Corn-winter wheat-soybeans


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Corn-winter wheat-soybeans. Farmer across the road applied fertilizer yesterday and disked his corn stocks. Today he's putting in his wheat.
Here in WI the rotation would be corn,soybeans and then the wheat notilled into the bean ground. I am hoping to plant 70 acres of rye tomorrow. Tom
Neighbor plants winter wheat. Next year after harvest of the wheat, he plants beans. He used to bale the straw 4x4x8 ft bales. Picked up 2 bales at a time and loaded on semi. Usually the baler followed the combine. Planted beans next day.
I am a little southeast of George and all the wheat around here goes in after corn. Dont know if I have ever seen wheat no till except for cover crop. I always mow the stalks then hit it with the disc and roller. I noticed my wheat is starting to pop up. I planted about a week ago when it was 87, used the old 4520 on the the drill and got me a tan!
Nice picture . I drilled triticale last week with this warm weather should make it come up. Hopefully we will get more rain or it isn?t going to make it anyway
Just artical in paper last week from the coun ty extension service about that and they say DO NOT PLANT WHEAT AFTER CORN, something about disease or something. I don't farm any more so did not try to remember details. In all my time only once did we plant wheat after corn and the 1.5 acre field ws moldboard plowed. Only time In my 75 years have I seen wheat following corn. Only exception was when corn was cut with a binder and shocked and you planted between rows of shocks and in spring you put oats in that shock row. Could be something in the stalk that was making the toxic they were talking about.
He been rotating his crops for many year. I don't think I'll tell this farmer he doesn't know what he's doing.

Do you see his 8330 JD and green drill. Don't you think He must be doing something right to afford this equipment?

He's a get-er-done farmer. I Never see him with old equipment broke down in his field.
Around here it would be chemical. Several of us planted triticale this fall and with all of the wet it has been good grazing. The only flop was the guy down the road that sprays everything to death. Something he sprayed on his corn first crop must have had carryover for grass.
Just saying what I had just read. Never heard that before. Normally corn doesn't get ripe enough to pick by the time wheat has to be in the ground. So with being too late in season to plant wheat after corn it is beans then wheat as normally beans come off before the corn but this year both comming off at same time. Normally corn comes off late october and november and wheat should be planted late september or early october. You are farther south than me so should make a difference. The new guy at the extension service is also saying the worst problem weeds are some I never even heard of and what was the problem for me he does not even think they exist. So I question his wisdome at times.
He probably gets 3 crops in a 2 year rotation that way. And now probably 90% of the wheat goes in as no till into the bean ground. Some years some people will try to plant no till beans after the wheat comes off but a lot of the time they do not make it to get ripe enough to get a crop to harvest befrost kills the grass green beans. You have a longer growing season than what we have here.

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