Great New Tax Idea


Well-known Member
I just read one of those "letters to the editor" that appeared in the on line edition of a local paper. The writer of the letter has an idea that we should begin to tax meat, eggs and milk. It seems, according to the person who drafted the letter that it will be good for the publics health as it will reduce consumption and therefore obesity, high cholesterol, heart and kidney disease. It would save millions of animals from slaughter and inhumane conditions such as chickens endure in those small cages and cows being locked in stantions for most of their lives.

The writer suggests that we should exist on plants alone and not eat any animal parts including milk and eggs. He supports his argument by comparing the tax on alchohol and tobacco which is desighned to control their use and thus reduce health problems related to use of these products. He also included sugary drinks as a product that is now being taxed in some cities.

So what do you think, does he have a great idea or not?
I'm glad for those that don't eat meat. Leaves more t-Bones and pork chops for me. Really, I could care less if they want to eat plants, leaves, sticks, or dog ssss just don't force me to do the same.
I suppose those millions of animals should be turned loose to fend for themselves. We could then use the tax money to feed them. I don't know how some people manage to tie their shoes.
I think they should just tax people that come up with ideas like that. There are so many of these idiots around that should put the country in the black.
Usually its not the meat that causes people to be obese. Its processed grains and refined sugar (you know those non-meat foods) that cause obesity.

As for animals - like Rush said about the Cecil the lion, if you want more lions - make them taste good.
People like that also don't want fracking (for oil ) yet drive a pickup truck . I asked about the truck and he said I simply cannot afford a electric vehicle . I asked if he knew where the electricity comes from for the recharge and he maintained it was clean. Well what about the plastic components and the rubber tiers. How was the steel smelted etc. He just walked away . Other than being a dreamer he was a good person other wise and liked animals -- had 3 horses- 7 cats-- 5 ferrets- 4 dogs- a rabbit . Made a good neighbor.
I have a nice and nephew "on wife's side", HeHe who live in Arizona who recently subscribed to that life style. Last year they called us and sent letters to us asking for money to travel to some forgotten nation and save the starving.
If people quit raising all that stuff they wouldn't earn enough to buy tractors cars or anything else. They wouldn't even earn enough to pay taxes , or vegetables.
The guys nuts! Ed Will Oliver BC
nut cases like that should go live somewhere far far away or the space station as they are already spaced out i think all they have is dried food.
Brendon, you can read his letter on the " North Country Now" website. Some college instructor or student at Potsdam SUNY I believe.
We must of had the same letter writer here in northern CA (Crazy America), but that is to be expected. I saw a car in a parking lot with a sticker that said, "Carbon Tax Me." You would think if they thought their car was the problem, they would not have driven it let alone to a strip mall and all its indulgences. These same people who scream to tax things they dislike believe it will alter people's behavior yet claim high taxes on the wealthy will not alter their behavior. I do not think it works on one and not the other. I guess you can think that way when you haven't a clue how anything works or where anything comes from.
Fat people come from eating more calories than you burn. It isn't a matter of what kind of food , just too much food for the level of caloric burn. Instead of taxing food , so people won't buy more than they should. Stop providing farmers with subsidies , tax breaks , and grants, and let the price of food increase. If anyone was really worried about people being too fat, just let them start to pay the true cost of the food. When food is expensive people eat less. And to support this theory , just look at some pictures from the 1920's and 30's. Hard to find fat folks in those snap shots, and they where eating the same food then as we do now, when they could get it , and worked a darn sight harder too. The fella who wrote the original letter is just a vegan jerk on a mission. Bruce
Those kind of people should just quit eating because apparently food is bad for your health..
Bruce ....... eating the same stuff we are eating today? Hmmmm, not sure about that. Drop in for a double cheeseburger with fries back in the dirty 30's? A little tailgating party with lots of cold beer, greasy burgers and ribs before the football game on Sunday? I don't think so. Pick up a dozen jam-filled donuts and take them to the lunch room at work for coffee break? I would say eating habits have totally changed, not only the amount eaten but what is eaten.
My old City born and raised college roommate from Waterloo ia just can't see why we farmers don't have a big garden and peddle the goods to folks in town. He claims his small farmer buddy from just south of Waterloo makes big money selling veggies at farmers markets. I have tried to explain the food distribution system and how veggies are perrishable and the peculiarities of our Midwestern climate and weather but he just doesn't get it and never will. We probably have 150 million other people in the us who think the same way as him.
How about taxing the "Super Size" fast food meals. The growth of fast food is pretty much the cause of the obesity problem in this country. I saw a graphic that showed the growth of the fast food industry and the increase of obesity over the last 30 years. It was scary. As has been mentioned, if you look at pictures from the 50's and early 60's there were no over weight people. When I was a kid if you were over weight you had a thyroid problem... There a lots of people now that think the evening meal and I mean every evening should be a huge burger with super sized fries. My son had a girl friend like that for a while. Just one more of my rants.....

