The world is a dangerous place


Well-known Member
DJ Seller brought up some good things to think on. Here's a few interesting accidents. 700 people are killed each year world wide by toasters, 150 are killed each year by falling cocoanuts. Probably not many in Iowa. 75 from lawn mowers mostly kids. It's from the internet so it must be true. No accidents that I know of, around here from tractors recently. If any it is from the construction industry. The one I remember close is, kids were giving each other rides I a loader bucker. The tractor hit a bump one kid fell out, and got run over. Just be careful out there. Stan
(quoted from post at 15:33:12 09/23/18) Ya but evolution has pretty much eliminated being killed by dinosaurs.

Wanna bet? Get my wife mad at you.......that old dinosaur? She'll get ya!

Just had a 14 year old girl killed yesterday. Didn't know her personally, friend of a friend. Two girls on a 4 wheeler, first time driver up front, turned too quick and rolled it. Driver got a broken arm and her friend died instantly. Sad day. The world truly is a dangerous place
Lots of ways to live, lots of ways to die as well. This has stuck with me since I was a kid. I won't be graphic, but it's a disturbing story, so if you'd rather be spared, you should stop reading now.

We lived near a commercial area, and one business did welding and machine work, and kept equipment out back under a roof. Probably not enough room inside for all the machines.

A neighbor family nearby had some kids, and everyone in this family had problems. Substance abuse, scrapes with the law, probably other things I didn't know about. I was eleven at the time.

Their youngest boy wandered over to the machine shop and climbed onto a machine that I can best describe as a roller of some kind. Two massive steel rollers--maybe for shaping steel or some heavy-duty process. It's likely he climbed up there to get at a switch to see what it operated. It operated the rollers he was standing on.

His brother was the one who found him, and--afflicted with marginal intelligence and a frail grasp on reality, it sent him over the edge. Some years back I ran across him by accident--and, well into his thirties, he roams this world looking for his lost little brother.
My mom wouldn?t let us run near the walnut trees. She had a cousin that was playing and fell on a walnut on his temple and died. My mother seemed to know of someone that died in some odd way that forever kept us from doing things like running near a disk or riding our bikes in the heat. I?m thinking those were just weak family members that the good Lord weeded out to strengthen the gene pool.
(quoted from post at 16:35:41 09/23/18) Geez,if you're gonna call her a dinosaur,I'll bet she gets after you quite often!


1: I never ever say anything like that behind her back! She knows what I say!

2: read 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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