farm newspaper//
An Iowa dairy farmer crossed a Holstein with Wagyu cattle,which is derived from Japan.
According to the artical,Wagu has three times the amount of mono-unsaturated fatty acids compared to other beef breeds,meaning its higher in unsaturated fat and oleic acid,which is said to be responsible for the rich flavor.Oleic acid also is found in Olive oil and,according to reports,can help lower bad LDL cholesterol.
I found the artical interesting,,but like to mention it here to get viewpoints from farmers and people who may be involved.
By coincidence, I have a doctor's appointment this AM at 9:50 ..... I'll get his opinion and report back later. Too complex for me ....
The composition of fatty-acids in a type of meat is the deal-breaker. The wrong types of fatty-acids are essentially poisons. The problem is, it takes decades of their ingestion for their effects to become apparent. The long term outcome of their ingestion will be vascular disease and/or joint degeneration.
Cholesterol is necessary for healing. Ingesting high amounts of saturated fatty-acids produces a constant state of inflammation. This results in a constant need to heal the inflamed tissue. High cholesterol is the result of your bodies attempt to heal in the presence of a constant state of inflammation.
What the animals eat determines the healthfulness of their meat. Wild game or grass-fed beef is outstanding food. Wagyu cattle are fed a healthful diet.
And on a related note IIRC those are the high priced steaks the last president used to eat people were making a fuss about. LOL. whether you like it or not everything IS related to politics in some way !
People are attracted to sweets and fats.

They like to spend their money on trinkets and electronics, food needs to be cheap.

If you can make a healthier burger or steak for the same money that people will want, good deal, bring it on, let?s do it!

Lot of times once we try to chase after such a deal. We find out it isn?t what we thought it would be, and something along the way makes it taste terrible or makes it cost 3x as much. And then, there we are, something that doesn?t live up to the promise and hype.

The ultra-expensive Japanese beef mentioned are Kobe beef- fed saki and massaged.

Mine are Koobie beef- fed Jack Daniels and hit with broomsticks. Mine have been trained to smoke filterless cigarettes and drink Roundup just because. They are X-rayed daily, bedded in pure asbestos and ride in the trailer not wearing seatbelts.

I plan to eat Koobie beef until I die.
Well, two things ..... first I forgot to ask (I probably wouldn't have remembered any of the details anyways). Secondly, this guy might be the last guy to ask about nutrition ..... but he is a good MD I'll say that.
I do some haying work for a local doctor who also raises Waygu cattle. Sells to some restaurants and also freezer beef. Must have 50 head or so, and feeds out all the steers. He says that one reason he raises them is because it is a healthier type of meat. He has given me some a few different times, and it is for sure the most tender, flavorful steaks I have had. I don't know what all he feeds them but it includes free choice hay and free choice ground corn based feed. Only downside I can see is that purebred Waygu have horns, and those adolescent steer calves can jump like a deer!
Well its true that red meat, especially beef is high in saturated fat, which raises cholesterol and higher levels of LDL will increase the risk of heart disease. Red meat is also linked to colon/rectal cancers. Heart disease (#1) and Cancer (#2) are the top two causes of death in the U.S.

Wagyu is a healthier beef, but it is not going to save your life. If you still want red meat then at least try to select the leaner cuts.

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