I've run into another nutcase like this- my doctor. He's the second doctor I've had that has gone vegan in the past 5 years. I left the first guy because of it. I t gets worse... the lab receptionist there thinks the whole world is going to hell because of roundup.

Anyway, my doctor has posted a bunch of crap on his facebook page- he apparently spends more time there than in the clinic- and I responded to it. I kept it civil and scientific . He wasn't happy! But here's the deal, he also goes to my church, and my kids attend the school attached to that church. I got a lot of positive comments off my response to his post at the a few of the last 8th grade basketball games- I was not expecting that!

Respond to the guy's letter. I was glad I did.
(quoted from post at 20:40:18 12/26/17) Bruce ....... eating the same stuff we are eating today? Hmmmm, not sure about that. Drop in for a double cheeseburger with fries back in the dirty 30's? A little tailgating party with lots of cold beer, greasy burgers and ribs before the football game on Sunday? I don't think so. Pick up a dozen jam-filled donuts and take them to the lunch room at work for coffee break? I would say eating habits have totally changed, not only the amount eaten but what is eaten.
lower, meat, barley, sugar...all the same foods, just differ in preparation.
(quoted from post at 21:42:42 12/26/17) How about taxing the "Super Size" fast food meals. The growth of fast food is pretty much the cause of the obesity problem in this country. I saw a graphic that showed the growth of the fast food industry and the increase of obesity over the last 30 years. It was scary. As has been mentioned, if you look at pictures from the 50's and early 60's there were no over weight people. When I was a kid if you were over weight you had a thyroid problem... There a lots of people now that think the evening meal and I mean every evening should be a huge burger with super sized fries. My son had a girl friend like that for a while. Just one more of my rants.....

recent article claimed that NAFTA was to blame for obese Mexicans, as NAFTA resulted in an explosion of American fast food joints south of the border & Mexicans can't consume enough of it.
You think the same as me Bruce, but I'll add that greasy, fatty foods are hard on a body, internally and externally.

A century ago those people worked harder, physically. Ate lard sandwiches, cuz that"s what they could afford, but worked it off with real physical labor. Ever shocked grain, pitched bundles, cleaned the barn by hand, shoveled corn, etc? For decades, capital has replaced labor. Same with factory jobs. Very little hard labor. Ever go thru a tractor mfg plant? Components are moved by electric hoists...not people.
Very true. I lost 40 lbs in two or three months last year with a high protein diet. The carbohydrates is what puts on the weight.
Wouldn?t bother me if they taxed fast food out of business it?s all junk and an hour after you eat your hungry again which is probably why people are so fat and I wish people would stop calling it obese it?s fat F A T Now I?m as fast as anybody and I eat more junk than I should and that?s why If a person took the time to cook an actual hamburger or small steak I think he?d be a lot better off . Have ya ever seen how much added sugar they put in a hamburger patty at fast food restaurant ? All that fast food junk makes me sick one way or another
(quoted from post at 17:45:27 12/26/17) If the food cost what it's true cost to produce , it would be too expensive to over consume.

