Back to normal..

big tee

Well-known Member
Yesterday we were experts on the second amendment and today we are back to normal----Tee
After watching all of this I am afraid my ARs might come shoot me! It's the guns that do it not a person, right?
(quoted from post at 10:37:14 03/25/18) Am I safe? I don't have any ARs, will my M1 or 12 gage get me?

I don't think so cause they said it on my TV this morning and we all know that's gotta be true!!

I'm think my 22 is looking at me funny.
That's a good one! Sad to see the anti-gun people using the kids as a weapon. Saw on the news this am a school supt. in Pa. was arming his classrooms with rocks. I thought at first it was a joke, but he was serious. He said each classroom would be supplied with river rocks so if something happen they could throw rocks at the bad person! You can't make this stuff up!!
What's normal? If as much of the work from the school kids, on the gun issue were put into teed deaths from drunk driving' it may actually do some good.
from the internet:
70 % of teens admit to drinking and driving
every 15 minutes a teen will die from driving while drinking
60% of all teen deaths are alcohol related.
The only thing about the school shooting, those kids didn't have choice. Which is very sad. Stan
(quoted from post at 21:41:04 03/25/18)
The only thing about the school shooting, those kids didn't have choice. Which is very sad. Stan

How about all those innocent kids that are regularly caught in the cross fire in the big cities like Detroit and Chicago?

I think Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the country!
I actually saw an article the other night where one school was suggesting they have a bucket of rocks in the classroom just in case they needed them against an attacker. Funny how anyone thinks this will work when the MSM told them the other night that you couldn't take down a man with a rifle with a pistol.......because the rifle bullet traveled faster than the pistol bullet.
When I see statements like this that are apparently intended to be shocking, I have to stop and take them with a grain of salt.

In the first place, if a teen dies every 15 minutes from drinking and driving, how could we even have any of them left? DO THE MATH!!!

According to that statement, doing the math, over 35,000 teens die every year from drinking and driving. Now, given that our average number of highway deaths are around 40,000 to 45,000 per year, that would mean that over 80 per cent of highway deaths are teens drinking and driving. Is this believable?

Sorry, I call BS on this one. The numbers indicate differently.
Any of you see the interview where one of these kids had a fit over clear back packs? So according to these kids we can't have see through back packs because that *might* violate his 4th amendemnt rights but lets take away the 2nd amendment rights of millions who have done nothing. Add the fact that clear back packs might actualy make sence. Great logic there. Actauly I'm pretty sure the 4th does not apply to school campuses. They can search locketc, Desks, etc.
(quoted from post at 13:03:01 03/25/18) That's a good one! Sad to see the anti-gun people using the kids as a weapon. Saw on the news this am a school supt. in Pa. was arming his classrooms with rocks. I thought at first it was a joke, but he was serious. He said each classroom would be supplied with river rocks so if something happen they could throw rocks at the bad person! You can't make this stuff up!!

In reality, it is called "exploitation of minors". If that is not illegal, for sure it is immoral.
(quoted from post at 11:36:31 03/26/18) The fourth amendment is a dead issue .It does not exist .Ever watch Cops ? It does not apply anywhere.
Well that may be, but it is even less important on a school campus. Its amusing that these kids act very differently when confronted by something that affects them( backpacks) then they re-act to something they are not even old enough to buy and thus affects them little if any( firearms)
Sod Buster

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