My son got his first paycheck!


Well-known Member
My 16 yo got his first real paycheck for farm labor. Wasn't a lot of money in the grand scheme, but it was a lot to him. He's saving for an ATV. There are still good kids out there!
Growing up i never really got a pay check but I
always had gas in the truck a good horse to ride
and had money for something if I needed it . Also
the use of the tractors and implements to do what I
wanted to make a little money . Also had a couple
cows in the herd
My first pay check was when I was 13 years old. That would have been 70 years ago.

I picked up ears of corn behind a corn picker for 35 cents per hour.
The pay check for doing chores was when dad sold hogs there might be one sold in my name. The only ATV was a horse.
Good for him, Bret. It sounds like you've got a good young man growing up in your house.

My first paying job was when I was about 11 or 12 years old. Northeastern Ohio used to be big potato country. The mechanical potato digger would scoop down under the plants and turn up the dirt and the potatoes out of the ground. Then people would walk the rows and scoop the potatoes out of the loose dirt and put them into bushel baskets. Each person had a set of numbered cards that we'd put into the basket after it was full and leave it in the field. The men would pick up the baskets and haul them to the storage barn. A pay master would count the cards and pay us a few cents for each bushel basket that we had filled.

Of all things, the farmer required that everyone doing the work have a Social Security card, so I got a card. I still use that same Social Security number. Oh yeah, I'm now 74 years old.

Tom in TN
It's not fun and exciting but if you want you can open a Roth IRA for him. When he gets old it would be a tidy sum.
Good for him. It may not be a lot of money
in the grand scheme but it's important
money in the grand scheme. Sounds like
he's working a plan.
That is great that he earned money. The really fun time is when they get their first "official" pay check and learn about deductions!!! LOL That turns them more conservative real quick. LOL
Raised on a dairy farm me and my brother got to bring 5000 to 6000 bales of hay during the summer in our teen years. We had no adult help.We were the upper management. We went out and hired help at $1.00 per hour. We were pay a set pay.One day we got to adding up our summer hours. Guess what we were making .25 per hour and hiring help for 1.00 pere hour.It was not hard to get help for $1.00. Today you can not find any body to do hard work.
Probably 25 years ago, grandpa was driving a tandem for a guy with a cook sheller. One day I got to ride along. In between loads to the river
grandpa got out and helped rake corn outa the crib so I did too. At the end of the day the farmer gave me a $20 bill. The guy with the sheller
told grandpa to bring me the next day. The second day I got a check from the guy with the sheller for $40, that was my first paycheck. I?m 36
now and self employed, don?t believ I?ve received a paycheck in a while, sure miss the good old days!
I worked for a neighbor who had registered Angus cattle every summer through high school, about 55 years ago. I'd draw part of my pay, but leave some with him over the summer, and by the end of summer I'd have enough money to buy a yearling heifer or two. He'd give me pick of the heifers (and he'd help pick them), with papers, for the price for that weight class at the local auction. I had about 15 head by the time I finished high school- they helped earn me a State Farmer degree in FFA, as well as a state office, and they paid for a good part of my college to boot. RIP Bob Thomsen, the best boss I ever had.

Good for you Bret! You are an exceptional father! I don't remember much for details except that I didn't enjoy it. I went and picked beans on a vegetable farm when I was 13. My son I'm pretty sure was 14 when He went to work on a vegetable farm. He thought that he was going to be waiting on customers at the farm stand but he was sent out in the early morning with the corn picking crew, LOL. He ran the filled bushel baskets to the wagon for the guys picking. It was hard work for a 14 year old, but he stuck with it until school started.
(quoted from post at 21:31:59 08/26/18) That is great that he earned money. The really fun time is when they get their first "official" pay check and learn about deductions!!! LOL That turns them more conservative real quick. LOL

Yeah, funny how that works, isn't it?
I am proud when I see or hear about today's
youth with those who are willing to work to
earn a paycheck. My oldest daughter has a
work ethic. The past two summers she
worked 3 part time jobs to save up some
money for the coming time spent in college.
She will have her RN certificate this next
spring when she graduated and will have a
full time job waiting for her after
graduation. Not many kids would do that,
but she worked 60 to 70 hours a week last
year during the summer. She backed off to
two jobs this summer and goes back to class
next week. I was amazed and impressed with
her earnings the past 2 years when I
provided her documents for our tax
preparer. I admire and respect those
willing to work. That will serve them well
in the workplace.
I am proud when I see or hear about today's
youth with those who are willing to work to
earn a paycheck. My oldest daughter has a
work ethic. The past two summers she
worked 3 part time jobs to save up some
money for the coming time spent in college.
She will have her RN certificate this next
spring when she graduated and will have a
full time job waiting for her after
graduation. Not many kids would do that,
but she worked 60 to 70 hours a week last
year during the summer. She backed off to
two jobs this summer and goes back to class
next week. I was amazed and impressed with
her earnings the past 2 years when I
provided her documents for our tax
preparer. I admire and respect those
willing to work. That will serve them well
in the workplace.
That?s great! My youngest son13, has been
working seasonally at a local greenhouse. Asked
me two years ago to see if they needed any help
which I did and he got hired. His mother makes him
bank 50%. The rest he saves on his own.


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