The government would just pay the extra cost.....more $$$ out of our pockets.
(quoted from post at 19:48:48 12/26/17) I'll bet he's fun to live with. If he has kids they will grow up like him. What a waste of humanity. Stan

Not true, sister in law is like that. Even had the brother in law on the vegan diet for a couple of years. Their 4 kids sneak meat at family gatherings and once old enough to be out with friends and such can't get enough of fast food!

Around here it is the beef industry to
blame for obesity, Why? because it
is full of water , overpriced, ground
fresh daily from near spoiled other
cuts , and again it?s so expensive,
that very few familys can buy it.
So they end up buying carbs.
So just wanted to know how
McDonalds keeps those paper thin
hamburgers together? Is it glued?
I've herd of taxing high calorie fructose corn syrup used to sweeten soft drinks, never meat eggs or milk.
If all the world went veggie, we would starve. Simple. Think about all the vast areas of the world where the ONLY food that can be produced in on 4 legs - most of New Zealand, most of Scotland and Wales, vast areas of Australia and I'm sure the Americas and others. Go tell him to live on a diet of heather, tussock grass and bushes and see how he gets on!
(quoted from post at 20:00:49 12/26/17) I just read one of those "letters to the editor" that appeared in the on line edition of a local paper. The writer of the letter has an idea that we should begin to tax meat, eggs and milk. It seems, according to the person who drafted the letter that it will be good for the publics health as it will reduce consumption and therefore obesity, high cholesterol, heart and kidney disease. It would save millions of animals from slaughter and inhumane conditions such as chickens endure in those small cages and cows being locked in stantions for most of their lives.

The writer suggests that we should exist on plants alone and not eat any animal parts including milk and eggs. He supports his argument by comparing the tax on alchohol and tobacco which is desighned to control their use and thus reduce health problems related to use of these products. He also included sugary drinks as a product that is now being taxed in some cities.

So what do you think, does he have a great idea or not?

That's the college kid that writes at least one letter a week trashing anyone that doesn't think exactly like he does Harv. Typical know it all Potsdam or Clarkson genius millennial that thinks he has all the answers and should go to college for free and then walk directly into a 6 figure income.
Blame the voters they're the ones that were stupid enough to let the folks in power get Punishment Taxes going in the first place pretty much started with cigarettes and alcohol and has spread like the disease it is and just like all diseases what goes around comes around.If you support a tax against something you don't like sooner or later a tax will come around
against something you do like and the Gov't has extracted money from both sides.
"[b:654c4848f0][i:654c4848f0]Where in the sam hell do they find these people?[/i:654c4848f0][/b:654c4848f0]"

Austin, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, etc.
If people quit raising all that stuff they wouldn't earn enough to buy tractors cars or anything else. They wouldn't even earn enough to pay taxes , or vegetables.
The guys nuts! Ed Will Oliver BC
I had a vegetarian burger once. I was greatly disappointed... it turns out they don't really make them out of vegetarians
(quoted from post at 11:28:56 12/27/17) "[b:5effd1a9c4][i:5effd1a9c4]Where in the sam hell do they find these people?[/i:5effd1a9c4][/b:5effd1a9c4]"

Austin, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, etc.

In this case Potsdam NY at one of the colleges there.
(quoted from post at 12:20:01 12/29/17)
The writer of the letter is just desperate for attention and a feeling of self worth. .

The writer is an "activist" trying to force the rest of the world into thinking exactly the same as he does because he's smarter than anyone else!!! A few years back I had a female version of this kid tell me, and I quote, "You hicks need to stop burning wood and learn to reach over and twist the dial on the thermostat." in response to a discussion on our choices in economical home heating.

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