To many rules

flying belgian

Well-known Member
I take my extra eggs to the local Salvation Army. Been doing it for years. Called the local food shelf once but they can't take farm fresh eggs, only store bought eggs. Yesterday I took some to salvation army and she said we can't take farm fresh eggs. They have to be pasteurized. What! I've been bringing them down here for years, what changed. We've got a different inspector. Ok, I'll take them back home and feed them to the pigs. Well if I want to leave them there she will give the eggs to their patrons and they can fry them themselves it's just that she can't prepare them because they have to be pasteurized. So I left them there because it sounds like they will still get to the needy. What the hill is a pasteurized egg?
Thank you. Remember though, it's the commercial producers pushing this. My neighbor has chickens and they 'free range' all over her place and mine. She can't keep up with all the people wanting her brown eggs. My Wife and I get them no charge as they're eating our bugs and kitchen scraps. Seriously, eggs from her chickens are WAY better than the 99? a dozen store bought eggs. Darker yolks and a good taste. The 'Nanny State' people need to be educated to the fact that 'free range' chickens are healthier.
What about the pure organic, locally sourced, farm to table six bucks a dozen eggs in whole foods, are those pasteurized? The snowflakes must be confusing themselves while thinking up ways to control everyone elses eating habits.
Not sure if I buy into conspiracies but I do believe money protects its own. I'm more inclined to think this is just another case of some "educated" person who never set foot outside an A/C office building pushing his "good ideas" on the rest of us.

Sod Buster

People DO get sick from eggs, we all know that. What we forget is that when people get sick from eggs, and they did not come through their own kitchen, a lawyer will probably get involved, and if there is a business or an organization involved, there is a likelihood that someone will have to pay.
My guess is that someone got sick from old or unsanitary eggs at a Salvation Army and now the chain wants to improve its quality control to prevent that from happening again. They don't have an easy way to verify if your eggs are safe or not, so they didn't risk using them. I wouldn't take it personally, the chain just wants to protect its customers so the chain can stay in business.
Yep we tried to give eggs to the local pantry and the said well you can bring them but we can only give them to the volunteers who work here and it is a they take them or not thing. I also give the local pantry manure for there garden/green house and they love it when we do that.
It does boil down to a conspiracy/big money thing..same thing happen to our trash..Waste Management and other big trash companies paid a lot of money to lobbyist to get a law passed that you can not burn your trash,,then that law forced us to use the big trash companies.. same thing happen with the clean water act back in 1980 Ducks Unlimited hired high priced lobbyist to pass the law the forced Farmers to provide habitat for live targets for the Duck hunters...and a Farmer can go to jail for draining a wet land..
You guys have to step outside yourselves, lose this "How dare they insult my integrity?" attitude and realize that it is not a personal attack on you and has nothing to do with which eggs are "better."

"Don't they know fresh eggs are better?" Well yes, they probably do, but they also know that they come from unregulated, and for all intents and purposes, unknown sources. They don't know you from Adam, and have no idea what kind of operation you run. For all they know you could be running the sloppiest sty of a henhouse known to man. They're not going to waste resources inspecting and tracking every little backyard henhouse; they're just going to say the eggs need to come from commercial sources where they are washed to Federal/State standards and are pasteurized.

One homeless person gets sick, and all that gratitude for the meal goes out the door. There's a line of lawyers just waiting to sink their teeth into a case like that.

What caused the problem in the first place is this attitude across both sides of the aisle that, something bad happened once. We have to do whatever we can no matter what it is or how costly it is to make sure it never ever ever happens again. There's no such thing as "it-shay appens-hay" anymore. Someone gets the poops for a couple days, gotta outlaw the poops...
A trucking company near me had a driver upset a load of frozen pizza. They tried to give them to the local school, food bank, and other organizations and no one would take them. They were still frozen. The people that worked at the trucking company stocked up and the rest went to the landfill.
It comes down to documentation. If they get eggs from just anyone there isn't documentation. If they get eggs from a supplier it's documented so if someone gets sick they know who to sue.
"Helping Deadbeats never pays " City of Dallas tried to clean up the strays living under the bridges of the interstate and such. Found out that they like living just like they are per a local news reporter interviewing them on camera. No responsibility, can do as they please, and all.
Documentation does more than identify who to sue, it also helps identify the lot numbers of a product that causes problems. That makes it much easier and much less expensive for retailers an manufactures to only pull the lots of the bad products off their shelves and recall them from consumers before as many people are made sick. That not only keeps more people from getting sick, it also heads off the possible lawsuits from those people being made sick. Currently it takes months to do that in most of the US food chain.
(quoted from post at 13:35:39 08/28/18) Helping Deadbeats never pays
Most dead beats are that way because too many people are willing to "help" them. By help I mean give them free rides. The greater danger is that after a while they come to expect it or even feel they are some how owed a ride .
Not so much this year but in years past I've had a surplus from the garden. Went as far as to inquire at the food shelf about donating. What I seen is one or two people hoard it all and the rest don't get any. Even worse it usualy rots away in said hoarders cupboard. Although last time I walked by there they had a big sign on the "store front" right next to the door. " These products are purchased or donated, PLEASE TAKE ONLY WHAT YOU CAN USE!!". I guess I'm not the only person who has seen it.

Sod Buster

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