What's worse than poison ivy?

Whats worse than poison ivy - the giant hog week being found around our state. It is an invasive specie, looks like a wild carrot on steroids and the sap from it can actually damage your skin permanently. It makes poison ivy look like something could look forward to.
Several days ago, a friend of mine got into some weeds of some kind and his eyes swelled halfway shut. He would up in the ER at the local hospital. He still isn't straightened out.
I knew an old man who told me he used to make home made beer. His wife couldn't get him to stop so she poured Epsom salts in the stash. Once things started to happen he figured that the beer would help firm up the situation lol I guess they got quite a laugh when she confessed the secret ingredient.
Got poison ivy on Monday (working on the big mower)... Can't imagine getting stung on top of it. Part of me wants to try sandpaper on the blisters already. :oops:
My place is full of poison oak which is worse than poison ivy. I don't run the weed eater in areas of my property that has it. I also don't cut down any trees in summer. Have to have heavy long sleeve shirts and gloves before I will run the chain saw.
Sting along with Itch.....now just follow the bouncing ball. Do ya'll remember that program? (Sing along with Mitch, for you younger folks)
I got into some Elephant Ears 2 summers ago, the sap really got to me. A friend brought me some Goat Milk Soap that they made. It really helped stop the itching. Inflamed Piles (Hemorrhoids) can be a great competitor in this category as well. Don't ask me how I know. Dsmythe
Don't know how we got so lucky in the Pacific Northwest. No poison ivy, oak or sumac, no poisonous snakes (or poisonous anything, for that matter), no hurricanes, tornados, pestilence or plague. Not even many stickery plants. We got yellowjackets and hornets, and nettles, and that's about it.
get a goat they love poison ivy got 3 cleaned out 4 acres of it in a week ate the roots never came back. bad luck huh
Can you train goats to eat just poison ivy and not the Boss's flowers?
If you can I'll like to rent one.
Very easy to fix. Take a paper towel and fold it into 4. You need only 4 or 5 drops of Cloxox. Then a TINY splash of warm water. Just enough to moisten the towel. Wash itching parts. Almost instant relief. Kills the bacteria and molds that are eating on your stuff. Give it a try!
They are similar but not the same. I believe the Hogweed is considered an invasive species. Wild parsnip has gotten alot more prevalent around here the last 5-6 years as our County hiway dept doesnt mow the roadsides regularly anymore and it allow the weeds to go to seed .Wild parsnip seems to do well on the roadsides and spreads from there. Both can have the same effect - the sap will cause blisters and peeling of skin and can damage your eyes.I guess the hog weed is a much larger and more potent threat but wild parsnip is bad enough.
Poison Hemlock. Its moving across the state. According to the DNR a drop of sap in a cut and your dead. Get the roundup on it before it gets 6" tall. Don't forget about it, 1-2 weeks later you will need to respray to kill the new plants that hadn't sprouted when you sprays the first time. I have wound up spraying patches 6 times.
Normally I'd agree with you ... but it's been a long hot dry few months. This appears to be the new normal trend. Lots of forest fires in the PNW , very hot hazy and smokey in the last 3 weeks, reminds me of California's in the 80s when we went down.

We still do not have any dangerous creapy crawlies. A few bear and cougars but if you stay away from the bars at closing they generally are looking for the young ones anyway. 😉 I'm 46 so they don't bother me.
Have a good weekend all. Grant

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